
Ibrahim B. Keïta

August 13, 2013 by · Comments Off on Ibrahim B. Keïta 

Ibrahim B. Keïta, Former Prime Minister Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, IBK said, became the new president of Mali, his opponent Soumaila Cisse having recognized its defeat Monday night in the second round of presidential elections on Sunday. “I went to see him (Ibrahim Boubacar Keita) to congratulate him and wish him good luck for Mali,” said Soumaila Cisse. 63, former finance minister, he made the announcement even before the publication of the results of the second round, but estimates for two-thirds of the ballots gave a broad advance Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, IBK said former Prime Minister 68 years.

After the first round of 28 July, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita had obtained 39.79% of the vote against 19.70% for his rival, and went heavily favored in the second round. He had obtained the rallying eliminated 22 of the 25 candidates, most of whom received less than 1% of the vote. IBK, cacique of the Malian political life will be very difficult task to recover and reconcile a country traumatized and weakened by eighteen months of a deep political and military crisis, which started in January 2012 by an offensive by Tuareg rebels in the North.
