
Valentines Pictures

February 13, 2011 by · Comments Off on Valentines Pictures 

Valentines Pictures, There are several websites which are provides free to download Cards and Pictures, As another Valentine’s Day approaches thoughts turn to roses, chocolates and other gifts to make someone special feel “special.” This year, you can create this feeling, while remaining environmentally smart, just by thinking ahead, have a plan and change the way you buy. According to the American Association of greeting cards about a billion greeting cards change hands every Valentine’s Day. Every February, Waste Management expects an increase of cards, flowers and other packaging materials of Valentine Day in the trash. This year, we have developed some green tips to help your inner Cupid plan better and be more environmentally friendly recycling and thinking outside the box of traditional Valentine’s Day chocolate. It is not difficult to make green the new red Valentine’s Day.

• Do It Yourself Greeting Cards: Take a page from the crowd tongue, around the store and make your own cards on recycled paper. A little elbow grease, careful thought and recycled images can go a long way towards telling you to care. To get an idea easily, using images from an old magazine to illustrate the card and scan a copy of a color photo of the recipient to create a measure of vows.

• You have a message: Speaking of kindergarten, why not go back in time and make the mailbox to deliver your Valentine card. Find an old shoebox, line it with recycled paper, cut a slot on top and decorate with their favorite colors. Plus, it’s something you can keep and use again year after year.

• Forget Fresh Cut Flowers: Resist the temptation to buy secular fresh cut roses or flower of your choice. They do not last as long as you remember, then end up in the garbage, adding to the amount of waste generated at the Valentine’s Day. If someone close to the heart of a flower, go with a potted plant or flowers such as tulips or hydrangeas can be enjoyed on Valentine’s Day, then planted outside when spring finally arrives.

• Cook the best chocolates Sure are a huge hit on Valentine’s Day, but you can easily divide prepackaged deals and make your own. The shop has plenty of witness’s specialty, brownies, fudge and cakes you can cook. Yes, you can do, just follow the directions exactly. It is often cheaper than buying pre-packaged products, there is less packaging waste, the more you add to the cooking “the thought that counts.”

• Dine on a dime: Know your Valentine and plan accordingly for dinner. If you can cook, turn on the oven or grill and make dinner for your sweetheart. You can usually get more for your money by cooking at home, the more you save gas money. You can also go organic grocery shopping and be more environmentally aware.

Remember, you do not have to cut the romance to be green on Valentine’s Day. We’ve compiled a few ways to help reduce, reduce and recycle, but we hope it will give you some additional ideas to make the idea of a Green Valentine’s Day, your own. Waste Management invites customers to explore alternatives to traditional gifts that express the festive spirit but also support EPA’s “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” campaign, which calls for waste management. A few simple steps will get you save time and money while creating a fun and environmentally smart to celebrate with your special person. For more information, visit or

Waste Management, based in Houston, Texas, is the leading provider of comprehensive waste management in North America. Through its subsidiaries, the company provides collection, transfer, and recycling and resource recovery and disposal services. There is also a leading developer, operator and owner of waste to energy facilities and landfill gas energy in the United States. The company’s customers include residential, commercial, industrial and municipal governments in North America. To learn more about Waste Management or visit

Valentines Card

February 13, 2011 by · Comments Off on Valentines Card 

Valentines Card, If we try to look back into past, not much ago just a 2,3 hundred years ago, when man was not facilitated such like today’s, when people usually send cards and letters written by hand, not printed or readymade. But at the present whole scenario has been changed. Now Days you can download and print ready made cards, either you can buy a card, Before SMS, e-mail before, even before the almighty Facebook, one of the only ways to share some of rapid communication was the postcard, “said Tom Craig, co-owner of the old station.

“They had postcards for every emotion imaginable – and of course, for every day,” said Craig.

Recently, local antiquarian Fabulous Finds post a note on their Facebook page ad hundreds of cards for Valentine’s Day vintage, including many items from previous years.

This synthesis of old and new is a testament to how popular the collection, and giving, holiday cards are ancient, “said Terry Stubbs, co-owner of the company.

Vintage valentines and are a source of fascination for many.

“They are not so soft that the cards are today with their feelings,” said Stubbs of these tokens of love from yesteryear. “They are really weird and funny.”

While collectors certainly an important part of the market, many buyers are looking for a special gift for their lovers past few days, the family or friends, Stubbs.

They want something that is just a little more special than just going to stationery store or Walmart or the supermarket, “he said.

Other buyers are looking to reach them – or perhaps their parents – children, the collection of valentines kinds could have been picked up in class discussions, “said Stubbs, who has in the past bought entire collections classic card.

Kristina Jones, Valentine, in particular conjures up images of class hersixth quality, and a special box of valentines her classmates that she still treasures.

But Jones, a fan of antiques and antiquities in general, receives a special glow when she can find a vintage Valentine card to send to her mother or other special people in her life.

“always informs her day,” said Jones gifts for her mother, often purchased through the antique shops.

There is a wide choice of such prices on the spot to choose, “she said, but there is still something of a kind hand-picked for the year to find that perfect card.

“It’s either saying or image,” she said of what catches her eye – something that attracts new sound to the memories of her childhood.

“You hand picked one that looked like the person or remind you of that person,” she remembered her class Valentine swaps. “So for my mother, I would probably choose one with a Westie on it – a West Highland Terrier, or an animal because it is such an animal lover.”

Such care in selecting individual recognizes the value of the person receiving the Valentine’s Day, she said.

Valentines Cards

February 12, 2011 by · Comments Off on Valentines Cards 

Valentines Cards, To help players celebrate impending love romantic Valentine’s Day, Valve has released a free set of digital maps Portal 2 Day Valentine’s Day.

With its elegant artwork of your favorite characters Portal 2, the maps are infused with unique games and humor, with messages like “You trigger the release of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin in me Valentine.
The University of Miami reports 14 percent of its living alumni are married to other alums Miami, the university said in a news release.

The couple, known as “Miami Merger remembers the day of Valentine’s Day each by the Alumni Association of the University of Miami (MUAA) with Valentine greetings. This year MUAA is the sending about 13,000 cards to former Miami Valentine across the country, said Miami.

The tradition of sending Valentine cards in Miami mergers began in 1973. Three former university administrators got the idea after noting the high rate of marriage among the ancients.

University officials do not know how many mergers have taken the myth surrounding the arc Upham Hall. According to campus legend a couple that kisses at midnight under the light will eventually marry.

A similar, but the report baseless, says the marriage rates for other colleges and universities is about three percent.

Although Miami officials do not necessarily know what is behind the high rate of marriage, they do not expect the number of slip. Older share their love stories online through a forum on the alumni site.

“It is absolutely true that the elders who shared the experience of Miami, and now are married to each other too, have feelings even stronger on Miami,” Ray Mock, Assistant Vice President of Alumni Relations, said. These sentiments are present in their engagement with Miami, either by voluntary activity and / or philanthropic support. ”

This Valentine’s Day, the Republican Party is trying to be funny. And we all know how that usually turns out – about as successful as No Child Left Behind or trickle-down. As a sort of publicity stunt or lame attempt to look “cool” on / Facebook / Twitter generation offers up lame snarky political e-cards to send your sweetheart. Each map shows the cup a Democrat and a fish dish.

For example, click the Vice-President Joe Biden, and you can send your honey an e-card that says “Happy Valentine’s Day is a great deal curse” … No, really, it states “insult”. … Crickets …

Click on the chair and you can choose between: “I hope you love this Valentine’s Day card, your grandchildren pay for it” … because all the accumulated debts of U.S. in W. ‘S two terms and problems of social security are somehow entirely Obama’s fault. Or “Bill Clinton suggested that I wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day.” Because, supposedly, our President cannot think for himself? Is that right, Sarah Palin Party for parrots?

Valentines Poems

February 11, 2011 by · Comments Off on Valentines Poems 

Valentines Poems, Valentine’s Day is a time for lovers and those who want to show their love for their families and what better than to recite a quote or poem romantic love during this special dinner by candlelight. So let’s get to the …
“I risk a tree that it is precisely this quality strange desire to persist in the face of its own negation found convincing. In this spirit, and with the exception of Shakespeare (there seems to be able to wear off), all the poems I chose, in no particular order, are of this type. “

In his Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell
A romantic take Horace Carpe Diem in which the suitor would like to take a little more than just the day. This poem contains many of the ablest vanities metaphysical witness “our love of vegetables” or to try these.

The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock by TS Eliot
This is a really subversive poem, whose first three lines signals, the arrival of literary modernism, and can be read almost as his credo. Prufrock cons-employment is a troubadour of Edwardian salon that fails to raise his voice or lute because of simple lack of courage. The poem is a hymn for all those who have failed through inaction, which probably includes all of us at some point, which is undoubtedly what gives it its great emotion.

Wood Arracombe by Charlotte Mew
The saddest poem ever written. The reader provides all the back-story as someone younger reports the death of a lonely old man.

A Love Song NCO by John Betjeman
Warrior days are seduced to his inevitable fate, as its name suggests, a temptress in the mythical tradition. The race of quiet brilliance in this poem is just the fact that Betjeman is the narrator of a soldier, trained to repel any military aggression without doubt, but helpless in the face of “strong singles” with Joan Hunter Dunn youth sports. She directs the “winner”, not only in tennis but also in all respects. A warning about the dangers of hormones mixed with physical activity.

The list of Hunt by Thomas Wyatt
When Henry VIII announced his intention to marry Anne Boleyn, Wyatt wrote to the king, in an effort to dissuade him, saying he himself had been aware of it. This poem describes a doe that the speaker and others to continue in vain and wearing a ruby necklace that specify “Noli me tangere [Do not touch me] for I am Caesar.” Where Henry took no notice of the letter, thinking perhaps that Wyatt had it written on jealously. The rest is history monumental.

Fleas of John Donne
If there is a large number of imaginings in Marvell, then there is only one in this, at first sight, a masterpiece of bad taste. Almost, one feels like an exercise in virtuosity, Donne turns a smart man in a romantic symbol of persuasion. Said has fleas and biting himself the object of his attentions and becomes an unlikely crucible Sex: Give the hypocritical assertion that, like the two of them are now partners in the chips, they might as well agree with coarse physical details.

Lover poorly chosen by Rosemary Tonks
A poem of bitter ruefulness with former lover addressed as “criminal.” This is a repetition of exuberant variety around curses the thief, the reason the heart-. She protests too knowing, however, is what gives it its charm.

I thought I saw my Holy later adopted by John Milton
The uniqueness of this poem is that it is interpolated to the outside: the reader should know that at the time of writing, Milton is blind. There is a place where he can still see, however: in the dream. This paradox is used to provide the poem with a truly devastating denouement.

A private bottling by Don Paterson
The end of many a relationship has left a bitter taste in the mouth, in this case is that of single malt whiskeys. Our insomniac narrator sets a pinch of fairy ring on a piece and the circle begins sad when he finally remember sorry unmet potential and mixed with acid to stop the traitor. He concluded bitterly that man ever offered a toast to a woman as.

Sonnet 116 by William Shakespeare
In this database of wedding ceremonies, the “spirit” probably means something closer to what we mean by the word “spirit”. Or we have a more modern term that covers “soul mate”. In this poem, we can, as often happens, give the last word of Shakespeare, a brief description of the desire for lasting love: “Love is not love / which alters finding. ”

– The Guardian


February 11, 2011 by · Comments Off on Valentines 

Valentines, (UKPA) – zookeepers are preparing a special Valentine treat for a pair of love-struck gay monkey named Elton and David.

The male spider monkeys, which share an enclosure in the zoo at Drayton Manor Theme Park in Staffordshire, became a couple last March, said a spokeswoman for the park.

She added: “They gave their name after having started to go off together and tighten much Elton is the most dominant of the pair.”

Lacy as a snowflake, purple like the sunset and artsy like a painting in oil, are valentine’s beauty to behold.

Top Michigan valentines are the best. When big, wet snowflakes kiss coniferous trees and increasing the hours of daylight, just enough to make romantic blue shadows on white background; it is time to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

February 14th is a day to share the love. Yooper lovers have made this special day over the years by ice-skating hand in hand; share a quick kiss on the ice slope skiing or a hug in the fishing hut on ice.

Love remained the same but the valentines and notes have changed over the years.

By Gramma and Grandpa’s day, a store-bought valentine greeting card was something rare and special indeed. Chances are it was small and pretty, with flowers in relief or cute little cupid dolls. On the back of the card, in the most elegant cursive penship, a fountain pen wrote I love you!

When our parents were courting each other, cardboard boxes with heart-shaped chocolates were the popular things.

Then came the eventful years when every household has half-dozen or more children in them (I guess a lot of Cupid shooting arrows in the 60s). Valentine’s Day was for children. Most classrooms were about 30 children in their time. Each child wrote a Valentine card for each child in her class.

That took time. I can still taste the glue on envelopes mint as I have each signed and sealed. If we were lucky, we got a stick of gum or a small cup with candy to each card for our classmates.

As a child I loved everything about Valentine’s Day. Cutting pink hearts, flowers coloring and decorating shoeboxes for our precious maps was very fun. Cupcakes with cinnamon sprinkled on the hearts and little chocolate were a real treat.

Then came the decade of valentines stickers and fold-and-close. No envelopes were necessary.

Glitter, tattoos, holograms and pencils came with the next generation of valentines.

Adults gave gifts of jewelry, dinners by candlelight and fresh flowers. For their children, they gave chocolate, Beanie Babies, books and DVD’s

Today valentine messages will be sent a text message, e-mail and posted on Facebook. Lovely cards can be constructed and sent directly to your computer.
