
Wikileaks TV Show

January 25, 2012 by · Comments Off on Wikileaks TV Show 

Wikileaks TV ShowWikileaks TV Show, Controversial WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is getting into the television game. Assange, who has made headlines with his disclosure of government secrets along with allegations of sexual misconduct, will host a TV series comprising “in-depth conversations with key political players, thinkers and revolutionaries from around the world,” WikiLeaks said late Monday.

The title of the series has not been announced yet, but the theme will be “the world tomorrow.”

The series — which is scheduled to premiere in mid-March — “will draw together controversial voices from across the political spectrum — iconoclasts, visionaries and power insiders — each to offer a window on the world tomorrow and their ideas on how to secure a brighter future,” WikiLeaks said.

“Are we heading towards utopia, or dystopia and how we can set our paths?” Assange said of the questions to be raised by the show. “This is an exciting opportunity to discuss the vision of my guests in a new style of show that examines their philosophies and struggles in a deeper and clearer way than has been done before.”

Presumably, plenty of spoilers will be issued by WikiLeaks prior to the show’s run.

Wikileaks Website

November 28, 2010 by · Comments Off on Wikileaks Website 

Wikileaks Website, (AP) – The online website WikiLeaks says it will go ahead with the release of hundreds of thousands of classified State Department documents in defiance of U.S. demands not to publish the files.

The WikiLeaks website appeared to be inaccessible, and WikiLeaks said in its Twitter feed that it was experiencing a denial of service attack. Nevertheless, WikiLeaks said that publications in the U.S. and Europe would print the leaked diplomatic cables even if it could not.

The group’s founder, Julian Assange, also tells the U.S. ambassador to Britain that WikiLeaks won’t bow to Washington’s demands.

The Obama administration has been bracing for the release for the past week. Top officials have notified allies that the contents of the diplomatic cables could prove embarrassing because they contain candid assessments of foreign leaders.

Copyright © 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Wiki Leaks

October 23, 2010 by · Comments Off on Wiki Leaks 

Wiki Leaks, -Self-proclaimed whistleblower Wikileaks website announced on Saturday that 15,000 more soon release secret documents war in Afghanistan. The announcement came just a day after the group has released about 400,000 documents from the war in Iraq.

391,831 Wikileaks called secret Defense Department documents released last week “the biggest leak of classified military history.”

The group has published more than 77,000 U.S. intelligence reports on the war in Afghanistan in July, but these additional files in Afghanistan were held for sensitive content.

Kristinn Hrafnsson Wikileaks, told reporters on Saturday in London that the documents had already been fully reviewed for release and will be published shortly. He said the documents Afghans have been modified to hide the names of people and do not contain information that could be harmful to individuals. ”

Wikileaks said in a press release reporting its latest version described the Iraq war “as seen and heard by U.S. troops” from January 1, 2004 until December 31, 2009.

Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell, called their publication “regrettable” and said he is concerned about “damage could come to our forces.”

According to Wikileaks, the documents include previously undisclosed number of Iraqi civilian deaths, recorded more than 300 reports of coalition forces commit acts of torture and abuse of detainees, the accounts of the invasion of Iran in the war and had information suggesting that 691 Iraqi civilians killed at checkpoints U.S. military.

It says the analysis by the independent Iraq Body Count indicates the records contain 15,000 civilian deaths that have not been previously disclosed publicly. Detailed reports 109,032 deaths in Iraq for six years, including 66,081 identified as civilians.

A working group of 120 analysts in the Defense Department reviewed the documents ahead of time, considering everything he thought WikiLeaks may have had access to the interior of the “Iraq meaningful activity” reports.

The Pentagon says these reports are similar to the 70,000 documents released by WikiLeaks Afghan war this summer, but this time on a much larger scale. Like last time, Morrell said, the locals who worked with the U.S. military are at risk of dying after their names made public. He said thousands of names would be revealed, and the Pentagon has begun to reach some 300 Iraqis who feel most at risk.

Wikileaks says that he wrote the names and got no help for it from the Pentagon.

Anyway, Morrell said, the enemy will try to take advantage of these files.

“Remember that following the leak of documents Afghans in July, our enemy has stated publicly that they would extract this information and seek ways that could take advantage of it and find vulnerabilities and exploit them,” Morrell said in an interview with Fox ago Friday. “Our intelligence behind it. This loss is potentially four times as large as the last.”

The documents also shed new light on the role Iran of helping militants and allegations of detainee abuse by Iraqi security forces, apparently without objection from the U.S.

NATO chief, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, is described as a statement of the document as “a very unfortunate situation.”

“I can not comment on details of the exact impact on safety, but in general I can say that such leaks … can have a negative impact to the safety of people involved,” he told reporters before Friday in Berlin after a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

earlier version Wikileaks’ document in July of the secret war in Iraq and Afghanistan shocked the Pentagon, he accused the group of being irresponsible. Fogh Rasmussen, said Friday that leaks of this nature can put soldiers and civilians at risk. ”

It seems that the fears – that the military has relied on its appeal to WikiLeaks and the media to publish the documents – have yet to materialize. Pentagon a letter obtained by The Associated Press reported that no U.S. intelligence sources or practices were committed by the Afghan war records’ disclosure.

However, the military feels a release classified documents could harm national security and increase people’s fears that it could consider cooperation with the U.S. in the future, “said Lapan.

Ryan Crocker, U.S. ambassador in Iraq from 2007-08, said the revelations would be more worrying if the U.S. it remains fully committed to combat in Iraq – but still sees it as a major problem.

“I really would be concerned if – as seems the case – Iraqi political figures have been mentioned in a context or a connection that can be done politically and physically vulnerable to its enemies,” he said at a conference Friday at the Center for Strategic Studies and International in Washington.

“That has a totally negative effect on the willingness of political figures to talk to us – not only in Iraq but anywhere in the world,” he said.

Fox News Justin Fishel and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Wikileaks Website

October 23, 2010 by · Comments Off on Wikileaks Website 

Wikileaks Website, The web site is believed to be complaining about to release hundreds of thousands of U.S. military records in the Iraq war.

NATO chief, Anders Fogh Rasmussen said the leak could have “very negative security implications.”

A spokesman for U.S. defense said the documents in question “significant activities”, reported by units.

The Pentagon has formed a team of over 100 analysts to prepare for the release of the documents, which were expected later on Friday.

A spokesman for the U.S. Department of Defense said that the “theft” of documents should be returned to avoid potentially damaging information being released.

“By revealing such sensitive information, Wikileaks continues to put at risk the lives of our troops, coalition partners and Iraqis and Afghans working with us,” said spokesman Geoff Morrell.

He said the documents were “essentially snapshots of events, both tragic and the mundane, and not tell the whole story.

“That said, the period covered by these reports has been well reported in the news, books and movies and the publication of these reports from the field does not bring a new understanding of Iraq’s past.”

He added: “However, does not expose the secret information that could make our troops more vulnerable to future attacks.”

Wikileaks web site is currently down for “scheduled maintenance”, but promised in his Twitter an “important announcement in Europe” on Saturday morning.

Speaking earlier on Friday, the NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said the “flight can put soldiers and civilians in danger.”

Wikileaks has angered the U.S. government and military to launch in July of more than 70,000 secret documents on the war in Afghanistan.

Military officials warned at the time of the leak could lead to the deaths of U.S. soldiers and Afghan civilians because some of the documents containing the names of locals who had helped the coalition forces.

But the U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said in a letter to the head of the Armed Services Committee Senate that the leak had not revealed any “sensitive intelligence sources or methods.”

There have been fears such leaks can damage U.S. intelligence sharing with other nations as well as intelligence sharing among U.S. agencies.

The investigation into the leak of Afghanistan has focused on Bradley Manning, a U.S. Army intelligence analyst who is in custody and has been responsible for providing Wikileaks classifieds with a video of a U.S. helicopter attack in Iraq in 2007 in which a dozen people were killed.

Wikileaks Afghanistan

July 26, 2010 by · Comments Off on Wikileaks Afghanistan 


Wikileaks Afghanistan

Wikileaks Afghanistan

Wikileaks Afghanistan, Wikileaks has published more than 90,000 U.S. military and diplomatic reports about the war in Afghanistan, but they reveal more than we know?

The site “whistle-blower, founder, Julian Assange says the military’s own site contains raw data about the war, including numbers of deaths, injuries and reports of threat.

On Monday, the newspaper said The Beast: The long version of thousands of secret files and unsustainable shows basic contradictions in U.S. policy, said Leslie H. Gelb, and underscores why the administration needs to reconsider its policy of Af-Pak.

Leslie H. Gelb wrote in his opinion column in The Daily Beast: What does the secret documents released by Wikileaks tell us about U.S. politics to Afghanistan and Pakistan? You have to say immediately that tells us nothing important that did not already know. There has been “informed” of years stories detailing how the Pakistani military intelligence has been providing weapons, money and intelligence to the Afghan Taliban, which in turn have been killing American soldiers.

What is Wikileaks?
Wikileaks is a nonprofit site that publishes and comments on leaked documents that support the government and corporate misconduct. Founded in December 2006, Wikileaks has been exposed to information such as internal notes on the dumping of toxic materials from the African coast, and the manual for U.S. troops to operate from its prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The Wikileaks site is in any case, getting a massive amount of attention since the publication of the war in Afghanistan, reports the Sunday.

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