
Ash Wednesday Meaning

February 22, 2012 by · Comments Off on Ash Wednesday Meaning 

Ash Wednesday Meaning, Many Catholics and some Protestants are celebrating Ash Wednesday, the first day of the six-week penitential season of Lent.

Ash Wednesday occurs on a varying date, either in February or March, depending on when Easter takes place – April 8 this year.

Those who take part in this solemn day attend services during which a pastor will mark their foreheads with ash. The pastor also will often tell the worshipper to “remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return,” according to Beliefnet .

The ashes come from burned palm leaves from the previous year and are blessed by a member of the clergy. Why? Throughout Christian history ashes have been viewed as a mark of humility and sacrifice for the faithful who wear them.

Even in Old Testament times, reported American Catholic , ashes were symbolic of mourning and repentance.

The prophet Jeremiah called for repentance: “O daughter of my people, gird on sackcloth, roll in the ashes” (Jeremiah 6:26).

In Daniel 9:3, the prophet shared that he ” turned to the Lord God, pleading in earnest prayer, with fasting, sackcloth and ashes.”

Fasting is common on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Catholics and some Protestant denominations also abstain from eating meat on all Fridays during Lent.

“What I value most about Ash Wednesday worship services is the chance for us all to openly acknowledge our frailty and sinfulness,” wrote blogger Mark Roberts for Beliefnet .

“In a world that often expects us to be perfect, on Ash Wednesday we freely confess our imperfections. We can let down our pretenses and be truly honest with each other about who we are.

“We all bear the mark of sin, from the youngest babies to the oldest seniors. We all stand guilty before a holy God. We all are mortal and will someday experience bodily death. Thus we all need a Savior.”

What Is Ash Wednesday

February 22, 2012 by · Comments Off on What Is Ash Wednesday 

What Is Ash Wednesday, Ash Wednesday marks the start of the Lenten season. Some individuals make an individual sacrifice as an expression of their faith. For others, it’s a day of gathering and unity.

Lent begins today and is observed for 40 days prior to Easter. “For me, Ash Wednesday is an annual mental pilgrimage to the most important aspects of Jesus Christ’s life — His most significant teaching, the extreme sacrifice He made and that it ultimately provided the greatest hope that Christians have,” said the Rev. Steve Bailey, pastor of First United Methodist Church of New Philadelphia.

Today marks the kickoff of the annual community Lenten services at noon Wednesdays at First UMC at 201 W. High Ave., New Philadelphia.

The 30-minute service features a pastoral leader from one of seven participating churches and is followed by an inexpensive soup and sandwich lunch.

This year’s theme is “The Questions Jesus Asked,” as recorded in the Gospel of John.

A few area ministers developed the idea about 20 years ago, and Bailey has continued the series during the 14 years he has been at the church.

“Initially, most of those attending were retired. Now we’re seeing a larger cross-section of people,” Bailey said.

“The instability and world turmoil over the last five years — with recession, war and t*rror*sm — has caused people to want to gather together in a positive way and experience hope,” Bailey said. “All too often the Christian community is divided rather than united. People enjoy this series. It’s truly a celebration of our unity, and I think it builds mutual appreciation and goodwill among our churches.”

Bailey arrived back in the United States on Tuesday after being on a trip to Africa. He will participate in the kickoff event, which he said has grown steadily over the years. Attendance ranges from 70 to 125 people.

“Now that I’m one of the senior pastors in the community, I try to help introduce some of the newer pastors locally to the community,” Bailey said.

He said that one of the trends he sees is “a lot of teens seem to practice giving up soft drinks or chocolate during Lent. They want to take their faith more seriously by denying themselves something.”

Fr. Jeff Coning of Sacred Heart Parish in New Philadelphia also returned Tuesday from Africa.

He said that Ash Wednesday is personally “a reminder of my own need to make sure that I’m doing a better job of following the Gospel.”

Ash Wednesday marks the start of the Lenten season. Some individuals make an individual sacrifice as an expression of their faith. For others, it’s a day of gathering and unity.

Lent begins today and is observed for 40 days prior to Easter.

“For me, Ash Wednesday is an annual mental pilgrimage to the most important aspects of Jesus Christ’s life — His most significant teaching, the extreme sacrifice He made and that it ultimately provided the greatest hope that Christians have,” said the Rev. Steve Bailey, pastor of First United Methodist Church of New Philadelphia.

Today marks the kickoff of the annual community Lenten services at noon Wednesdays at First UMC at 201 W. High Ave., New Philadelphia.

The 30-minute service features a pastoral leader from one of seven participating churches and is followed by an inexpensive soup and sandwich lunch.

This year’s theme is “The Questions Jesus Asked,” as recorded in the Gospel of John.

A few area ministers developed the idea about 20 years ago, and Bailey has continued the series during the 14 years he has been at the church.

“Initially, most of those attending were retired. Now we’re seeing a larger cross-section of people,” Bailey said.

“The instability and world turmoil over the last five years — with recession, war and t*rror*sm — has caused people to want to gather together in a positive way and experience hope,” Bailey said. “All too often the Christian community is divided rather than united. People enjoy this series. It’s truly a celebration of our unity, and I think it builds mutual appreciation and goodwill among our churches.”

Bailey arrived back in the United States on Tuesday after being on a trip to Africa. He will participate in the kickoff event, which he said has grown steadily over the years. Attendance ranges from 70 to 125 people.

“Now that I’m one of the senior pastors in the community, I try to help introduce some of the newer pastors locally to the community,” Bailey said.

He said that one of the trends he sees is “a lot of teens seem to practice giving up soft drinks or chocolate during Lent. They want to take their faith more seriously by denying themselves something.”

Fr. Jeff Coning of Sacred Heart Parish in New Philadelphia also returned Tuesday from Africa.

He said that Ash Wednesday is personally “a reminder of my own need to make sure that I’m doing a better job of following the Gospel.”

It’s Coning’s second year in New Philadelphia and 15th as a priest.

“Ash Wednesday has always been a very well attended Mass,” he said. “It’s not a Holy Day of Obligation,” but he estimated that at least 500 people attend either the morning or evening Mass.

Sacred Heart is the only Catholic Church in Tuscarawas County to offer a 6:30 a.m. Mass today.

“I’m trying to help people who are going to work,” he said. “The 5:30 p.m. Mass is the normal time for Mass. Last year, both were well attended, and too many attended at 6:30 a.m. for us not to offer it.”

As for giving up something for Lent, Coning said that’s a personal matter not to be announced. However, he does see an increase among people who do that.

“As a church, we’re moving back toward Sacramentals — and a rediscovering of what we used to do,” he said.

Rev. Donald L. Rice Jr. of Grace Lutheran Church in Dover said of Ash Wednesday, “It really focuses our attention on what it was that Jesus Christ accomplished in His death and resurrection, total forgiveness of our sins and the promise of eternal life. Ash Wednesday reminds us of our mortality — ashes to ashes and dust to dust — and that without Jesus Christ, it would be oblivion.”

Rice also is in his second year in the county, and said he was told that last year’s attendance for Ash Wednesday and Lenten services rose significantly. Tonight’s service begins at 6:45 and continues on Wednesdays through March 28. Maundy Thursday (April 5) and Good Friday (April 6) services conclude the presentations. All services begin at 6:45 p.m.

He will again present dramatic monologues. This year’s theme is the “Bathrobe Monologues,” “because it describes the basic costuming for the series.” He portrays characters who share their thoughts, feelings and testimony about the day Jesus died.

“I try to encourage the listeners to put themselves ‘Beneath the Cross of Jesus’ and contemplate how they would react and how it would change their lives,” he said.

Rice has been an ordained minister for 26 years, and has seen change over the years.

“There seemed to be a time when there wasn’t much interest, other than on Ash Wednesday or during Holy Week,” he said. “But, I’ve noticed during the last couple of years that there’s been a little upswing in interest in reconnecting to the whole Lenten experience.”

For many area residents, Ash Wednesday remains a solemn day of reverence.

“Ash Wednesday has for me become a day to reflect upon my own mortality, and the things which are most important in this life – service to God, friends and family,” said Mark A. Capuano, who attends Church of The Holy Trinity near Zoar.

Ash Wednesday

March 8, 2011 by · Comments Off on Ash Wednesday 

Ash Wednesday, The solemn feast of Christendom Here begins the observance of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Days of Lent in the many known to the faithful the time of time of their repentance form of prayer, fasting and abstinence the princes unto the resurrection of Christ and of the Resurrection of the Lord.

For many of the world by the United States handed down to this day Eat Wednesday, or the celebration of Mardi Gras, which days of the feast to look always for days of fasting.

The Catholic, and the day the ashes are the days of the year as it is commonly marked by the faithful for a church of the blessed to receive the ashes on their foreheads. S. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church is no exception Manteca.

To adapt to the multitude of parishioners of the coming to the Church on Monday to receive the ashes, the Church at different times scheduled for the Eucharist (celebrate, as), and Scripture Service. Schedule is TS-EX- DAY:

• 7 9 a.m. a.m. and, sent messengers to the English

12:25 p.m. • the service of the Scripture in English

• P.m. Mass in English

• Spanish Mass 8 p.m.

Catholics, Ash Wednesday Day of fasting and abstinence from meat. All of Venus by the Fourth Week of Lent day also abstinence. Fasting is not required for all under and those who 60 and older. Their abstinence to all the Catholics, 14 years old or older.

The season of Lent will continue for as far as the Lord’s Supper Mass in the 5 day of the week of Holy Week. S. Anthony’s traditional Lenten Soup suppers will begin on Wednesday, March 14. These were in the Church of the CAFETERIA 5 at 6:30 pm in the who wish to can be present, from bread and wine, in perfect, or soda, was no water. The book of a mess.

Likewise on the feast of Ash Wednesday, to the Court MRPS North Street in downtown Manteca Give because of its traditional offer of the fish to a meal 4 7:30 pm when grown up, a donation $ 12.50 – $ 6 for children under the age of 12 – I will eat of the fish, guests TS-EX- POPE Salad green beans that the bread and the second. Take the orders-would it is. For calls Tickets (209) 823-6560 or the flesh of Fagundes (209) 239-4184.

Horsemen are both YMI Columbia (Institute of the young men) ‘s St. Antony; they are again teaming at all to hold a fish fry by the annual dinners. The first to be considered Wednesday, October 11 from the 4 to the 7 PM CAFETERIA of the Church. The loss of $ 10 adults, $ 5 each of the world to the young men under 12. Complementing the fish in the red will be the menu TS-EX- POPE, green beans, coleslaw and rushes with ice cream soda.

S. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church is situating in the 505 E. North Street Manteca. For more information, to the trunk of a tree’s the website of St Anthony Or, e-mail

For the Scripture the ministry of the Ash Wednesday Mass Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church Lathrop, call (209) -4466. The church is situated New York (16) Drive, 200 Avenue Louise only a stake the north.

For Ash Wednesday Mass of the Holy Scripture the ministry of the Catholic Church, Patrick, a country they call the Ripon (209) 838-2133. The church is situated E. Highway (19) 399.
