

August 1, 2011 by · Comments Off on Fantasia 

FantasiaFantasia, The hoarse voice of American Idol winner, Fantasia Barrino, shared that she is expecting a baby while singing at a concert in Florida. Read on to know what Fantasia told the crowd, and we think that the baby-daddy is.

Is baby number two of Fantasia, which is the mother of daughter Zion nine years old? Fantasia sang in Jacksonville, Florida, and just before she sang: “While the angels”, who shared the news of the pregnancy! “You are the first people to share the news with and share this with you because I identify with you … I’m carrying this child, God has given me this child. And not have to hide any of you all.”

Fantasia has had a rocky road since winning American Idol, even an abortion and a rumored suicide attempt. Only last August, was hospitalized for Fantasia drug overdose attempt. He said that Fantasia took a downward spiral after he was accused of breaking marriage Antwaun Cook. In a special VH1 Behind the Music, Fantasia shared that she had an abortion when she discovered she was pregnant with Cook.

In the latest announcement of Fantasia baby, she did not agree with who the father is. But it was not really a surprise for her fans that the star is pregnant. It has been speculated for some time that Fantasia was sporting a baby bump. His manager crushed pregnancy rumors saying the singer gained weight for a role as an actor.

Now that the pregnancy is confirmed, the shared fantasy that the child-father is? We have to wait and see if Antwaun Cook is indeed the father.

What do you think of this third season winner of American Idol? Do you feel for your journey of life, or you’re tired of it? Let us know what you think, comment below.

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