
Ellen DeGeneres

August 3, 2013 by · Comments Off on Ellen DeGeneres 

Ellen DeGeneres, 1. When Ellen said what we are ALL THINKING on Oscar night:

2. When Ellen said this to eight-time Oscar nominee (and eight-time Oscar loser) Peter O’Toole:

3. When Ellen made this unexpected comparison between American Idol and An Inconvenient Truth:

4. When Ellen and Mark Wahlberg talked about…hygiene:

5. When Ellen gave a script to Martin Scorsese:

6. Later, when Clint Eastwood got upset Ellen didn’t have a script for him:

7. And then when Ellen asked Clint for a picture:

For MySpace. Hello there, 2007!

8. And then when Ellen made Steven Spielberg take the photo — and gave him direction:

9. When Ellen debuted the Oscar baby-carrier:

You can show off your trophy and have your hands free to drink or smoke!

10. And when she spoke TS-EX- TRUTH:

Portia De Rossi

February 4, 2012 by · Comments Off on Portia De Rossi 

Portia De Rossi, How awesome does an Ellen Degeneres/Portia De Rossi comedy pilot about dueling sisters sound??

Second off:

You’re right! It sounds awesome! And it just got a pilot ordered by ABC — so chances are, we’ll get to see it!

It’s called The Smart One, and will star Rossi.

Here’s what it’s about:

Arrested Development and Ally McBeal alumna de Rossi plays one of them, a brilliant and successful woman who has to go to work for her less brainy but more popular sister – a former beauty queen, weather girl and now big city Mayor.

That sounds pretty great, and everything Portia’s been in recently has been incredible, including the very underrated Better Off Ted (we wish it was still on!).
