
Tna Bound For Glory 2010

October 11, 2010 by · Comments Off on Tna Bound For Glory 2010 

Tna Bound For Glory 2010, We have a video package featuring both teams ahead of Lethal blockade, and almost everyone gets at least a little screen time.


Christy Hemme is backstage with Fourtune. Style Hemme asks if he can smell, and says there is excitement in the air. She said that the heart and soul of TNA walks the ramp is next EV2, and Mick Foley have to kiss a **. Flair Everyone gets a little mic time, pushing each other aside and blocking each other from view. Rants a little more style, and each band signal makes its a bit strange, before it is ready for the match.

Lethal Lockdown Match
Fourtune (AJ Styles, Morgan Kazarian, Matt, Robert Roode & James Storm) vs. EV 2.0 (Tommy Dreamer, Raven, Rhino, Sabu & Stevie Richards)

EV2 its way to the ring together at once with Mick Foley in his corner. Sabu points at the top of the cage and asked the referee about something.

Flair and Fourtune are next, Flair takes a terrible beats his wife. Both teams have pretty decent reactions, and should be interesting to see if the fans for one team over another in the real game. Foley and Flair have a right to it instinctively hit Foley in the cage and clubs him in the back. Are shattered by their respective teams.

Stevie Richards and Kaz starters. Kaz has the advantage with a huge forehand and a series of forearms to deal with Richards. Kaz Richards is going to slam face first into the cage, but Richards stopped him, four large neckbreakers hits in a row before hitting Kaz rolls over in the cage several times. Stevie Kaz kicked in the back, but when he goes for a dropkick, Kaz avoided and is capable of returning a body blow, and a springboard leg drop.

Kaz goes to the top, and fall is a string of top leg, but Richards is off the road. Kaz hit Richards with an open hand cut, and imitating Flair, to his chagrin. Stevie Kaz kicked in the chest before scoring with a quick suplex. Richards takes a SAO invest before closing in what appears to be a lock LeBell, but AJ Styles and Richards gets punched. Styles connects with a big boot to take Richards to his feet. Styles and Kaz hit a double clothesline Richards before pulling his arms and standing in her hair. A double team clothesline / backbreaker is quite impressive and styles of locks in the figure of four follow-up.

Kaz throws in the arms of Richards, while styles continued to run in figure four. When the countdown inbound, break their holds, and Tommy Dreamer makes his way into the mat. Dreamer hits a double clothesline on Styles and Kaz. Dreamer sprays something in his eyes before cutting styles and Kaz hit a big suplex Pumphandle styles. Richards and Dreamer hit a double team elbow drop side slam on Dreamer Kaz before Richards hits the top of the styles. Dreamer Kaz places on the third string, and Stevie is a Superplex, with styles that come from the bottom and the simultaneous execution of a powerbomb. The countdown clock and Robert Roode is the most in

Roode is like a house of fire and help change the course of their teams favor. Dreamer is arrested and styles is raking open face through the cage. Dreamer style blows through the hole in the chamber, and Foley is very angry. This is just a normal fight, as the heels gloat, showing both Richards and Dreamer to your own computer. Roode hits a big splash Richards, like AJ. We count down again and this time it’s Sabu.
