
Gingrich Productions

March 8, 2012 by · Comments Off on Gingrich Productions 

Gingrich Productions, Newt Gingrich amended his personal financial disclosure form today to include $291,250 in income from Gingrich Productions, one of the companies in Gingrich’s network. The original disclosure form listed an “S-Corp distributive share,” for Gingrich Productions, but without an income amount included.

A Gingrich campaign source told POLITICO that the change was made because “the form was more accurate specifically itemizing the salary.”

This amendment comes just weeks after FEC filings showed that the Gingrich campaign paid $67,000 to Gingrich Productions for web hosting services in the final quarter of 2011.

The income from Gingrich Productions will likely be seen as another sign of the blurry line between Gingrich, his campaign and his small network of companies.

Newt Gingrich’s Wife

March 8, 2012 by · Comments Off on Newt Gingrich’s Wife 

Newt Gingrich’s Wife, At Thursday night’s Republican debate in South Carolina, only one person will likely receive as much attention as the candidates themselves: Callista Gingrich.

Newt Gingrich’s third wife is back in the spotlight because of a new interview with his second wife, Marianne Gingrich, in which Marianne tells ABC that the former House speaker asked her for an “open marriage” in 1999 so that he could continue his long-term affair with Callista, a congressional staffer at the time.

Tonight, wherever the lights and cameras track Callista Gingrich, they’ll also be tracking her hair — a frozen, platinum blond bob that has sparked fascination among women eager to learn how she keeps it so perfect all the time.

But the Callista bob wasn’t always the slick, smooth, helmet-y coif it is now. When she married Newt in 2000, Callista wore her hair longer and curlier, although still very blond.

Over the past 12 years, her haircut has morphed slowly into her signature disciplined bob, and her wardrobe has followed suit with more structure and fewer patterns.

As Callista Gingrich prepares to endure skeptical glances from some in the Republican audience tonight, that discipline might be just what she needs, along with a ready smile and another great hair day.

Callista Gingrich Plastic Surgery

March 5, 2012 by · Comments Off on Callista Gingrich Plastic Surgery 

Callista Gingrich Plastic Surgery, Callista Gingrich, with her perfectly coiffed platinum blond bob, pearls and crisp business suits, is striking.

Because she is often photographed looking rather formal, some are surprised to learn that Newt Gingrich’s 3rd wife is just 45 years old.

If you read this blog, you know the drill! We sent images of her to several plastic surgeons in Newport Beach and asked them to scrutinize the photos for signs of their professions’ handiwork. Do they think that she’s natural, or that she’s had some cosmetic work done?

They weren’t in consensus, though a couple of them recommended a browlift or some tightening.

Dr. Douglas Hendricks sounded quite certain: ”Without question she has had extensive botox to the forehead, crows feet and the frown lines no matter what expression she has, there are no lines and no movement or change in her expession in the upper 1/3 of her face.”

And, he said, “Her hairstyle , with long hair always covering the ears, suggests she is hiding scars from a facelift which is probably the case, because of the excessively youthful appearance of her face in contrast to her age.”

Dr. Edward Domanskis thinks that Gingrich had a blepharoplasty — an eye procedure to remove bags, wrinkling or excessive skin — and is on a good skin care regimen. But, he said, she could still benefit from “non-surgical radio-frequency skin tightening via Thermage with no downtime. It could also elevate her droopey eyebrows.”

Dr. Val Lambros noted that people age differently. ”Some 80 year olds have very tight smooth skin. Some 40 year olds have winkles and laxity,” the plastic surgeon said. ”She doesn’t look surgical to me.”

Newt And Callista Began Affair In 1993

February 4, 2012 by · Comments Off on Newt And Callista Began Affair In 1993 

Newt And Callista Began Affair In 1993, Enough about how America would feel about having Newt Gingrich as the president of the United States after his known personal problems of the past with infidelity. Remembering the old adage which says ‘it takes two to tango,’ how would America feel about Newt’s tango partner being FLOTUS – the First Lady of the United States?

While Newt Gingrich may fly past the criticism and end up becoming the 45th president, would a FLOTUS like Callista Gingrich get the same pass? If Newt continues a successful route to the White House with Callista in tow, having a past-adulterous couple in the White House will be yet another first for the nation that keeps thinking – or hopes – it’s seen it all.
Yes, Americans have had Bill Clinton with his shenanigans in the Oval Office of the White House, but his wife Hillary came out smelling like a rose. There was talk of other past presidents being naughty, too – you probably know the ones – but the women were viewed as near-saintly in their trusting stance alongside their conniving men. After all, all the rumor-laden history books can’t be wrong. Beyond JFK, at least once it was printed that even Richard Nixon was naughty during his White House years – as difficult as that may be to envision.

Nonetheless, America is now faced with the possibility of having the first adulterous FLOTUS bedding down at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue – or, as far as we know, she would be the first one.

This is not being scandalous either. It has been published that Callista Gingrich testified in 1999 that she and Newt began an affair in 1993 – which was when Newt was still married to his second wife Marianne Gingrich. Marianne, of course, just made headlines for Newt by appearing in an ABC-TV ‘Nightline’ interview in which she said Newt requested an open marriage which was to involve Callista. And Newt, of course, denied the story before it even aired as he was answering a question about his second ex-wife’s comment during a live GOP presidential debate on CNN just hours before the nation saw the ex’s interview.

If all of this sounds incredibly and unbelievably confusing – and unreal – pinch yourself – it’s real. It’s not like the White House walls will start shaking if Newt and Callista move in the White House, but let’s face it, it’s going to be a major change from having the wholesome family images of Barack and Michelle Obama, or of George W. and Laura Bush – or even of the Mitt Romneys or the Rick Santorums or the Ron Pauls.

Here’s what we know about the potential FLOTUS Callista Gingrich, other than the fact that she messed around with Newt while he was married to Marianne in the 1990s and became Newt’s third wife sometime after he divorced his second wife.

She was born on March 4, 1966 in Whitehall, Wisconsin and named Callista Louise Bisek. While her biggest claim to fame is having had an affair with and is now married to former U.S. Speaker of the House and GOP presidential candidate of 2012 Newt Gingrich, she is also an honored graduate of Luther College in Decorah, Iowa and currently the president of Gingrich Productions which is based in Washington, D.C. Additionally, she is the president of the Gingrich Foundation, a charitable nonprofit corporation.

She has done voice work on films at Gingrich Productions, written children’s books, and has had her photography published by name publishers. The third Mrs. Newt Gingrich also sings and plays the French horn. According to Wikipedia, she is a Republican – which most people have figured out – and a Roman Catholic.

Through the years, she worked in Washington, D.C. from 1988 to 2005 as a staffer in the United States House of Representatives, for the House Committee on Agriculture, and in the congressional office of Representative Steve Gunderson who is a Republican from Callista’s home state of Wisconsin. Undoubtedly, she met Newt sometime after 1988 when she began working and playing in the nation’s capital – the same town that Newt was working in during the 1990s.

She currently lives in McClean, Virginia with husband Newt.

So, Callista Gingrich as the First Lady of the United States. Though this certainly wasn’t what Barack Obama would have meant back in 2008, perhaps we’re finally going to get a ‘change’ in the White House like he promised us.

Newt Gingrich Callista Bisek Former Congressional Aide

February 4, 2012 by · Comments Off on Newt Gingrich Callista Bisek Former Congressional Aide 

Newt Gingrich Callista Bisek Former Congressional Aide, Newt Gingrich lacks the moral character to serve as President, his ex-wife Marianne Gingrich told ABC News, saying he did not practice family values during their 18 years of marriage.

In an interview to be broadcast Thursday on “Nightline,” Marianne Gingrich, his second wife, said that Newt Gingrich asked for an “open marriage” after he admitted to having a six-year affair with Congressional aide Callista Bisek, whom he married in 2000.

“And I just stared at him and he said, ‘Callista doesn’t care what I do,'” Marianne Gingrich told ABC News. “He wanted an open marriage and I refused.”

Gingrich’s second wife described her “shock” at his behavior, including that she learned he conducted his affair with Callista “in my bedroom in our apartment in Washington.”

It is unclear what impact the interview will have on Gingrich’s presidential bid. His campaign is surging in the polls just days ahead of the South Carolina primary.

On Thursday, he received the endorsement of Rick Perry, who is leaving the race, adding to his campaign’s momentum.

Marianne Gingrich said she is coming forward now so voters can know what she knows about the Republican presidential candidate.

Trying to blunt the impact of the interview, the Gingrich campaign issued a statement of support from his two adult daughters from his first marriage.

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