
Veterans Jobless

March 21, 2012 by · Comments Off on Veterans Jobless 

Veterans Jobless, Thomas Garlic and Steve Castillo found that their time in combat in Iraq and their service in the Army added up to little or nothing when they became civilians looking for work.

“It was very depressing,” says Garlic, 26, who lives with his wife and 5-year-old son outside Chicago. He was discharged in 2008 with post-traumatic stress disorder and has been largely jobless ever since. “Every time I would go up to bat, I would just strike out.”

“When I first got out (in 2008), I had a lot of motivation, a lot of high self-esteem, and everything was good,” says Castillo, 31, Biloxi, a medically retired Army staff sergeant from Biloxi, Miss.

But steady work eluded him as well. He lives on temporary, often-menial labor and an $1,800-per-month government disability check for his combat injuries. “We’re barely scratching by,” Castillo says.

As the nation grapples with finding work for its newest generation of combat veterans, job experts say that basic roadblocks persist for those willing to hire them: how to find these veterans and how to train them in new, non-military skills.

“We’ve just got to be very, very creative about this,” says Michele Deverich, executive director for a consortium of nearly two dozen health care companies committed to hiring veterans. “There’s got to be an extra mile that we walk here to do this. And it’s absolutely worthwhile.”

Nearly 30% of male veterans ages 18 to 24 were out of work last year, compared with a 17.6% rate among civilian peers, according to a Bureau of Labor Statistics report released Tuesday. Unemployment last year was 12% for men who served during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, compared with 9.3% among civilian males.

Women were even worse off: 36% of young female veterans were jobless in 2011, compared with a 14.5% rate among young women 18 to 24.

As the economy improves, President Obama has launched an initiative for hiring veterans, and there have been some encouraging signs, with unemployment rates among veterans trending down this year.

Election Results 2012

March 21, 2012 by · Comments Off on Election Results 2012 

Election Results 2012, Illinois polling places are now closed and it may be a while before we get the final numbers due to ballot problems in at least 25 counties. Stay updated on the latest with our election night liveblog.

Illinois polling places are now closed and it may be a while before we get the final numbers due to ballot problems in at least 25 counties. Many, if not all, of those counties will have to count some ballots by hand because they were too large to fit in the machines due to a printing error. For more on the goings on during election day, check out our liveblog from earlier today.

As of now, its too early to call, but we’ll provide updates and other election-related news as it comes in. AP is reporting, though, that with 19 percent of precincts reporting, Mitt Romney is leading Rick Santorum in the race for the Republican presidential nomination 55.8% to 27.2%. We’ll also have last reports from the campaign trail this afternoon, like our conversations with Democratic 8th congressional district candidates Tammy Duckworth and Raja Krishnamoorthi.

Progress Illinois will also have posts and updates from reporters at the headquarters of 2nd congressional district incumbent Jesse Jackson Jr., 21st Illinois House District candidate Rudy Lozano Jr., 22nd Illinois House District candidate Michele Piszczor, 26th Illinois House District candidate Christian Mitchell, and Tammy Duckworth.

Check back often for updates on the final hours of the 2012 Illinois primary election.

Update 1 (8:01 p.m.): WGN is calling it in the 2nd congressional district race saying that Jesse Jackson Jr. has beaten challenger and former congresswoman Debbie Halvorson. Jackson has 74% of the vote, while Halviorson has garnered 26% with 42 percent of precincts reporting. WGN is also calling the 1st congressional district race for U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush, who has 86% of the vote against challenger Raymond Lodato’s 4%, with 60% of precincts reporting.

Update 2 (8:27 p.m.): Mitt Romney is making his Illinois victory speech in now.

Meanwhile, Duckworth is rumored to be prepared to come down and do her victory speech in about 30 minutes. Duckworth has 64% of the vote and Krishnamoorthi has 36%, with 35% of precincts reporting

In the 10th congressional district, Brad Schneider is leading progressive candidate Ilya Sheyman 48% to 39% with 90% of precincts reporting.

U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky has won it in the 9th congressional district with 92% of the vote and 70% of precincts reporting in her race against Simon Ribeiro.

Update 3 (8:32 p.m.): Cheri Bustos is leading Greg Aguilar in the 17th congressional district race 64% to 20% with 25% of precincts reporting. We spoke with a cautiously optimistic Bustos earlier today. Click through for the full report on the race to unseat Tea Partier Bobby Schilling.

Update 4 (8:46 p.m.): At Christian Mitchell’s headquarters, PI reporter David Milton Brent says the crowd is feeling optimistic, but they are also worried. Mitchell’s campaign spent a lot of money in hopes of getting him elected, so they feel like they have to win in the race against Kenny Johnson.

Update 5 (8:50 p.m.): “All quiet at Duckworth headquarters at the Holiday Inn, Elk Grove Village”, reports PIs Steven Ross Johnson. “The press core is in a separate quiet room while party goers flow in and out of the adjacent room. The mood among the crowd is jovial and relaxed, due in no small part to preliminary results showing Duckworth” in the lead.

Update 6 (8:53 p.m.): More from PI reporter Johnson: “Latest word from Duckworth headquarters is that the candidate is scheduled to speak around 9 p.m. Results are coming in slow, with only 35 percent of precincts reporting thus far still has Duckworth with big lead over Krishnamoorthi.”

Update 7 (9:01 p.m.): Sources at Lozano Jr.’s headquarters say the numbers are looking “cautiously optimistic” in his race against Silvana Tabares. PI reporter Brandon Campbell says more than 300 people have come to Mi Tierra restaurant in the 28th Ward in support of Lozano.

Update 8 (9:05 p.m.): Around 100 people have now filed into the ballroom to await Duckworth’s speech. Check out the pic below:

Update 9 (9:23 p.m.): The Chicago Board of Elections confirms it. Today voter turnout in Chicago, as well as Cook County, was the lowest ever for a presidential primary.

Meanwhile, Cook County Clerk David Orr told WGN that the race in the 21st Illinois House Race is “very close and hard to tell”, adding that its a “horserace” where “you have two wings of the Democratic party really gong at it in that particular district.”

Update 10 (9:32 p.m.): From PI’s reporter Johnson at Duckworth’s headquarters: “The crowd is starting get a little restless as they continue to await Duckworth to speak and what they anticipate will be her victory speech. Just informed by a campaign aide Duckworth is waiting for more concrete results – either an official call of the results or a concession from Kirshnamoorthi – before making a statement.”
