
Insert Coin

May 21, 2010 by · Comments Off on Insert Coin 

Insert CoinInsert Coin:Over the years, I played Pacman on platforms from the original game coin-operated, in my PC, my Xbox, PSP, Nintendo DS, and my iPhone. I never thought I could add playing Pacman on the inside of the Google logo to the list. Now I can, and what you can, in a special ‘Google Doodle’ out today.

Pacman Google logo today goes far beyond any special logo that Google has ever done. Believe me, I know. I’ve been up close and personal with the logos of Google as part of my recent history, Google’s special logos, sliced and diced, over the years. This is the first time that people have been able to interact with the logo. To play a freakin ‘game!

It’s in honor of the 30th anniversary of Pacman (or Pac-Man, for the purists who prefer the spelling with hyphen). Pacman released on May 22, 1980 in Japan, then came to the U.S. In October of that year.

But today May 21! one day early Google!

Yes, but that is what the logo can run for a total of two days from when it launched at 8AM Pacific today. That is a long time for anyone wishing to test their fighting skills Inky (blue), Blinky (red), Pinky (seriously?) And Clyde (orange) and reach the final, the index 256. This level shows what the screen is known as “kill”, one only partially rendered due to a programming error in the original Pacman. The version of Google-recreates this.

To play, click on the currency of “insert” button below the search box to the right of the “Google Search”. Google That’s another first. Usually the button on the right says “I’m Feeling Lucky” and when pushed, it automatically takes you directly to the first site that Google otherwise would be included as part of the search results. Google had its peculiar “I’m Feeling Lucky” button from the start. It has never been replaced so far.

You can also play do nothing for 10 seconds. After that time, the game will start automatically.

Google has had an animated logo before, exactly once, on 4 January this year. That was in honor of the birthday of Sir Isaac Newton and showed an apple falling from tree (from Google of Issac Newton Apple Tree Logo history has a video of it, or try it yourself by clicking the logo on file here at Google) .

A falling apple is far from interactive glory today. Behind the scenes is Googler Wichary Marcin, a user experience designer and lover than Pacman. He handled the programming, working with the Google logo artist – “Doodler” – Ryan Germick.

Incidentally, getting a high score? Make a screenshot. No high scores ranking, Google tells me. Wow. It would have been very good to leave your initials in the Google logo.

Happy Birthday, Pacman!

PS: Click Insert Coin twice for two-player mode with Ms. Pacman (via @ Madhava). At the same time! Ms. Pacman To control, use the W up, down S, A and D for the Left to the right (via Josh Weinberger et al.) On the iPhone or IPAD? You can play there, too. Simply slide your finger in the direction you want to go. It works – barely.

La Notion Du Mythe

May 21, 2010 by · Comments Off on La Notion Du Mythe 

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why is google spelled wrong

September 27, 2009 by · Comments Off on why is google spelled wrong 


why is google spelled wrong, Why does Google have two Ls? Why is Google spelled wrong? These are the questions running in the minds of every internet user who visit Google website on September 27, 2009. 2 L’s created excitement in the user that why Google has 2L’s. This was never happened before in Google’s 11 year life.

There is no need to worry about it. Actually 2L’s are number 11. This is a part of Google’s 11th birthday. It will be celebrated in each time zone when it officially become September 27. This is unique way of celebration. This mode of celebration keeps the viewer thinking what is going on, where the 2nd L comes from.

Google likes the visitors to keep on guessing when exactly the Google’s birthday is. Last year on 10th September they celebrated their birthday. Google don’t have 1 exact day on which they celebrate their birthday. September is a month of celebration for Google as they incorporated on September 4th and the domain was registered on September 15th.

One thing is for sure that Google has a great sense of humor. Google knows how to make the visitor guessing. At first one could not under stand what happens. People check it again and again why it is spelling wrong. No one knows that Google has chosen 27thSeptember for its 11th birthday celebration.

Source : See

why is google spelled wrong

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