
Michele Bachmann

November 3, 2010 by · Comments Off on Michele Bachmann 

Michele Bachmann, Senior Republican gains today are likely to produce some entertaining leadership and political battles along the way, as the conservative wing – emboldened by the election results – said his fingerprint on the party’s image.

How much will intransigence among the sect of the tea party will ultimately be determined by the leadership of the Republican Party to meet its demands. But the possibility that friction is emerging. On Tuesday, Rep. Michele Bachmann, one of the more eccentric members of the Republican Party, put antennas that would assume the leadership likely to be vacated by Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.)

From Fox News:

FOX has learned that there is a “project of Michele Bachmann” ongoing effort among House conservatives (and future members) to move the Minnesota Republican leadership.

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), founded the tea party caucus last year. It is believed that the Chairman of the House Republican Conference Mike Pence (R-IN) will leave office (which is number three in the Republican Party leadership on the side of minorities … the slot would be the number four position in most of the Republican Party.)

Some Republican establishment are suspected of Bachmann and uncomfortable with some of his ideas. And shaking his leadership could make some GOPers wince.
