
80s Cartoons

December 4, 2010 by · Comments Off on 80s Cartoons 

80s Cartoons, May be its true or just another crazy stunt facebook, it might still be fun. Think of all those cartoons of the 80s and 90s cartoons that could talk.

And, just for fun, here are my suggestions for some celebrity moms on this cartoon; they should use their profile photo:

* Michelle Obama: Sure Minnie Mouse. The First Lady has to use an image of the First Lady of the Comic Strip. Or at least that’s how I see Minnie. Kelly Ripa * Rainbow Brite. They are so cute and bubbly.

* Jenny McCarthy: Care Bears. I admit, it took me a while to warm to this celeb mom. But now I can say she has a big heart.

* Michelle Duggar: The Smurfs. Simply because there are lots of them. Sherri Shephard: Fraggle Rock. I like the humor and Sherri think it would be a good fit.
