
Prejean S3xtape Video Download | usspost

November 12, 2009 by · Comments Off on Prejean S3xtape Video Download | usspost 

The Carrie Prejean s3x tape video is in great demand on the web. The mischief started when the lawyers revealed that they have the video of Carrie which is highly offensive. The lawyer was defending his client “Miss California Pageant” authorities who had been sued by Prejean Carrie on charges of psychological torture and favoritism when the pageant authorities “dethroned” her from the title of Miss California.

The authorities had taken away the title of Miss California on the ground that she had been involved in pornography. Secondly, she made the statement against the homos3xuality that only men and women are meant for each other. After her title was taken away, she sued the Miss California Pageant authorities for one million-dollar damages on the grounds mentioned above.

The defense lawyers then produced the offensive tape which was, according to them, highly offensive. It was reported that the tape contained highly offensive material despite the fact it contained the scenes of Carrie alone and no other. As soon as the lawyers produced the video in the court, Carrie has withdrawn his suit. Due to this very nature of the video tape, some resources are telling that the video has not been released but it has stimulated the demand of the tape on the web to an extraordinary extent.

The search engines are over-burdened with the requests for Carrie Prejean s3x video tape. But there are claims by some website of having the video tape which is ready for downloads.



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Watch Carrie Prejean s3xtape and Video

November 12, 2009 by · Comments Off on Watch Carrie Prejean s3xtape and Video 

November 10: Prejean s3xtape has stormed the cyber world like never before. It is among the most sought after video on the net and there are indications that it is not going to lose its charm anytime soon.

Despite her denials and rebuttals she had to finally concede that it was hers and that it was the handiwork of people who want to keep under check and gag her.

Carrie Prejean first came to the limelight when four years ago at the age of eighteen she competed in the Miss California Teen USA pageant and placed first runner-up to Stephanie Brink.

Two years later she competed in the Miss California USA 2008 pageant and initially placed third runner-up; later a judging error was discovered and she was promoted to first runner-up.

Prejean returned the following year and won the Miss California USA 2009 title, succeeding Raquel Beezley as California’s representative to the Miss USA pageant. Prejean competed at the nationally televised Miss USA 2009 pageant in Las Vegas, Nevada on April 19, 2009, and placed first runner-up.

Prejean’s answer to her final question during the pageant became the subject of controversy.

Meanwhile she has said that there are people who want to gag her voice and destroy her career and image.

Prejean S3xtape Video Download

November 12, 2009 by · Comments Off on Prejean S3xtape Video Download 

November 12: Watch Carrie Prejean s3xtape video and Carrie Prejean video download, torrent, pictures. Carrie Prejean who once cited her religiosity for answering that the same s3x marriage should be banned and that she has been brought up to believe in the Christian family ethos is in news for all the wrong reasons. Now this very beauty queen is being bombarded about why her Christian faith allows her to flaunt her body in a video s3x tape.

This must be horrible for many to know that a person they loved to be upholder of traditional religious ethos is in news for something that she now describes as her biggest mistake.

Meanwhile her s3x tape is gaining new and newer grounds in the cyber world.

It has been most searched term on the internet for the last several days and I am sure that the beauty that she is will continue to attract people to view her photographs and beautiful body in the s3x tape.

By the way this is not the first time that she has been in the news for all the wrong reasons.

In January this year and later in May she hogged limelight for almost nude photographs that stormed the internet.

The photographs that did not leave anything to imagination are still on the internet and I am sure will continue to attract eyeballs for many years to come.

Following her anti-gay marriage remark she had become an instant hero among the people who are campaigning against same s3x marriage.

Supporters admire Carrie Prejean’s supposed inner beauty and courage. What do they have to say about her outer nudity?

Far worse than the aforementioned photograph, however, is a topless image of Prejean that’s circulating around the internet. The setting/source of the picture is currently unknown – but that’s definitely Prejean, and those are definitely her (fake) boobs being covered up:
