
Zanzibar Acid Attack

August 8, 2013 by · Comments Off on Zanzibar Acid Attack 

Zanzibar Acid Attack, Two young British women were injured in an acid attack carried out by two men on a motorcycle on the east African island of Zanzibar, local police said Thursday.

The women, who were attacked in Stone Town, the island’s historic center, had been working as volunteer teachers on the island, travel firm i-to-i Travel said.

Stone Town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site popular with tourists.

The Zanzibar government and a spokesman for the women’s families identified the victims as Katie Gee and Kirstie Trup, both 18.

The attack occurred Wednesday night as the women were walking unaccompanied along a street, said police Cmdr. Muccadam Khamis. The attackers, who did not take anything from their victims, left the scene on the motorbike, he said.

Eyewitnesses said the acid was splashed on the women’s faces, chests and hands.

The government condemned the attack and vowed to find the perpetrators.

“The event is a great tragedy, and an attack of this nature against a foreign citizen, has never happened here before,” the Zanzibar government said in a statement.

“The government is appealing to the general public to assist in the arrest of the offenders and is offering a reward of 10 million shillings (about $6,000) to anyone providing information leading to an arrest,” the statement continued.

The government also said it would regulate the purchase of acid and other related products, and warned that such attacks could seriously damage the island’s tourism industry, one of its main sources of funds. Police patrols will be stepped up in major tourist spots, officials promised.

The women were given first aid treatment at a local medical center before British consular officials helped them reach a hospital in the city of Dar es Salaam, on the Tanzanian mainland, Khamis said.

Acid Attack

September 3, 2010 by · Comments Off on Acid Attack 

Acid Attack, Some people are very sick and twisted walking the streets of the world. What would someone be thinking to make them want to throw acid on someone’s face? That’s a lot of anger and hatred.

Can you imagine pouring acid in a bottle or container and only by approaching a stranger and pouring acid on your face? Probably not. Those of us who have a conscience would never do that. It is absolutely the work of a psychopath.

I hope this was not a hate crime or racially motivated. Bethany robber was a black woman. While she did not say and racial epithets, one has to wonder if she said Bethany, because he was white. I really hope that was not the case at all.

Storr Bethany walked over care of their own business. She was happy as she was celebrating her new job when a stranger threw acid on her face. Instantly she really could hear his burning skin.

Storr Bethany celebrated his new job when a stranger approached him and asked: “Hey darling, will you take this?”

The attacker threw a cup of acid in the face of Storr. His skin began to sizzle immediately.

The 28-year-old from Vancouver, Washington spoke publicly for the first time since the vicious attack earlier this week in his hometown.

“It was the most painful thing ever,” he said from the hospital on Thursday. “My heart stopped. It ripped through my clothes at the moment he touched the shirt, I could feel the burn through my second layer of skin.”

Just before the attack, Storr was a cloud over his new job. As a gift, he bought a new pair of sunglasses.

The current proved to be a lifesaver, protecting it from almost certain blindness if the acid had slept a wink.

Storr described her attacker as a black woman in her late 20s wearing khaki pants and hair in a ponytail.

“Never seen this girl in my life,” said Storr. “When I first saw her, she had this oddity of it – such as jealousy, anger.”

The surgeon who operated on Storr said the fluid was as strong as hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid.

While police were looking for his attacker, Storr has one question: “Why?”

Do you wake in the morning my attacker and say that I will “take some acid in a glass and throw it in the first person I see?” Asked Storr.

Despite the severe damage to the face, Storr, who lost much of its audience after two episodes of spinal meningitis as a child, I was happy that I could still see.

Employment Report

July 3, 2010 by · Comments Off on Employment Report 

Employment Report:Yesterday’s employment report June 2010, the Labor Department paints a bleak picture. The U.S. economy is still far from recovery. The national average for the unemployment rate declined to 9.5% from 9.7%. However, this was mainly due to some 650,000 people evacuated from the workforce because they are long-term unemployed who have stopped looking for a job.

The June employment report shows that the U.S. economy had a net loss of 125,000 jobs. Most of these consist of the 225,000 jobs lost temporary Census. The private sector created only 83,000 jobs around, almost half of the vacation industry.

Nationally, the June employment report states that we are still some 7.3 million fewer jobs than when you started the Great Recession. industries in key economic sectors such as manufacturing, construction and financial resources are still anemic. Thursday’s report showed a drop in unemployment in the three sectors.

The ADP payroll report this week showed that only 13,000 new jobs created, mostly by large corporations. Medium-sized businesses with 50-500 employees, accounted for only 3,000 new jobs. Worst of all was a net loss of jobs by small businesses, usually the section which adds new jobs.

No matter how you spin the numbers, the June employment report from the Labor Department was bad news for the Obama administration. Despite the decline in the unemployment rate to 9.5%, there was a statistical decrease and not an indicator of improvement. The actual employment rate of the population fell from 58.7% in May to 58.5% in June, almost a full point from 59.4% a year ago. The stimulus failed and now is the time to consider an alternative to Keynesian models and methods of recovery.

Katie Piper

July 3, 2010 by · Comments Off on Katie Piper 

Katie Piper:Seven weeks after a vicious attack by sulfuric acid, Katie Piper ready for discharge. The former model 26 years old and aspiring television presenter was burned beyond recognition, when an unknown person threw acid on her face in a street in London in March 2008.

“The pain was so bad that the thought of this man missed a game on me … I thought it must be a large orange fireball as it is very painful,” he said. “I remember bits of my face out and the bits were coming off, and my clothes were evaporating and I was panicked. I went to hit the store windows and people are scared.”

Security cameras captured the incident and police learned that her boyfriend, Piper, Danny Lynch – a 33-year-old martial arts enthusiast Piper had started dating just two weeks earlier, had hired a hit man to throw acid in the impressive model.

“This is when my life changed completely, forever …” said, “This is when I lost my beautiful face.”
