
Gingrich Productions

March 8, 2012 by · Comments Off on Gingrich Productions 

Gingrich Productions, Newt Gingrich amended his personal financial disclosure form today to include $291,250 in income from Gingrich Productions, one of the companies in Gingrich’s network. The original disclosure form listed an “S-Corp distributive share,” for Gingrich Productions, but without an income amount included.

A Gingrich campaign source told POLITICO that the change was made because “the form was more accurate specifically itemizing the salary.”

This amendment comes just weeks after FEC filings showed that the Gingrich campaign paid $67,000 to Gingrich Productions for web hosting services in the final quarter of 2011.

The income from Gingrich Productions will likely be seen as another sign of the blurry line between Gingrich, his campaign and his small network of companies.

Newt Gingrich’s Wife

March 8, 2012 by · Comments Off on Newt Gingrich’s Wife 

Newt Gingrich’s Wife, At Thursday night’s Republican debate in South Carolina, only one person will likely receive as much attention as the candidates themselves: Callista Gingrich.

Newt Gingrich’s third wife is back in the spotlight because of a new interview with his second wife, Marianne Gingrich, in which Marianne tells ABC that the former House speaker asked her for an “open marriage” in 1999 so that he could continue his long-term affair with Callista, a congressional staffer at the time.

Tonight, wherever the lights and cameras track Callista Gingrich, they’ll also be tracking her hair — a frozen, platinum blond bob that has sparked fascination among women eager to learn how she keeps it so perfect all the time.

But the Callista bob wasn’t always the slick, smooth, helmet-y coif it is now. When she married Newt in 2000, Callista wore her hair longer and curlier, although still very blond.

Over the past 12 years, her haircut has morphed slowly into her signature disciplined bob, and her wardrobe has followed suit with more structure and fewer patterns.

As Callista Gingrich prepares to endure skeptical glances from some in the Republican audience tonight, that discipline might be just what she needs, along with a ready smile and another great hair day.
