
Chile Flag Vs Texas Flag

October 13, 2010 by · Comments Off on Chile Flag Vs Texas Flag 

Chile Flag Vs Texas Flag, A ballot in Atascosa County, Texas, has accidentally flown the flag instead of the Chilean national flag of the Lone Star State.

Both flags are surprisingly similar. They both have red and white horizontal stripes and a vertical band of blue with a white star. However, as shown below, it is an essential difference between the amount of blue and placement of the star on flags. Election staff, however, has not recognized this feature.

The Statesman reports that Texas students studying in Japan first noticed the error and it has attracted the attention of officials. In e-mail to the Statesman he shared his reaction to the error.

I guess it’s funny in some way, but my first reaction was disbelief more than anyone had noticed.

The administrator of elections in Atascosa County, Janice Ruple said that the error was the responsibility of his predecessor. According Ruple the woman who held his job before it “took liberties” with the ballots, adding elements to his own will. Ruple was not sure how long the Chilean flag was ballet unnoticed.

Chile Flag

October 13, 2010 by · Comments Off on Chile Flag 

Chile Flag, Voting by mail in Atascosa County, Texas, there was an error made recently quite remarkable. A voter named Troy Knudson was the first person to notice an error made by the County on the ballot.

Instead of what was supposed to be the flag of Texas, was a flag of Chile. The Chilean flag and the flag of Texas do not look much alike, but one would think that county employees should at least know what the state flag looks like.

Atascosa County is a small county in Texas that was founded in 1856. Currently, the population throughout the county is close to 40,000.

As you can see by the pictures below, the Texas flag differ from the flag of Chile. In the Texas version, the blue on the left side cuts off the red stripe on the bottom. In the Chilean version, the red stripe goes throughout the entire lower part of the flag.

Chile Miners

October 13, 2010 by · Comments Off on Chile Miners 

Chile Miners, Capsule downs the capsule into the tunnel until the capsule. Cheers and chants of “The miners in Chile! Exploded every time another of the 33 miners trapped for more than two months was pulled to safety.

The crowd of supporters barely cleared the day; the miners began to emerge from the mine after 69 days under the surface – even deep into the wee hours of the morning.

Families huddled around campfires to keep warm, but few have been watching the embers. All eyes were riveted on the big screen televisions with live broadcasts of the conclusion of the deepest mine rescue the longest ever.

Hope in the camp, the village of fortune began with family members of 33 miners trapped in the mine copper and gold, 10 weeks of anxiety, excitement, boredom, and advance led to tears of joy, just after midnight as a first, then a second, and possibly many miners were dragged from their damp dungeon in a tiny cage.

Chairman Sebastian Piñera welcomed the miners, with the arrival live on public television network.

Two family members or three expected every minor and were allowed to accompany them to private rooms in a field hospital built here in recent weeks. Some miners led vigorous applause and gave five-year high in the crowd who was waiting before starting to relax.

Before the gates of the mines, dozens of national police used barricades to keep a clear path of the vehicle through the crowd of more than 1,000 journalists from 40 countries. Cameramen fought for views of the family happy, shooting shelters that had been held throughout the evening for months.

“It’s hard to be here today,” said Camila Gomez, 20, as she waited for his father, Mario Gomez, the oldest miner trapped below. “It’s a mixture of feelings -. Nervousness, anxiety, happiness, but mostly just very quiet the time is here to see my father, I’ll tell her I love her very much.”

The authorities turned the Atacama Desert in a vast relief center, headlights so that the helicopter pilots shuttle minors to the hospital would not blind traffic stops for miles around and restrictions on outdoor lighting.

Zahra Clare Baker

October 12, 2010 by · Comments Off on Zahra Clare Baker 

Zahra Clare Baker, (AP) – Zahra Clare Baker, the young 10 year old girl who police say has not been seen for over a month, lived a family life in trouble, parents say.

A report, referring to speculation that Zahra was a victim of violence during a national television audience “… it was something we knew would happen.”

Zahra was reported missing Saturday by his parents in Hickory, but police say they have trouble finding someone outside the home that saw the girl for at least a month.

Brittany Bentley, who is married to a nephew of the stepmother of the missing girl, Elisa Baker, appeared Tuesday morning on the “Early Show” CBS said Zahra and showed signs of being unhappy at home. The police Hickory named Elisa Baker a “person of interest” in the case.

Speaking to CBS on Tuesday, Bentley said, “I just think it was something we knew long ago that would happen -. Everyone who was close to the family”

Bentley, 21, said she sometimes Zahra in his house for a weekend, and that the girl, a cancer survivor who has an artificial leg and requires the use of hearing aids should be upset when it was time to go home.

Bentley said Zahra said she was locked in his room most of the time and was authorized “five minutes a day to eat, and that was all.”

“She was beaten almost every time I was there only for the smallest things,” said Bentley. “Elisa was angry, she blame Zahra, things the child does not deserve. She just had a horrible family life. ”

Bentley also said she saw some bruises on his face Zahra. When asked what had happened, Zahra seemed frightened, “said Bentley.

“She was afraid of death,” she said. “She did not mean anything.”

Bentley also said she and her family had not seen Zahra in two months.

On Monday morning, the father of Zahra, Adam Baker, appeared on ABC-TV’s “Good Morning America” and said it was possible his wife could have been involved in the disappearance of the girl.

Police said they found inconsistencies in the stories and Elisa Baker said she was uncooperative.

Meanwhile, police were trying to determine exactly when Zahra Baker really disappears.

His parents phoned in a missing persons report on 2:30 pm Saturday, but several neighbors told the Observer on Monday they have never seen Zahra home of his parents rented and were surprised to learn a young girl lived. The Bakers moved into the house six weeks ago, apparently from Caldwell County.

“I’ve never seen a sign of their daughter,” said neighbor Charles Bost side. He said he regularly discussed with Adam Baker over the fence separating their yards, but Baker said he never mentioned having a daughter.

“I was in the backyard a bit, and I’ve never seen this little girl,” said Bost.

Meanwhile, a search warrant revealed that police dogs detected the smell of human blood on the car belonging to Adam and Elisa Baker.

Hickory Police Chief Tom Adkins said investigators were trying to determine a timetable – the last time Zahra had been seen by someone outside the household, when, or if she had been seen at home in Hickory, and when she disappeared.

There were other strange twists in this case.

The authorities have called the house Bakery on 21st Avenue NW, at about 5 am Saturday in response to a fire in the yard of mulch and a report that gasoline was poured into an SUV.

The search warrant said police found a ransom note on the SUV, addressed to “Mr Coffey,” who was identified as a boss Adam Baker, Mark Coffey. Note most of the time without punctuation as follows: “Mr. Coffey, you love being in control which is now in control, we have your daughter and your son is the next … unless you do what is requested 1000000 ($ 1 million) will be unmarked in touch soon. ”

The words “no cops” were also written on the note.

Police checked on Coffey and said his family was fine.

Late Tuesday morning, police said Elisa Hickory Baker admitted during questioning on Monday night that she had written the ransom note. She immediately asked a lawyer and has stopped responding to further questions, police said.
