
Chilean Miner Mistress

October 13, 2010 by · Comments Off on Chilean Miner Mistress 

Chilean Miner Mistress, One after another, the 33 miners who were trapped for 69 days in a gold medal in Chile and copper mine emerged Wednesday from their underground hell – in the warm embrace of his relatives.

But when two-time minor Yonni Barrios happens, it will enter into a soap opera.

Although Barrios was trapped 2000 feet underground, his wife, Marta Salinas, discovered his longtime mistress, Susana Valenzuela. So, the boss will not be there to greet her husband.

“I’m happy because he was saved,” Salinas, 56, told a local newspaper. “It’s a miracle of God. But I will not participate in the rescue.”

Salinas Valenzuela learned when she spotted him at a prayer vigil – and heard his calling to Barrios. She was willing to forgive her until she learned he had called his wife and lover to be there when he leaves the mine.

“I have the decency,” said Salinas. “It is very clear: It’s her or me.”

Nineteen miners were rescued from 14 noon Wednesday, including survivors and younger.

“Gracias, gracias,” said No. 15 Victor Segovia, as he hugged the president Chilean Sebastian Pinera and rescuers.

Celebration of Segovia was cut from the jubilant display of joy in scene 39 years, Mario Sepulveda, a minor second to be saved.

Punching the air and distributing rescuers rocks remember to laugh, Sepulveda instantly became the poster boy for pulling Chilean – and injected a huge dose of national pride in the joy that swept the country.

The national daily El Mercurio has dubbed, “Super Mario”.

“I think I was extraordinarily lucky,” Sepulveda, sunglasses to protect his eyes, told reporters later. “I was with God and the devil, and I extended the hand of God.”

Nobody survived underground until these men and their reunion with their loved ones in tears on the surface of the celebration was triggered after the celebration.

In Washington, Obama said the Chilean miners “have inspired the world” and gave congratulations to NASA to help design the rescue capsule-shaped torpedo.

The party began just after midnight, when the first miner rescued, 31, Florencio Avalos, came to the surface.

Dressed in a combination of moisture resistent green sunglasses and wearing an oxygen mask, Avalos has been adopted by a jubilant crowd of rescuers and a radiating Pinera.

His wife in tears and one of his sons, both wearing hard hats, his arms and kissed him, as he tasted the fresh air of freedom for the first time in 69 days. He was immediately transported to medical center proximity to be considered.

Dancing With The Stars Results October 12

October 13, 2010 by · Comments Off on Dancing With The Stars Results October 12 

Dancing With The Stars Results October 12, In what should be a surprise to anyone, the Dancing With The Stars results show on October 12 resulted in the withdrawal of the situation and Karina Smirnoff. As the Dancing With The Stars Results October 12 showed that, even dancing qualified Karina could not save the situation lasts.

Although Bristol Palin and Kurt Warner both scored low on Dancing With The Stars October 12 results show, the situation and Karina were returned. Really, it was a coin toss, but the situation was sacked because he barely even danced. The situation showed off the muscle with a little lift, but rarely moved elsewhere.

Chilean Miners Rescue Live, CNN

October 13, 2010 by · Comments Off on Chilean Miners Rescue Live, CNN 

Chilean Miners Rescue Live, CNN story of the rescue of Chilean miners, broadcast live on CNN, you know the state of Texas is to watch because they misunderstand the Chilean flag to the flag of Texas.

The live stream of CNN, the Chilean flag is displayed in the den of minors over 2000 feet below the surface of the Earth, above the ground, and it seems everywhere you look on television.

In San Antonio, Texas, they think it’s the flag of Texas.
The only difference between the Chilean flag and the Texas flag is blue that is in the upper left corner of the Chilean flag runs all the way down the Texas flag. It’s the only difference.

Tell him to the Atascosa County absentee voters, who made the mistake for years according to my San

Election officials recently learned that the small inserts in educational Packets County ballot was marked by an illustration of the flag wrong.

Just below the words “Make your vote count,” he was there: not the proud red, white and blue of the Lone Star State, but the Chilean flag surprisingly similar.

Judging by the research of glasses for the Texas flag during the time of the rescue of Chilean miners Live, it seems Texans are still making the mistake. Someone looking to learn what involvement, if any, Texas, was in the rescue of Chilean miners. The State of Texas had no official role, but according to CNN International, there was a Texas company involved in the creation of the drill.

Drillers Supply International Greg Hall, who was part of the team that provided the drilling is a Houston, Texas company called International Drillers Supply. According to Fox drilling, international supply plan was developed and trained crew to dig a hole large enough for the capsule in the minors and to ground

Texas Flag

October 13, 2010 by · Comments Off on Texas Flag 

Texas Flag, A ballot in Atascosa County, Texas, has accidentally flown the flag instead of the Chilean national flag of the Lone Star State.

Both flags are surprisingly similar. They both have red and white horizontal stripes and a vertical band of blue with a white star. However, as shown below, it is an essential difference between the amount of blue and placement of the star on flags. Election staff, however, has not recognized this feature.

The Statesman reports that Texas students studying in Japan first noticed the error and it has attracted the attention of officials. In e-mail to the Statesman he shared his reaction to the error.

I guess it’s funny in some way, but my first reaction was disbelief more than anyone had noticed.

The administrator of elections in Atascosa County, Janice Ruple said that the error was the responsibility of his predecessor. According Ruple the woman who held his job before it “took liberties” with the ballots, adding elements to his own will. Ruple was not sure how long the Chilean flag was ballet unnoticed.

As to how the flag of Chile has managed to last on a ballot in Texas, Ruple said simply:

Chilean Miners Rescue Live

October 13, 2010 by · Comments Off on Chilean Miners Rescue Live 

Chilean Miners Rescue Live, Now rescuers retrieved nine of the 33 other trapped miners Wednesday morning in the Chilean desert.

The first, Florencio Avalos, was released shortly after midnight, wearing helmet and sunglasses to protect his eyes, stayed 69 days without seeing sunlight. With a broad smile, he shook his seven-year-old son and his wife.

The second, Mario Sepulveda Espina, was released an hour later. Even before the capsule reaches the surface back, his screams could be heard enthusiastically. After hugging his wife, he laughed with rescuers handing out stones in memory of his stay at about 700 m underground.

Then he jumped as if to prove he was doing well even before the medical team for not passing his exams.

“I think I was extraordinarily lucky,” he said then in a room designed by the government for interviews. “I was with God and the devil and God took me.” He praised the work of relief: “It’s unbelievable what they have saved us while we were at 700 m depth.”

A third minor Chilean Juan Illanes, followed an hour later.

Then Carlos Mamani, Bolivia’s only group, was released. His wife has lost his helmet, kissing. Sebastian Pinera Chilean President and the First Lady waved flags in Bolivia. Mamani then showed his T-shirt with the Chilean flag and shouted “Gracias, Chile!”

Jimmy Sanchez, 19, the youngest of the group, came out in fifth.

The relief operation is to remove all the miners in about 36 hours.

The 33 men were trapped in the mine when 700,000 tons of rock collapsed on August 5.

CNN and news networks are the most important achievement of a live rescue.

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