
The Constitution Of The United States Of America

January 6, 2011 by · Comments Off on The Constitution Of The United States Of America 

The Constitution Of The United States Of America, House Republicans will be read aloud on Thursday in a gesture to the Constitution rights and, hopefully, they will listen to the words they recite.
Take, for example, the preamble of the 4543-word document written in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787. It does not have powers, but contains principles.

We the People of the United States, …

This means that everyone, not just some of them. This means acting on behalf of the will of the majority of citizens rather than special interests, such as health care insurers and other campaign donors.

One of the first steps taken by President John Boehner (R., Ohio) and his new GOP majority will vote on the repeal of the law of health care was approved last year. It is high on the agenda tea parties, but less than a third of the population supports this movement.

A majority favor some changes to the law, while almost four in 10 citizens want to keep it as is. This is not really a mandate to dismantle a law that provides coverage for health care for people regardless of their employment status or ability to pay. And most legislators eager to remove the health insurance for people others do not dream of giving up their own plan Cadillac funded by taxpayers.

… To form a more perfect Union, …

The framers of the Constitution were wise in many ways, but today we would call this particular phrase “spin”. The founding fathers knew that the national government, they created was not perfect, so their efforts to make it better.

The nation has been at work perfecting the Constitution since. There were 27 amendments, including those of African Americans in recognizing as citizens (1868), allowing Congress to impose taxes on income (1913), and to give women the right to vote (1920). Literalism Tea Party aside, rightly Constitution evolves with the needs of society.

… Establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility do, provide for the common defense, and promote the general welfare …

Prosperity and fairness are the themes. Despite GOP criticism of Obama’s measures of economic recovery, they work. The U.S. private sector added nearly 300,000 jobs in December, the most in a decade. Attempts to unravel this momentum would be stupid.

… And secure the Blessings of Liberty to our Posterity, and we do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The last principle, the freedom for future generations, including fiscal responsibility. But the new majority in the House budget calls for rules that make it easier to run up more deficits.

Put the federal government on a responsible path is the financial imperative, and it will not be achieved in a single season. It should not be accomplished without requiring the sacrifice at all levels.
