
The Amazing Spider Man

July 18, 2011 by · Comments Off on The Amazing Spider Man 

The Amazing Spider ManThe Amazing Spider Man, Rhys Ifans is likely to take a big step “recognizable character actor” a “world star”, next summer, when The Amazing Spider-Man hits theaters and Ifans is made known to the world as the last enemy of man Spider and Lizard. Given that the villains do not tend to stay superhero franchises for the next installment, this will probably be the first exit and the last Ifans in the series, but might be going to back up to hop aboard another franchise in the meantime. The Telegraph, however, another British newspaper that specializes in Bond 23 rumors, writes that Ifans appears in the film, although it does not have any details beyond that.

The fact that Ifans is mentioned along with Javier Bardem as a new cast member suggests that it might be replacing Ralph Fiennes, who has been rumored for the role of months. Of course, the Telegraph does not go into that possibility, instead of focusing on the fact that Ifans and Craig starred in 2004 with the Enduring Love, an adaptation of Ian McEwan’s novel in which Craig played stalker Ifans. Indeed, they have a pretty good budget from Ifans to go along with it, so, well, well, let’s play along:

“I spent all settlement filming Dan Craig says,” just four days to go now, Dan, sweetie, before our kissing scene. “Even now, after two bonds, Dan continues to maintain that the hardest trick ever made was getting to grips with my mouth.”

Another kiss in Bond 23 seems unlikely, but then you never know who the Bond villains come to launch the super spy off his game. As yet we know that filming is scheduled to begin this fall, in time for the release date of November 9, 2012 and the fall is approaching the end can find a sweet relief from the incessant wave of casting rumors. So far, every one of the names that have emerged are quite nice, including Naomie Harris as Moneypenny potential, so it’s not even as we can get all worked up about the rumors awaiting confirmation. It is obvious that director Sam Mendes is considering a very reputable pool of candidates, so it’s time to pick just a few and going to rave about, which is actually chosen.
