
Tiger Woods Women List Photos

December 11, 2009 by · Comments Off on Tiger Woods Women List Photos 

Tiger Woods Women List Photos:December 11: Tiger Woods women list photos, Tiger woods texts messages, emails and Holly Sampson and Joslyn James. Finally Tiger Woods’ number one mistress Rachel Uchitel has shared her story with an internationally-acclaimed showbiz magazine.

In an exclusive interview, Rachel talks about her life and how the scandal is having an impact on her life.

There are lengthy emails that Tiger Woods wrote to Rachel Uchitel that have been leaked by Uchitel to show that it was Tiger Woods, the greatest golf player in the world who wanted her and not the other way round.

His emails have been very emotional that show that he was not happy in his married life and so he was looking for other avenues.

The magazine that is soon to hit the newsstands is tight-lipped about what Rachel said about her affair to the golfer.

Since the controversy surfaced, New York socialite has been denying any relationship with Tiger. She even hired a lawyer to defend her from the slander campaign launched by the tabloids in the United States. She has been saying that it’s all a make-up.

But she and her lawyer have failed to win support of the fans, who still think that something is amiss.

It is understood that she was paid by Tiger to stay quiet. But her interview raises several questions?

If she was paid then how come she is discussing the issue in public? Many fans are confused with the latest development. It looks that in this interview Rachel has not dealt with the issue. The whole content will only be known after the magazine hits the stall.

However, here we are carrying her quote from the interview: The media has been painting you as the “other woman.” How would you describe yourself?

In every story, you need a villain and a hero. I’ve been characterized as a villain. People have called me homewrecker, gold digger, tramp, whore. I make mistakes, but I’m not those things. I have very good qualities. When you’re judged by the nation, it’s really difficult. It’s horrible.
