
Prejean S3xtape Video Download | usspost

November 12, 2009 by · Comments Off on Prejean S3xtape Video Download | usspost 

The Carrie Prejean s3x tape video is in great demand on the web. The mischief started when the lawyers revealed that they have the video of Carrie which is highly offensive. The lawyer was defending his client “Miss California Pageant” authorities who had been sued by Prejean Carrie on charges of psychological torture and favoritism when the pageant authorities “dethroned” her from the title of Miss California.

The authorities had taken away the title of Miss California on the ground that she had been involved in pornography. Secondly, she made the statement against the homos3xuality that only men and women are meant for each other. After her title was taken away, she sued the Miss California Pageant authorities for one million-dollar damages on the grounds mentioned above.

The defense lawyers then produced the offensive tape which was, according to them, highly offensive. It was reported that the tape contained highly offensive material despite the fact it contained the scenes of Carrie alone and no other. As soon as the lawyers produced the video in the court, Carrie has withdrawn his suit. Due to this very nature of the video tape, some resources are telling that the video has not been released but it has stimulated the demand of the tape on the web to an extraordinary extent.

The search engines are over-burdened with the requests for Carrie Prejean s3x video tape. But there are claims by some website of having the video tape which is ready for downloads.



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