

December 26, 2010 by · Comments Off on Ncdot 

Ncdot, NCDOT Management System passenger information (TIMS)
Real-time information on events that cause severe and unusual congestion on NCDOT maintained roadways in North Carolina.

The North Carolina Department of Transportation is to help motorists save time and money by suspending most road construction activities on major routes across the state. Avoiding traffic delays, motorists can reach their destination more quickly while reducing its fuel consumption and costs.

Most construction projects on the highway, NC and U.S. routes will be suspended from 16 pm on December 17 at 9 am Jan. 4, with four exceptions:

• 17 companies in Jacksonville (Onslow County) are reduced to two lanes, two-way traffic on the bridge Buddy Phillips over the New River for the construction of a new bridge;

• 17-Windsor (Bertie County) is reduced to one lane on the bridge over the river Cashie due to construction. Traffic is controlled by signals, but commercial trucks are restricted on this road;

• I-40 in Greensboro (Guilford County) is reduced to two lanes in both directions between Wendover Avenue (exit 214) and Guilford College Road (exit 213) for the construction of bridges;

• I-73 in Greensboro is reduced to four lanes near Wendover Avenue (exit 102) for bridge construction.

Forecasters are calling for continued cold snow / ice conditions during this period. The NCDOT encourages drivers cope with such conditions to follow these important safety tips:

• Clear windows and mirrors.

• Reduce speed and leave enough space between you and other vehicles.

• Bridges and overpasses accumulate ice first. Approached with extreme caution and • apply the brakes while on deck.

• If you start to slide, take your foot off the accelerator and turn the steering wheel in the direction of the slide. Do not apply the brakes causing further loss of control of the car.

• If you have a cell phone, take it with you in an emergency you can contact the Highway Patrol statewide by calling HP (* 47) or call the emergency center of the county at 911.

• Come to a complete stop or yield right of way when approaching an intersection where traffic signals. Treat this scenario as a four-way stop.


December 13, 2010 by · Comments Off on TDOT CAMERAS 

TDOT CAMERAS, TDOT Going to install the more cams on roads, Accident arose in the mid-state as rain fell for several hours during the night and all day Tuesday. TDOT said the steady stream of rain can cause puddling, which is puddles on the highway. The reasons for the rising waters can vary from drainage problems to the problems of the road. TDOT and said they are making sure they identify and address trouble spots.

Jim Lott with AAA said driving too fast and too close to the beginning of most accidents in the water, even causing hydroplaning.

“Your driving ability will be affected, your braking ability will be affected and more things can happen,” said Lott.

To monitor traffic and identify problems affecting traffic, TDOT has 83 cameras. After the first year, they plan to have nearly 150.

Tdot Road Conditions

May 2, 2010 by · Comments Off on Tdot Road Conditions 

Tdot Road ConditionsTdot Road Conditions:In its first full day of its reopening after the rock fall last October, tens of thousands of cars rolling again on I-40 from eastern Tennessee, North Carolina.

While the closure of Interstate create major headaches for drivers and financial devastation for local businesses, may have been a glimmer of hope for construction equipment.

TDOT was able to wrap several repairs scheduled early due to lack of traffic. Normally, repairs will have created miles of traffic congestion and cost the state more money.

“After the collapse of rock, changed the schedule for a lot of routine maintenance activities,” said Steve Borden, TDOT Region of a director. “Those are things that probably would have made later in the year in the summer. With us you can work the months when there was no traffic, it was safer for our workers and did the work faster.”

The construction of roads without traffic is also cheaper for the state. Traffic control for general maintenance, costing the state an estimated $ 575 per day.

“We were able to make some rejuvenation. Drivers will also notice the highway is much cleaner. We cut back the trees that would normally present a danger,” said Borden.

TDOT also was able to stabilize the various points rockslides problems and install safety measures.

“There are new fences and rock catchment rock bolting to hold those areas instead. Some areas have new drapes to keep the material that falls into the road,” said Borden.

Borden said TDOT improvements near Interstate upgrades and maintenance will be around five bridges near the border of North Carolina.

“We would have loved to get the bridges is performed when there was no traffic, but the way the budget works could not get any before the planned projects. Let’s start working on bridges this summer and stay away from any lane closures until 15 August, “said Borden.
