
Chile Flag Vs Texas Flag

October 13, 2010 by · Comments Off on Chile Flag Vs Texas Flag 

Chile Flag Vs Texas Flag, A ballot in Atascosa County, Texas, has accidentally flown the flag instead of the Chilean national flag of the Lone Star State.

Both flags are surprisingly similar. They both have red and white horizontal stripes and a vertical band of blue with a white star. However, as shown below, it is an essential difference between the amount of blue and placement of the star on flags. Election staff, however, has not recognized this feature.

The Statesman reports that Texas students studying in Japan first noticed the error and it has attracted the attention of officials. In e-mail to the Statesman he shared his reaction to the error.

I guess it’s funny in some way, but my first reaction was disbelief more than anyone had noticed.

The administrator of elections in Atascosa County, Janice Ruple said that the error was the responsibility of his predecessor. According Ruple the woman who held his job before it “took liberties” with the ballots, adding elements to his own will. Ruple was not sure how long the Chilean flag was ballet unnoticed.

Chile Flag

October 13, 2010 by · Comments Off on Chile Flag 

Chile Flag, Voting by mail in Atascosa County, Texas, there was an error made recently quite remarkable. A voter named Troy Knudson was the first person to notice an error made by the County on the ballot.

Instead of what was supposed to be the flag of Texas, was a flag of Chile. The Chilean flag and the flag of Texas do not look much alike, but one would think that county employees should at least know what the state flag looks like.

Atascosa County is a small county in Texas that was founded in 1856. Currently, the population throughout the county is close to 40,000.

As you can see by the pictures below, the Texas flag differ from the flag of Chile. In the Texas version, the blue on the left side cuts off the red stripe on the bottom. In the Chilean version, the red stripe goes throughout the entire lower part of the flag.

Map Of Chile

October 13, 2010 by · Comments Off on Map Of Chile 

Map Of Chile, Ferdinand Magellan was the first European explorer to visit Chile, foot by 21 October 1520.

In the late 15th century the Incas extended their empire to the south, attempting to conquer Chile, they have succeeded in the north, but their influence (central and south) has been limited because they face the fierce resistance of people Indigenous Araucanian.

In 1540, Spanish explorer Pedro de Valdivia arrived, and later founded the city of Santiago in 1541. He managed to control the local Indians, forcing them to work hard, but in the south, Araucans not budge.

Many Spanish settlements were built in central Chile, and their population base eventually exceeded one million. These early settlers suffered repeated attacks (often brutal) by Araucanian, and remained a serious problem (difficult to control) in the 19th century.

Colonies secretly hated the military regime in Spain, but he remained loyal to the crown of Spain for nearly three centuries. When the King of Spain was overthrown in the early 19th century, Chileans began to consider the independence and self-government.

And speaking of freedom, José de San Martin and Bernardo O’Higgins, and their armies to start and chased the Spaniards won independence from Spain in 1818. Bernardo O’Higgins, who later became first president of Chile.

Chile defeated Bolivia and Peru into a regional war (1879-1883) for the control areas of the Atacama Desert. During the war Chile won more land to the north and Bolivia lost its outlet on the open sea; prove disaster (today) for its economy.

Starting in 1891, and over the next 80 years, Chile was governed by selfish parliamentary systems, the military regime, the left wing, right-wing parties (including communists) and a long line of democratically elected presidents.

All remnants of democracy were set aside when the repressive military dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet began in 1973 and finally ending in 1989 when democratic elections were held again

Today, the underdeveloped countries with a landscape shaped is primed for the 21st century, where it controls a large part of the world’s most spectacular scenery, and countless natural resources and wealth.

Learn more about Chile’s history here!

Facts and Figures

Name Chile

(Long form) Republic of Chile

Population 15,980,912

Population Density & (all countries) here

Capital Santiago (6.3 million metro area)

Currency Chilean Peso (CLP)

Currency converter here

Languages Spanish

Flag here

September 18 National Day

Religions Catholic (89%), Protestant (11%)

Geographic Coordinates

Latitude / Longitude (Capital)
33 º 27 ‘S, 70 º 40’ W

Relative situation in Chile is located in the western and southern hemispheres. It is located on the west coast and southwestern South America and bordered by Argentina, Bolivia and Peru and the Pacific Ocean.

Statistics Land

Littoral 3.998 miles (6.435 km)


(Land) 289,113 square miles (748,800 km ²)

(Water) 3147 square miles (8150 km ²)

(TOTAL) 292,261 sq miles (756,950 km ²)

Land (all countries) here

Relief With a coastline of nearly 4,000 miles toothy, pencil-sized Chile is wedged between the Pacific Ocean and the rugged Andes, the longest mountain range. This land of incredible contrasts and unusual home to many beaches, fjords, deep-sea channels, glaciers and icebergs – and the Atacama Desert – a nearly rainless plateau made up of salt basins and lava flows.

Mountains cover most of the interior. The Andes snow cover almost its entire eastern border, generally weaker, non-Andean ranges dissect Chile (north to south) with the largest being the Cordillera de la Costa in the extreme south.

Located along the Ring of Fire, the Andes are geologically young mountain range that includes more than 600 volcanoes (Chile only), many of them active, and nearly 10% broke (at least once) during the last century.

Throughout the deep valleys and high country plateaus to the mountains, most of liquidation is to the west; the Central Valley (and pampas) operates at the shore of the Pacific Ocean.

Lake area to the south is a group of mostly small blue lakes, cold clear water, in this area, waterfalls is common.

In the far south, a group of almost incalculable mountainous islands (archipelagos forming various) before the coast, forming a series of winding channels and fjords. Cape Horn, south of the island of Tierra del Fuego is the southernmost in the world, next to the Antarctic.

Mixed in the beautiful landscapes are the northern and southern Patagonia ice fields that make up the largest mass of ice in the world outside Greenland and Antarctica.

Hundreds of glaciers off the ice fields of industry, many extend down to the sea water from melting glaciers come together in lakes such as Carrera general – the second largest lake in America South.

And as for rivers…. tens place in the headwaters of the Andes, and the outflow is in the Pacific Ocean, or east through neighboring Argentina.

Highest Pt Nevado Ojos Del Salado – 22,572 m
(6,880 m), the second highest mountain on the South American continent.

Lowest Pt Pacific Ocean – 0 m (0 m)

Land Divisions 13 regions, including: Aisen del General Carlos Ibanez del Campo, Antofagasta, Araucania, Atacama, Bio-Bio, Coquimbo, Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins Los Lagos Magallanes y Antartica Chilena of, Maule, Region Metropolitana (Santiago), Tarapaca and Valparaiso.

Texas Flag

October 13, 2010 by · Comments Off on Texas Flag 

Texas Flag, A ballot in Atascosa County, Texas, has accidentally flown the flag instead of the Chilean national flag of the Lone Star State.

Both flags are surprisingly similar. They both have red and white horizontal stripes and a vertical band of blue with a white star. However, as shown below, it is an essential difference between the amount of blue and placement of the star on flags. Election staff, however, has not recognized this feature.

The Statesman reports that Texas students studying in Japan first noticed the error and it has attracted the attention of officials. In e-mail to the Statesman he shared his reaction to the error.

I guess it’s funny in some way, but my first reaction was disbelief more than anyone had noticed.

The administrator of elections in Atascosa County, Janice Ruple said that the error was the responsibility of his predecessor. According Ruple the woman who held his job before it “took liberties” with the ballots, adding elements to his own will. Ruple was not sure how long the Chilean flag was ballet unnoticed.

As to how the flag of Chile has managed to last on a ballot in Texas, Ruple said simply:

San Jose Mine Chile

October 13, 2010 by · Comments Off on San Jose Mine Chile 

San Jose Mine Chile, (AP) – SAN JOSE MINE, Chile – One by one, the miners trapped for 69 days in a dungeon that could be their tomb is mounted in an escape pod and made a smooth ascent to the surface Wednesday welcomed by the embraces of a loved one’s, by cheerful Chileans cheered and watched by a fascinated world.

The anxiety that had accompanied the final day of careful preparation broke at 0:11, when the bravest among men, Florencio Avalos, emerged from the room-type missiles and a wide smile after his trip half mile to fresh air.

By late morning, 13 men were removed from the mine at a methodical pace about 10 hours in a rescue effort without major problems. He was on track to end before the sun rises Thursday.

Amid an explosion of cheers, Avalos kissed her son sobbing 7-years and the woman, then chairman Sebastian Pinera, who was deeply involved in an effort that had become a matter of national pride.

Avalos was followed an hour later by the more rambunctious of the group, Mario Sepulveda, whose cries were heard even before the cap peeked above the surface. He kissed his wife, handed souvenir rocks from the mine rescuers, laughing, and leaps from a fist thrust up like a boxer.

“I think I was extraordinarily lucky. I was with God and the devil. And I extended the hand of God, “Sepulveda said he expected the helicopter tour of the Air Force to a nearby hospital where all children were to spend 48 hours under medical observation.

Nobody in history has survived so long stuck in the ground that the 33 men. For the first 17 days after 700,000 tons of rock collapsed around them on Aug. 5, no one even knew they were alive. In the weeks that followed, the world was transfixed by their endurance and unity.

As he traveled down and up, down and up, the capsule was not running both inside the exhaust shaft 2041-up that officials should allow faster travel, Minister of Health Manalich said Jaime. The rescue came as fast as 39 minutes apart.

Manalich told a news conference after eight miners were rescued that all were healthy, and none require special medications, not even diabetics among them.

Chile has exploded in joy and relief to the rescue breakthrough, first, just after midnight in the coastal Atacama Desert.

In the capital, Santiago, a cacophony of car horns sounded. In the regional capital near Copiapo, including 24 minors hail, the mayor canceled school for parents and children can “watch the rescue in the warmth of home.”

All news channels in North America to Europe and the Middle East carried live coverage. Pope Benedict XVI said in Spanish that he “continues with the hope of leaving the goodness of God” the fate of men. Iran’s state Press TV in English followed the events live up to what President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has hit the ground in Lebanon on his first state visit there.

The images beamed worldwide were extraordinary: grainy images from beneath the earth showed each child to climb into the capsule 13 feet in height before it disappeared up through an opening. Then, a camera showed the pod steadily rising in the dark, smooth-walled tunnel.

After the fifth child ascends, the rescuers took a break to lubricate the wheels spring that gave the dish a smooth ride through the tree, and then resumed the rescue.

The ninth, Mario Gomez, who at 63 is the oldest child, fell to his knees after being born; his head bowed in prayer and seized the Chilean flag. His wife, Lilianette Ramirez stopped him from the ground and kissed him.

Gomez is the most experienced of the group, the first entry in a mineshaft at work at 12 years old and suffers from silicosis, a lung disease common to minors. He was on antibiotics and medicine for bronchial inflammation. Manalich said Gomez came with a special oxygen mask.

The only foreigner among the miners, Carlos Mamani from Bolivia, was visited a nearby clinic by Pinera and Bolivian President Evo Morales. The minor may be heard in the Chilean president how it was nice to breath fresh air and see the stars.

The rescue operation was carefully choreographed together, without costs saved by providing first class drillers and equipment – and boring three separate holes in the mine copper and gold.

Mining is vital Chile, providing 40 percent of state revenue, and Pinera put his Minister of Mines and the Chief Operating Officer of Crown corporations Codelco, the country’s largest company, in charge of the rescue.

It went so well that its managers abandoned it a legion of journalists had considered an ultra-conservative plan to limit pictures of the rescue. A huge Chilean flag which was to hide the hole in sight has been moved aside for the hundreds of cameras perched on a hill above could save images that state television has also fed live.

This included the surreal moment when the capsule was dropped for the first time in the room, where miners, shirtless, more stripped of shorts due to moisture underground, stormed the rescuer has emerged to guide them freedom.

“The rescue operation has been so wonderful, so clean, so emotional that there was no reason not to allow the eyes of the world – who have been watching this operation so close – to see,” a beaming Pinera at a news conference after Avalos was transported to the surface.

Avalos, 31, second in command of the minors, was chosen to be the first because it was in the best conditions. When the capsule is removed from the manhole size, Avalos out that the audience cheered, applauded and broke into a chant the name of the country – “! Chi Chi Chi Le Le Le”

The three men on the next, including Mamani from Bolivia, followed because they were considered the strongest in body and spirit. The 10 tracks included with minor health problems like hypertension, diabetes and skin ulcers.

The operation began shortly before midnight, when a lifeguard Codelco made the sign of the cross and was lowered to the men trapped. A paramedic went diving down after Avalos – improvisation surprise that officials have said the two went down to supervise minors rise before the first rose.

The minor was scheduled to spend the last foreman Luis Urzua, whose leadership has been credited with helping the men endure the first two and a half weeks without contact with the outside. Men have 48 hours worth of rations last before rescuers reached them with a narrow hole to bore down more food.

Janette Marin, sister, brother-minor Dario Segovia said the rescue order does not matter.

“It will not be successful unless they all get out,” she said.

Chilean authorities have downplayed the risks of the rescue.

Panic attacks during the ascent, they said, were the main concern. Minors are not sedated – they needed to be vigilant in case something went wrong. Manalich said rescuers could accelerate the capsule to its maximum speed of 3 meters per second, if necessary.

Rescue coordinator Andrew Sougarett told The Associated Press in advance that the worst technical problem would be the possibility that “a rock might fall” and jam the capsule in the tree.

Davitt McAteer But, who led the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration during the Clinton administration, said there were many risks: A minor may get claustrophobic jam and somehow the dish, the cable could hang up, or the platform that pulls the cable could overheat.

“You can be good and you may be lucky. And they were good and lucky,” McAteer told the AP just before the operation began. “Knock on wood that tends chance for next 33 hours.”

The CEO of the Austrian company that made the winch of the capsule and the pulley system said there was no danger of overheating engine because the winch was not working in full capacity.

Minister of Mines Laurence Golborne, whose management of the crisis has made him a media star to Chile, insisted all the risks have been considered.

“It is not necessary to try to begin to guess what might go wrong. We have done this,” said Golborne. “We have hundreds of different contingencies.”

McAteer said he gave “high marks” for Chileans to create lowered expectations, saying that it could take until Christmas to save the men – and then always results sooner than expected.

“Secondly, they had very few technical problems,” he said.

Rescuers eventually build up the tree to escape Monday and capsules down perfectly in the tests.

Three capsules were built by engineers of the Chilean Navy, the name Phoenix for the mythical bird reborn from its ashes and painted white, blue and red national flag. One was used in the rescue.

Minor vital signs were closely monitored throughout the journey. They received a liquid diet rich in calories provided by NASA, designed to prevent nausea of any rotation of the capsule as it passes through the curves in the escape hole 28-inches in diameter.

Engineers inserted steel pipe at the top of the tree, which forms an angle of 11 degrees vertically before plunging like a waterfall.

Drillers had to the curve of the shaft to pass through “virgin” rock, barely collapsed areas and open spaces in underground mine overexploited, which had operated since 1885.

Protections for men were vast: A video camera watching every minor growing signs of panic. They had oxygen masks and two-way voice communication, and wore dark glasses to protect their eyes against the sudden exposure to light.

They took aspirin and wearing compression stockings to prevent blood clotting, and dressed in sweaters for climate change – about 90 degrees underground near freezing on the surface after dusk.

At the regional hospital in Copiapo, two floors were prepared for minors to be evaluated.

President Barack Obama praised the rescuers, including a team from Rock Center Inc. of Berlin, Pa., which built and managed the hammer piston-pounding open the hole.

Chile has promised that his care of minors will not end for six months at least – not until they can be sure that every child has readjusted.

Psychiatrists and other specialists in extreme situations survivor predict their life will be anything but normal.

Since Aug. 22, when a narrow hole at their refuge and minors have stunned the world with a note scrawled in red ink, the disclosure of their survival, their families were exposed in a way never imagined.

The miners were asked to describe their state of physical and mental health in detail with teams of doctors and psychologists. In some cases, when the two women and claimed the same man in love, all concerned have had to face the consequences.

In trying to test their metro was the miners now face challenges that no amount of amazing coaching can fully prepare.

The world is intensely curious to hear their story of survival. They were invited to presidential palaces, to take all expenses – paid holidays and appearing on countless television shows.

Discusses the book and film are underway, as well as jobs. Previously unimaginable riches awaiting a simple signature for those who know.

Sepulveda became aware of its options in grass. Its output performance of the tree seems to confirm what many Chileans thought when they saw his performance to carry on uploaded videos below – it could have a future as a television personality.

But he tried to quash the idea as he spoke to viewers in the public television channel in Chile while he was sitting with his wife and children shortly after his rescue.

“The only thing I ask is that you do not treat me as an artist or a journalist but as a minor, he said.” I was born a child and I will die a minor. “

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