
Adam Lambert

March 1, 2012 by · Comments Off on Adam Lambert 

Adam Lambert, You already knew Adam Lambert was going to release his second major-label album, Trespassing next month. But did you know that it is one of two CDs the former “American Idol” runner-up will be dropping this year?

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the second release, Beg For Mercy, is not necessarily one that Lambert wants out in the world, but it will see the light of day thanks to the settling of a lawsuit.

Colwel Platinum Entertainment had sued Lambert over claims that the singer had interfered with its attempts to release Mercy, which was recorded before Lambert rose to stardom as the runner-up in the eighth season of “Idol.” The two sides reportedly came to terms with each other and the lawsuit was dismissed less than four months after Colwel accused the singer of allegedly making a false claim under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and sending a takedown notice to after Colwel had the album on the site.

The company claimed that it owned a 50 percent share of the publishing in the recordings and that according to its contract with Lambert it had the right to promote and sell his music. Now, Colwel has dismissed the lawsuit with prejudice and gotten assurance from Lambert that he won’t stand in the way of Mercy’s release.

Both sides also made it clear that Lambert’s deal with Colwel never, as rumored, made him ineligible for “Idol,” though Colwel’s original complaint in the case mentioned that it might have.

“The Colwel Platinum Entertainment lawsuit against Adam Lambert has been resolved,” read a statement from the company to the Reporter. “Adam has withdrawn any objections to the release of ‘Beg For Mercy’ and he has approved the use of his songs and performances in these pre-‘Idol’ recordings which are interpretations of his artistic vision at the time. Neither Colwel Platinum Entertainment, Inc. nor Malcolm Welsford ever stated that Adam was not eligible to participate in American Idol when he did so and regret that the lawsuit’s allegations were misinterpreted.”

Adam Lambert Arrested

December 22, 2011 by · Comments Off on Adam Lambert Arrested 

Adam Lambert ArrestedAdam Lambert Arrested, The authorities were called when the “American Idol” runner-up and his reality star boyfriend Sauli Koskinen got into a fight outside a Helsinki gay bar. The two were released on Thursday afternoon. American Idol star Adam Lambert spent several hours in a Finnish jail Thursday after being arrested outside a Helsinki gay bar following a brawl with his Finnish boyfriend, local reality star Sauli Koskinen.

According to Petri Juvonen, who is heading up the police investigation into the event, Lambert and Koskinen were arrested at around 4 a.m. Thursday morning outside DTM (Don’t Tell Mama), a famous Helsinki gay club. Both men are being held for questioning as local police investigate a total of four possible assault offenses. Juvonen tells the Hollywood Reporter that the two would likely be released after being interrogated.
According to media reports out of Finland, the dispute between the two men started in one of DTM’s back rooms. Lambert and Koskinen, a winner of the Finnish version of Big Brother, were apparently kicked out of the club but carried on fighting in the street outside.

Finnish beauty queen Sofia Ruusila, an ex-Miss Helsinki, who had been celebrating with Lambert and Koskinen, told a Finnish entertainment channel that she had tried to get between the quarrelling couple when Lambert accidently hit her by mistake.

Lambert arrived in Finland on Monday, Dec. 19 to celebrate Christmas with Koskinen. There had been much internet speculation that Lambert was scheduled to be a guest performer on Thursday’s finale of the X Factor. A show spokesperson denied the booking and clearly, being 5,100 miles and a continent away, a Lambert appearance was not in the cards.

It’s unclear when he’ll return to the U.S. or whether he’ll face charges in Finland. Lambert’s new single, “Better Than I Know Myself,” was released on Tuesday. The singer last tweeted on Wednesday at around noon Helsinki time boasting that the song was No. 2 on iTunes in the Middle East. He had earlier written in Finnish, “Helsinki is a beautiful city full of beautiful people! Thank you!”

UPDATED: Investigator Juvonen has completed his interrogation and the two were released on Thursday afternoon. Koskinen later blogged about the incident, writing in Finnish (as translated by Google): “Celebrities are people too and fame is not easy. Love is not always easy either, but it’s forever.” Koskinen goes on to say that the “hangover is gone already” and “Paparazzi, police stations have back doors, too, go away already.”
