
Zooey Deschanel

December 16, 2011 by · Comments Off on Zooey Deschanel 

Zooey Deschanel, Zooey Deschanel has been reflecting on the Golden Globe nominations received by Fox sitcom New Girl.

The comedy has been nominated for two Globes – ‘Best Television Series – Musical or Comedy’ and one for Deschanel herself as ‘Best Actress in a Television Series – Musical or Comedy’. Speaking to the Los Angeles Times, Deschanel (like the self-consciously oh-so-’wacky’ charmingly kooky character she is) said the experience had been, “like … like, cake and ice cream.” She added:

“I’ve been working a really long time as an actress — I know how special and rare it is to get recognized like this.”

Deschanel plays the titular heroine, a girl who moves in with three guys after a humiliating split from her boyfriend. The actress called her nomination a “total surprise.” But how would her character, Jess, react?

“She would totally trip and fall and walk into a wall. I know that because she’s like me and that’s sort of what I did. We worked a really long day yesterday so I was so tired this morning. I accidentally punched my wrist into a wall. I tend to walk into things when I’m tired I forget where my body ends and the world begins.”
