
Online Stopwatch

February 16, 2011 by · Comments Off on Online Stopwatch 

Online Stopwatch, Many websites, which provides the features of timers and stopwatches to its users, usually these sites use the java-based functions. You can browser these sites to use stopwatches and timers, timers on the Web and With, I type in the number of hours, minutes and seconds and click “Go!” The timer starts counting down immediately. When it reaches zero, it is a heart monitor acute hospital irritating beep-beep, beep-beep. Impossible to ignore.

Online works the same way. Select the countdown function, set the time and click “Start”. End time limit, an alarm clock startles you cacophony on your skin. Again, impossible to ignore.

If you have a background of malice and want to lead others in your office crazy, you can customize the alarm to sound like a siren warning air horn of a scuba diving or a horse race bugle.

As an alternative, less intrusive, you can make the alarm sound like an audience applauding with appreciation. Consider it a reward for successfully concluding session of your social media.

Whatever method you choose, commit to using it consistently. Serving as your own guardian will help you use social media in a productive manner. And over time, the strategic use of social media tools can give your company a competitive advantage.

Anyone who has dabbled in social networking know how easy it is to lose track of time while chatting on Facebook, brainstorming tweets, update your LinkedIn profile or obsessively checking visitor statistics.

These seemingly innocuous activities can quickly become addictive and can distract you from running your business. And that’s not what you want to happen, especially if your goal for the use of social media is to build businesses.

Unless you’re one of those rare individuals who have a reliable internal clock coupled to a high degree of self-discipline, you will need to carefully monitor your time social networking.

First, you must become aware of exactly how much time you spend per week for social networking. In his book, “168 hours”, Laura Vanderkam suggests writing down what you do every hour of the day for a whole week. “Think of yourself as a lawyer billing your time to different projects,” she writes.

New Years Countdown Timer

December 31, 2010 by · Comments Off on New Years Countdown Timer 

New Years Countdown Timer, Tomorrow’s Eve, the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) will stage new Hong Kong Countdown New Year celebrations to usher in 2011 with spectacular fireworks. This year’s fireworks show will last four and a half minutes, and pyrotechnics will be used to create numbers countdown for the first time. Led by the display on the top and sides of two IFC, pyrotechnics will be launched over the roofs of nine other buildings on the island of Hong Kong, a dragon symbolizing above Victoria Harbour in wishing New all a great year.

Residents can enjoy the fireworks from several points of view on Hong Kong Island and Kowloon side, including the Hong Kong Cultural Centre (HKCC) Piazza, Tsim Sha Tsui on the waterfront between the Avenue of Stars and HKCC, the West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade, Promenade Expo in the Golden Bauhinia Square in Wan Chai and Central Piers area.

Those who expect a party atmosphere escalation can visit the HKCC Piazza, where the HKTB will stage a line-up of live performances, including songs by pop stars, to the platform HKCC Displaying 11:15 p.m. tomorrow. The performances will be projected onto the facade of HKCC in real time to the delight of spectators. The HKTB will also distribute more than ten thousand inflatable cheering sticks in the form of two ifc participants as they welcomed the arrival of the New Year.
