
Fox 5 News

July 16, 2010 by · Comments Off on Fox 5 News 

Fox 5 News:(The Huffington Post) — Pursuing the false illusion of New Black Panther, the conservative movement is rolling on the type of bait unapologetic racing generations incorporating the U.S. policy has seen in decades, if not.

But the press pretend otherwise.

Fox News (also known as the opposition party) openly and proudly dedicated to jaw-dropping episodes of demagogic race-rendered, and representing the President of the United States as an enemy of the whites who calmly progressive assembly of his army for a war of races “,” However, the press sits in silence, looking away, and decided uniformly that there is no story there.

Almost you can hear the justifications audible: “Well, it’s just that Fox Fox.” Or, “It’s just Rush being Rush.”

Sorry, but when the channel’s most-watched cable news relentlessly represents the president and his government of being the home of the racist get-whitey, is news. And having the most listened to radio talk show host in America claim that our first African-American president deliberately keeps the high unemployment in order to take revenge on white America – that is news too.


What Fox News, Limbaugh and the rest of the GOP machine noise are doing today in terms of race yielded no apology is a disgrace. How the press is handling the unfolding story is not much better.

Read the full Media Matters column,
