
Casey Anthony Released

July 13, 2011 by  

Casey Anthony ReleasedCasey Anthony Released, Casey Anthony could be coming to a town near you? With the release of Casey Anthony from prison very soon will be the most hated woman in America does to recover your life. Reports indicate that Ms. Anthony is considering changing its name and move to a new city. You may also be a good idea to change its appearance Casey to not like Casey in the past.
You will all remember that last week, Casey Anthony was found not guilty in the murder of her daughter Caylee Anthony. It seemed a though the evidence presented was too circumstantial the jury to convict. Caylee’s death remains a mystery and will probably remain so.

Casey Anthony is set to be released this Sunday, July 17. She was acquitted of murder charges but was however, still loaded with some minor acts. Time spent in custody awaiting trial for murder is attributed back to her so she will be released in just a few days.

In other news of Casey Anthony is being sued by a group of people who have wanted Caylee back in 2008. Casey had asked the company Equusearch to help find her daughter Caylee, that she knew he was dead. The company is suing Mrs. Anthony for more than 100,000 frauds and claiming.

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