
Callista Gingrich Plastic Surgery

March 5, 2012 by · Comments Off on Callista Gingrich Plastic Surgery 

Callista Gingrich Plastic Surgery, Callista Gingrich, with her perfectly coiffed platinum blond bob, pearls and crisp business suits, is striking.

Because she is often photographed looking rather formal, some are surprised to learn that Newt Gingrich’s 3rd wife is just 45 years old.

If you read this blog, you know the drill! We sent images of her to several plastic surgeons in Newport Beach and asked them to scrutinize the photos for signs of their professions’ handiwork. Do they think that she’s natural, or that she’s had some cosmetic work done?

They weren’t in consensus, though a couple of them recommended a browlift or some tightening.

Dr. Douglas Hendricks sounded quite certain: ”Without question she has had extensive botox to the forehead, crows feet and the frown lines no matter what expression she has, there are no lines and no movement or change in her expession in the upper 1/3 of her face.”

And, he said, “Her hairstyle , with long hair always covering the ears, suggests she is hiding scars from a facelift which is probably the case, because of the excessively youthful appearance of her face in contrast to her age.”

Dr. Edward Domanskis thinks that Gingrich had a blepharoplasty — an eye procedure to remove bags, wrinkling or excessive skin — and is on a good skin care regimen. But, he said, she could still benefit from “non-surgical radio-frequency skin tightening via Thermage with no downtime. It could also elevate her droopey eyebrows.”

Dr. Val Lambros noted that people age differently. ”Some 80 year olds have very tight smooth skin. Some 40 year olds have winkles and laxity,” the plastic surgeon said. ”She doesn’t look surgical to me.”
