
Will You Marry Me

February 13, 2012 by · Comments Off on Will You Marry Me 

Will You Marry Me, “Yes” is the only word David Sims wants to hear on this Valentine’s Day, after going to large and extreme lengths to persuade his girlfriend to become his wife.

The 23-year-old Aucklander is set to make a very public proposal to long-time girlfriend Leena Riekkola this morning.

Mr Sims is one of 12 Kiwis who won the chance to put a message of love on a billboard as part of Westfield’s “Truly, Madly, Hugely in Love” Valentine’s Day campaign.

Yesterday he was making last-minute preparations – which included picking up the engagement ring he rushed to organise after being told he was a winner.

“I was [thinking] ‘Okay, this is actually going to happen. I should probably get a ring’. I can’t propose with a cheezel,” he laughed.

Miss Riekkola will get a 3-stone, princess cut, white gold diamond ring.

Mr Sims decided to enter the competition after seeing it advertised several times at a local mall. He was told a week ago that he was a winner.

“It’s happened pretty quickly. After I entered I thought, ‘Oh, I’m not gonna win it’. And then I got it and I thought, ‘oh no’.”

The couple have been together for the past four-and-a-half years after meeting in London in September 2007.

“I was over on my OE and we met there – we worked for the same hotel. I noticed her on reception a few times and I thought ‘Oooh, I’ll have to talk to her sometime’. She ended up moving over here with me.”

The couple – both students at the University of Auckland – had discussed marriage but decided to wait until they graduated in two years.

“But I thought, ‘Well, it’s a pretty good opportunity’,” he said. “At least now she’s definitely not going to be expecting it. I’m going to surprise her.”

Mr Sims said he would be waking his girlfriend up at the crack of dawn to take her to the billboard – on Lake Road in Takapuna – and would hide her cellphone in case someone beat him to the surprise.

“I’m just hoping she says yes.”

Nine billboards will go up outside Westfield shopping centres around Auckland and another three in Christchurch, Wellington and Hamilton.

Other winning entries include: “Since you’ve been stubborn about getting those glasses, I’ve made your Valentine’s card easier to read. Love you Sacha, Jayson” in Albany; and “Babe, after a shaky start to our relationship you’re my green sticker all the way. Love you long time —” in Riccarton, Christchurch.

Other entries read: “Nek minute 2 children and an engagement ring … can’t wait to marry you Alex Kane”; and “Scott, even if your idea of fun is taking me to an electrical store, I still love you. Love Sarah”.

The billboards will be put up early this morning and will remain on display until February 29.

Our Lady Of Lourdes

February 11, 2012 by · Comments Off on Our Lady Of Lourdes 

Our Lady Of Lourdes, ONE of the most renowned apparitions of our Blessed Mother happened in Lourdes, France. On February 11, 1858, the Blessed Mother appeared to a girl named Bernadette Soubrious. Her family was one of the poorest in town and Bernadette was sickly girl, uneducated but had a pure heart.

Bernadette went with her sisters Toinette and Jeanne Abadie to collect some firewood and bones in order to buy some bread. After taking off her shoes and stockings to wade through the water near the Grotto of Massabielle, she said she heard the sound of two gusts of wind but the trees and bushes nearby did not move.

She said she saw a light in the grotto and a girl, as small as she was, dressed all in white apart from the blue belt fastened around her waist and the golden yellow roses, one on each foot, the color of her rosary.

Amazed, Bernadette made the sign of the Cross and prays the rosary with the Lady who disappeared without saying anything.

Altogether, there were 18 apparitions of Our Lady to Bernadette in Lourdes. Three days after on February 14, sensing an inner call, Bernadette returned to the Grotto “to see if I was not deluded”. She begins her rosary and blesses herself with holy water; the Lady smiled at her without saying a word.

February 18, Thursday of Holy Week, she asked the Lady to write her name. The Lady answered: “It is not necessary,” and adds, “Would you be kind enough to come here for fifteen days? I can promise you that I cannot make you happy in this world but in the other.”

On Good Friday, accompanied by her mother and aunt, Bernadette came to the Grotto with a candle. The following day, 30 people came to see Bernadette in ecstasy. They were impressed by her calmness, her fervor and her joy.

Easter Sunday, February 21, a hundred people started to mill in the apparition site in the early morning to see Bernadette. The police who were unbelieving looked on.

February 23, at 5:30 a.m., 150 people, including Mr. Estrada, a tax collector who was critical and skeptical, saw Bernadette in ecstasy. He was moved by the experience and started telling the people about it.

The people doubled in number for the 8th apparition on February 24th. This time, when Bernadette was in ecstacy, her face expressed unutterable sadness reflecting that of Our Lady who told her: “Penance. Pray to God for the conversion of sinners. Go kiss the earth in penitence for sinners.”

Lourdes is famous for the healing powers of the water from the Grotto. It was on the 9th apparition February 25th that Bernadette discovered the source. There were more than 300 people, including dignitaries, who waited expectantly to see the ecstatic, radiant Bernadette.

What’s popular in America?

January 18, 2012 by · Comments Off on What’s popular in America? 

What's popular in America?What’s popular in America?, A few of our favorite things

Americans have no problem picking favorites. From rants on Facebook to “American Idol” voting, we know what we love and hate, and we’ll tell anyone who wants to listen. As a result, it’s pretty easy for researchers to get a good idea of the things America goes for….

Popularity is a funny thing. Fads pop in and out of style, but some of our biggest treasures are those that have survived the test of time. Consistency, quality and longevity are the keys to our hearts.

Most popular person in America

It’s hard to stay in the public’s good graces. Just ask Tiger Woods or Charlie Sheen.

But many models have truly stood the test of time to become the most popular people in America….

Abraham Lincoln and George Washington are in the top five, showing that while recent presidents get mixed reviews, the ones who helped shape our country are adored. Jesus is also one of the most beloved figures in America, of course.

Only one sports figure made it into the top five, as measured by polling firm Public Policy Polling. Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers led his team to a spectacular season, and was rewarded by becoming a favorite of Americans.

Most popular smartphone

It’s hard to stay a favorite in the fast-changing world of smartphones. The BlackBerry line by Research In Motion (RIMM) has plunged in popularity over the last couple of years, while phones running on Google’s (GOOG) Android platform have surged….

Users of Apple (AAPL) iPhones swear their devices are better than chocolate, rainbows and puppies — combined. And the EVO 4G from HTC has won rave reviews for its two cameras, decent 4G connection speeds and crystal-clear screen.

Users also gush over the sleek Motorola Droid 3, with its slide-out keyboard, as well as the social networking powerhouse Samsung Intensity II.

But the most popular smartphone in America comes down to the iPhone or the HTC EVO 4G.

Most popular stock

You can use several standards for most popular stock, but let’s consult hedge funds, which often invest big bucks for large institutions, such as university endowments, pension funds and foundations. Hedge-fund managers are paid extremely well and must be absolutely on top of their game….

It’s a little surprising, then, that the most popular stock picks at these funds are the same ones the average investor might pick. They are well-known names with strong businesses built to survive recessions.

The fundies love three technology companies in particular: Microsoft (MSFT) (see financial performance), Google (GOOG) (see financial performance) and Apple (AAPL) (see financial performance). (Microsoft owns and publishes MSN Money.)

They’re also highly invested in one pharmaceutical company: Pfizer (PFE), which makes the popular Lipitor, Zithromax and Viagra drugs. And while many investors are staying far away from banks, hedge funds favor JPMorgan Chase (JPM).

Most popular pizza topping

We take our pizza seriously. Every man, woman and child in America eats an average of 46 slices a year, according to the Agriculture Council of America.

But not many of those slices have anchovies. That’s the least-favorite pizza topping of them all….

What we do like are the basics. Pepperoni. Cheese. Tomato. Onions and mushrooms are also in the top five, according to a survey of some 235 pizza joints by Technomic’s MenuMonitor.

Most popular summer vacation spot

Now that the holidays are over, doesn’t it seem like summer vacation should be here already? Baseball games, bike rides and fruity drinks can’t arrive fast enough.

Americans love to visit big cities during summer break. People flock to Chicago in the summer, lured by the city’s great shopping and stunning architecture….

And who can resist a good deep-dish pizza or a hot dog with all the trimmings?

Don’t forget the siren call of Orlando when temperatures rise. The city (and its surrounding area) is home to Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando Resort and a number of other theme parks. Rounding out the top five cities based on hotel occupancy are New York, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C.

Most popular dog

Americans love their dogs. There are an estimated 78 million pooches in America, and 39% of U.S. households own at least one.

Different cities have their own preferred breeds, however. Boston and Los Angeles are fans of the bulldog. Detroit likes the Rottweiler, and Honolulu favors the shiba inu….

But nationwide, the most popular pups are the friendly, happy breeds that get along well with children and other animals. That means the retrievers — golden and Labrador — are particularly loved. And the loyal, intelligent German shepherd ranks in the top five as well, according to the American Kennel Club. The Yorkshire terrier and beagle are also favorites.

In the end, two breeds topped the list: The Labrador retriever and the German shepherd.

Most popular celebrity

It seems like we’re up on celebrities’ every move, thanks to the always-there paparazzi and the spread of gossip sites. We know more than we ever wanted to about Britney Spears’ parenting skills, Mel Gibson’s tirades and Ashton Kutcher’s private life….

As a result, it’s tough for many stars to maintain the public image that icons of the past so carefully crafted. But a few celebrities have won our affection over the years, mainly by being extraordinarily talented and rising above the Hollywood scene.

We love the handsome intelligence of Denzel Washington, the down-to-earth allure of Sandra Bullock and the timeless effervescence of Betty White. Rounding out the top five are Clint Eastwood and Tom Hanks, two masters of their craft.

Most popular state

Excluding your current state, which state would you most like to live in? Polling company Harris Interactive asked Americans that question in October and, not surprisingly, the balmy regions with beautiful beaches topped the list….

California and Hawaii were favorites — too bad it costs a fortune to live in either place. Florida, a favorite of retirees, came in third, with its beautiful coastlines and low tax rates. Texas and Colorado rounded out the top five.

By the way, Harris also asked which city was least desirable to live in. The top answer was New York City, followed by Detroit and Los Angeles.

From left: Chipotle Mexican Grill restaurant; Five Guys Burgers and Fries / © M. Spencer Green/AP; Richard Levine/Alamy
Most popular fast-food chain

Let’s just get one thing out of the way. McDonald’s (MCD), the largest fast-food chain in the country, doesn’t even make the top five here. You won’t see Burger King or Taco Bell on Zagat’s list, either….

But a company that McDonald’s was once a huge investor in — Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG) — came in third. Chipotle is one of several chains on the list that focus on fresh ingredients and good quality, a combination that Americans can’t seem to get enough of.

Chick-fil-A (try one near you) and In-N-Out Burger were also in the top five. Both are rising in popularity as they expand to more parts of the country.

Two chains vied for the title of most popular. Five Guys (find a location near you) has been nothing short of a phenomenon, drawing packed crowds wherever it opens. And Panera Bread (PNRA) has become one of the fastest-growing chains in the country.

Most popular prescription drug

Prescription drug use is skyrocketing. In any given month from 2005 to 2008, about 47.2% of Americans used a prescription drug, according to government statistics. That’s up from 39.1% in the period from 1988 to 1994….

But times are changing for the pharmaceutical industry. Last year, for the first time, the 10 most popular prescription drugs were generics, according to IMS Health.

And they aren’t all painkillers, believe it or not. The only painkiller on the list of the top five drugs is hydrocodone (Vicodin).

Doctors also love to prescribe the cholesterol drug simvastatin (Zocor). Two others on the list are used to treat high blood pressure and related ailments: lisinopril (Prinivil) and amlodipine besylate (Norvasc). And then there’s levothyroxine sodium (Synthroid) for hypothyroidism.
Most popular job

Ah, if only there were more openings for chocolate tasters, waterslide testers or Victoria’s Secret photographers. Unfortunately, those jobs are few and far between….

The most popular positions in America involve interacting with people, usually customers or patients.

Cashiers at supermarkets, gas stations and other stores are among the most common jobs, as is the related position of retail salesperson. And there’s always a need for office clerks and food preparation or food service workers.

One job that is in increasingly high demand is a registered nurse. The number of nurses 23 to 26 years old hit 165,000 in 2009, up from 102,000 seven years earlier, The Los Angeles Times reports.

Most popular dessert

Dessert choices in America keep getting more interesting and complex. Take the chai latte cupcakes at Sprinkles Cupcakes, for example, or the lemoncello cream torte at The Cheesecake Factory….

But even with all the options, dessert eaters tend to stick with the basics. Chocolate cake (check out these recipes) is a timeless winner, and chefs keep it popular with dozens of delicious variations. The same goes for apple pie (make your own). And Americans love to top desserts with ice cream or enjoy a scoop all by itself.

Also in the top five are Jell-O, made by Kraft Foods, and cheesecake. Are you drooling yet?

Girl Scout Cookies

January 5, 2012 by · Comments Off on Girl Scout Cookies 

Girl Scout CookiesGirl Scout Cookies, Boxes of Girl Scout cookies are displayed in this file photo. The national organization has unveiled a new Girl Scout cookie, ‘Savannah Smiles,’ to celebrate its 100th anniversary. This year, a new Girl Scout cookie will join the usual lineup of Thin Mints, Samoas, and Do-Si-Dos: In honor of Girl Scouts’ 100th anniversary, the club has unveiled Savannah Smiles, a lemon-wedge shortbread cookie dusted with powdered sugar.

The new treat is named after Girl Scout founder Juliette Gordon Low’s hometown, Savannah, Ga. According to the Girl Scouts website, the new cookie has a strong lemon flavor and recalls Girl Scout cookies of the program’s early years.

“This lemon wedge cookie is cool and crisp, with just the right number of lemon chips to deliver tiny bursts of flavor,” says a press release for Little Brownie Bakers, the company that produces Savannah Smiles and several other Girl Scout cookie varieties, including Samoas and Trefoils. “And, when you hold it right, you’ll quickly be reminded of that world-famous ‘Brownie Smile.’ ”

The Girl Scout cookie program began in 1922, when the Girl Scouts’ American Girl magazine published recipes for simple homemade sugar cookies, suggesting local troupes sell them as a fundraising activity. The organization began licensing recipes out to commercial bakers in 1936. Today, Little Brownie Bakers and ABC Bakers are the two licensed companies.

The Girl Scouts sell an estimated 200 million boxes of cookies per year, at around $3.50 per box. Of the 11 cookies currently available, the most popular are dark chocolate Thin Mints, which make up 25 percent of all sales. Samoas and Tagalongs are the other big sellers, comprising 19 and 13 percent of sales, respectively.

Not all cookie varieties are quite so successful. The Girl Scouts have discontinued scores of cookie varieties during the program’s run, including Aloha Chips (with macadamia nuts and white chocolate chips), Apple Cinnamons, Double Dutch (chocolate cookies with chocolate chips), and the raspberry jam-filled Ice Berry Pi?atas.

Despite Girl Scouts’ efforts to make their cookies healthier (in 2007, several recipes were reworked so that they had zero trans-fat), the health-minded cookie offerings sell terribly. Many sugar-free and 100-calorie cookies have been briefly available, all disappearing quickly. Daisy Go Rounds, a 100-calorie replacement of the retired Cinna-Spins, only lasted two years (2009-2011).

Indeed, Savannah Smiles sound remarkably similar to another discontinued cookie, the Lemon Cooler (lemon-flavored cookies dusted in powdered sugar). But will it buck the trend and have the staying power of more enduring cookies?

You can soon decide for yourself. Most regional Girl Scout troops will begin cookie sales later this month, or in early February. To find a “cookie booth” in your area, visit Girl Scouts knows how to move with the times, so you can also download the organizations official “Cookie Finder” app for your smartphone.

Pakistan lifts Facebook ban after page removed (AP)

May 31, 2010 by · Comments Off on Pakistan lifts Facebook ban after page removed (AP) 

Pakistan lifts Facebook ban after page removed (AP)Pakistan lifts Facebook ban after page removed (AP):Lahore, Pakistan – Pakistan lifted the ban Facebook on Monday after officials of the social networking site apologized for a page were considered offensive to Muslims and removed the substance, a technology official high-level information said.

The decision came nearly two weeks after Pakistan imposed a ban amid anger over a page that encourages users to post images of the Prophet Muhammad. Many Muslims consider depictions of the prophet, even favorable, as blasphemy.

“In response to our protest, Facebook has offered its apologies and informed us that all sacrilegious material has been removed from the leadership,” said Najibullah Malik, secretary of the Pakistan Ministry of Information Technology, referring to the technical term for a Web page .

Facebook said the government of Pakistan that “none of this will happen in the future,” said Malik.

Officials of the website could not immediately be reached for comment. It has been said before the contents of “Everybody Mohammed Drawing Day!” Page not violated the terms of Facebook.

Encouraged users to post pictures of the prophet to protest threats from a radical Muslim group against the creators of the American television series “South Park” to depict Mohammed in a bear suit during an episode earlier this year.

Pakistan blocks Facebook on May 19 after a failure of one of the highest courts. The Lahore High Court on Monday reversed its decision because the response from Facebook, paving the way for the government to restore access, “said Malik.

The government will continue to block some Web pages that contain “sacrilegious material, but Malik refused to specify.

Facebook controversy sparked a handful of protests across Pakistan, many of the student members of radical Islamic groups. Some protesters carried signs advocating war against the holy site to let the page.

Bangladesh also decided to block Facebook on Sunday, but said that restoring access to the site if the offending material was removed.

It is not the first time images of the prophet have sparked anger. Pakistan and other Muslim countries were large and sometimes violent protests in 2006 when a Danish newspaper published cartoons of Muhammad, and again in 2008 when they were reprinted. Later the same year, an alleged Al Qaeda suicide bomber attacked the Danish embassy in Islamabad, killing six people.

Anger on Facebook controversy also led the Pakistani government to block access to YouTube briefly, saying he was growing sacrilegious content on the web site for sharing videos. The government restored access to YouTube last week, but said it would continue to block videos offensive to Muslims that are published on the site.

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