
Adam Lambert Ama Video

November 25, 2009 by · Comments Off on Adam Lambert Ama Video 

November 25: Adam Lambert AMA video, American Music Aawards Adam Lambert and Justin Bieber broken foot. Adam Lambert is being criticized for his gay act on stage during the AMA ceremony. Hundreds of complaints have been filed against this budding singer who had made a mark for his performance during a reality show.

Even his diehard fans have turned against him saying that he wanted the fame to come through short route. They also say that he has so much talent that he could use it to reach the top instead of taking to antics in poor show.

Bernie says, “Adam you have no talent. You are disgusting. My children were watching the awards and they don’t need to see you with a guys face in your crotch, or you with your hand in a woman’s crotch, etc. Sick Bas***d! Some of the other so called performers s****d also. Crotch grabbing foul mouth trash! No wonder our youth are so misguided. They think this is the norm”.

Marline says, “We were huge Adam fans on idol b/c of his voice & yes, even to see what he would do next. But this is carrying it way too far. We were shocked, embarrassed & totally disgusted by this performance. & to everyone saying what abou the other performers? They were shocking & disgusting too. We wonder what’s wrong with our kids & our world today”?

Kate says, “We have decided never to watch his any other show in the future. It was so much painful sitting in front of the television set with kids and having to endure this and similar acts”.

Another reader says, “The whole show was disgusting – what happened to true entertainment and not just “shock value”. Adam Lambert, who I also loved on AI, was totally disgusting – and it wasn’t necessary”.

But there are others who don’t agree with this point of view. Daniel says, “I can’t believe how much hate got welled up by this performance. Honestly it isnt any different from the simulated sexual acts of other performers (e.g..britney spears and madonna), I think this shows just how much prejudice is still present in the U.S”.
