
Thursday Night Football 2010

September 9, 2010 by · Comments Off on Thursday Night Football 2010 

Thursday Night Football 2010, Football season starts today and San Diego Chargers are preparing to dance in the Monday Night Football national audience.
Our opponent Monday night this week is the division rival Kansas City. I spoke with lead author Patrick Allen, over at Arrowhead Addict to get some ideas about our opponent in week 1. Go to the arrowhead and get addicted Bolt Beat presence felt.
This is what Patrick had to say about the Chiefs:
1. What is expected of new offensive weapons McCluster Thomas Jones and Dexter?
I think more is expected of McCluster Dexter Jones. Jamaal Charles is the most dynamic leader and heads back to get fans want to see most of the carries. I think Thomas Jones will be more important than people realize, but only in a less flashy than guys like McCluster and Charles. Jones is here to get the tough yards and move the chains. Charles also kept fresh. His average per carry was low in the preseason, but I thought it was ok. He moved the chains on several occasions and had a particularly nice TD run. It shows when it counts.
2. What the rookie, not McCluster and Berry, Eric, if the Chargers to take into account?
Look out for Javier Arenas. He is still developing in her corner, but his return skills are frightening. He nearly took a turn in each preseason game. He has the opportunity to really help in that department KC.
Another rookie who can make a big play is free safety Kendrick Lewis. Lewis probably will not start but will see significant playing time. It was a fifth round selection so largly has flown under the radar, but it seems to be heading skills. It’s fast and has demonstrated its capacity bombing and cover well. Heads His only interception of the preseason.
Finally, be careful with the name of WR Jeremy Horne. Horne is a free agent and is very raw, but has some speed and showed the ability to achieve the separation of the corners at the high routes. I would not be surprised to see division by losing once during the game. However, whether or not Cassel will be able to give the ball is another story …
3. What kind of game plan the new offensive coordinator (Charlie Weis) and defensive coordinator (Romeo Crennel) brought the team?
Charlie Weis is playing to the strengths of the team is the running game. Expect the Chiefs to run the ball a lot and would not surprise me to apply a similar strategy to what the Jets did in the playoffs last year. The passes will be short and quick. Expect a lot of biases, screens and play action.
Crennnel Romeo has the defense game with great passion and he seems determined to create a pass-rusher using the linebackers. Beware of blitzes from the MLB and security devices. As an overall game plan, I think the Chiefs will play to stop the run and blitz a lot. They will try to rely on his strong play DB. Philip Rivers should get a lot of opportunities one at a time if you can get rid of the ball fast enough. Again, this is only a guess since this is the first game.
4. What has been encouraged by this spring? Discouraged?
The number of different individuals stepping up and making plays, especially on defense, has encouraged me. Playing linebacker seems to have improved dramatically. Younger players are stepping up and making an impact that will be crucial to the success of this team.
The Special Unit of equipment looks like it could be one of the best in the league.
I’ve been very discouraged in the play of Matt Cassel. I have seen no sign of improvement over what he did last season.
5. What is with former Charger WR Chris Chambers to marry his stalker? Does this cause distraction in the locker room?
Ja! Oddly enough all the drama of Chris Chambers has not caused any distraction at all. Chris seems to be out of trouble. It keeps his head down and goes to work. As you do, I do not think anyone is too worried about his problems with women. After Larry Johnson about slapping women who prefer to Chris Chambers to marry his stalker. Step in the right direction, I guess.
BONUS: Prediction on the game Monday Night Football
Logic tells me that the Chargers should win this game. The heads are better, but are still very young and inexperienced. That said, the picture seems to be set for a disappointment. With the Chargers are missing some key players and the atmosphere Monday Nigh in Arrowhead, I believe that the leaders could well hang in there and maybe steal it.
I will kind of take the path of chicken here and say that if the bosses can create two turnovers and holding on to their own balls, squeak a victory. If the Chargers hold on to the ball and heads are turned, at least once, probably will not be able to overcome and the Chargers will win.
