
Polling Place Locator

November 2, 2010 by · Comments Off on Polling Place Locator 

Polling Place Locator, To get know Your Vote and polling stations by zip code on Election Day 2010 – The much-awaited U.S. election midterm arrived. A large number of voters who ask questions: “Where do I vote?” “Where am I registered to vote?” And “Where do I vote?” Because they want to know their voting rights and offices to vote.

Fortunately, Google helped us find information of voters per polling station their “Where to Vote” link on their homepage. When you go to this link, you will be redirected
And you must enter your complete mailing address where you are registered to vote, including city, state and zip code. After successfully entering this information, Google returns the result of your polling place, including a link to your voting status and directions on how to get there.

There is also information included in the election results as the website of your state, your voter registration status, and a voter hotline in your state. Google implements the project in conjunction with voting information on the project. This is the same application used by Facebook to their identification to vote V=app_146081198769400
Unfortunately, after reading some complaints from users on the retrieval effectiveness of Google instead of voting, we decided to seek alternatives to ensure that you are in the location of voting. After all, who wants to fall in a long line only to discover at the end when they are about to cast their vote they are in the voting location wrong?

So, outside of Google, you can also check your polling station by zip code to Raise Your Vote to see if it matches the one provided by Google. If you are still not satisfied and I would really like to check or if you have any questions on Election Day 2010 today, you can visit the U.S. Election Assistance Commission and connect to resources voters in your state

Remember that voting hours are hours 30 06:30-19 so be sure to cast your votes in this period. Whether your candidate is up to the Republican Party or Democrat, be sure to cast your vote on Election Day today and let your voice be heard. Happy voting!

Polling Locations

November 2, 2010 by · Comments Off on Polling Locations 

Polling Locations, The generally significant object next to which you’re voting for, of course you go to your polling place on time. There’s nothing more frustrating than going out the door, forgetting or not knowing where you should go vote. Do not worry; the Internet will save us all. If you’ve forgotten where you have to vote today, then there are several pages where you can find your polling place. Some of this research where the voter as a service by Google, Facebook and other companies
Google Election Center –
Just enter your address or zip code, and Google will plot a course for you to follow on their cards, allowing you to get your your polling place as soon as possible. Since it uses Google mapping technology clean, you can be sure he will not steer you wrong.

Raise Your Vote polling places –
Raise Your Vote has partnered with Google Maps to allow voters to quickly enter both address and zip code to find their polling place quickly. It will also provide you with time to vote polling station is open, so you do not miss this important Election Day

Facebook’s polling place locator – V=app_146081198769400
This simple application on a Facebook page will quickly allow you to enter your address to find exactly where you need to vote. This application also uses Google Maps, and works similarly to that of the Raise Your Vote location. Judging by the number of fans demand a lot of people seem to be using this application.

Voting Locations By Zip Code

November 2, 2010 by · Comments Off on Voting Locations By Zip Code 

Voting Locations By Zip Code, The struggle to control the Senate between Republicans and Democrats are on. Republicans close to winning the U.S. elections 2010, the polling places by zip code. Republicans in this midterm election is touted as the favorite to win the most seats, while Democrats will be shipped as shown in polls last minute.

When the campaign began, it seems that voters cast their vote for the Republicans, since they were influential.

However, the mood has changed as Joe Manchin III, the Democratic candidate has gained a lot in a short period of time. The President and his men stepped up its campaign to convince voters at the last minute. As a result, not sure how many states the situation would be like the Manchin.

The popularity of the Tea Party was launched after Barack Obama became the first U.S. president not yet known. In some states, Democrats are well placed. They say the findings could be overwhelmingly in support of Republican activists with Tea Party also supported.

The government’s failure to revive the ailing economy is favoring the Republicans caused the voters to get mad because they win more seats means taking control of the Senate.

However, it is too early to jump to any conclusions, since the Republicans have to win at least two seats in which are shown to be weaker without winning other seats. In other seats of the struggle will be difficult, since they are strongly favored.

Many experts do not agree that the chances of having to do more to be back in control of the Senate with all statistics are scarce.
