
Thanksgiving Wishes

November 25, 2009 by · Comments Off on Thanksgiving Wishes 

ThanksgivingTraditionally, Americans give thanks for the blessings our families, our people and our country have continued to enjoy during the past year, and years past—and so we should.

However, this Thanksgiving, as our nation faces many problems and we are on the verge of making pivotal decisions on, among others, war and peace, the economy and our common health care, I believe that is also appropriate and important that we give thanks—ahead of time, and each to our own God—for what we hope will be the wisdom and guidance our leaders will need to make the right decisions in matters that will so fundamentally affect present Americans and generations to come.

As always, our thanks to all those magnificent men and women in our military, especially to those who today find themselves in harm’s way. May God bless you and keep you safe.

Finally, I wish all the staff, contributors and readers at The Moderate Voice, and their loved ones, a blessed Thanksgiving.

Image: Courtesy
