
Cliff Lee

December 13, 2010 by · Comments Off on Cliff Lee 

Cliff Lee, (AP) – The Texas Rangers manager Ron Washington had a premonition about Cliff Lee. “Let him be here,” he said Saturday. The Rangers and the Yankees are awaiting a decision on offering the 32-year-old left-hander will accept. They are the two known bidders for the pitcher and 100 million more, although there may be others. “I think everything that needs to be done was done. … We just have to wait,” said Washington. The Yankees offered Lee a seven-year contract Thursday after having made a proposal to open six years to 137.5 million from $ $ 140 million. Ranger’s owner Chuck Greenberg went to Arkansas on Thursday to personally present Lee with multiple offers. “They had a good visit, and now we expect a certain type of decision,” he said Saturday in Washington at a luncheon where he was inducted into the Texas Black Sports Hall of Fame. Washington has not had conversations with Lee and did not think anything is needed. He knows the outcome is crucial for the Rangers and Yankees. “It would be great just because you have a No. 1 starter,” said Washington. “Since we had for 2 ½ months, we know what he brings. We would like to see that in the long run a full season. Once again, he returned to wait over Cliff Lee and his family, and they must decide what to do. It is difficult to speculate because you do not know. I told you what my stomach said. ”

The decision might not come until Monday or later in the week. “I can wait until they decide what they want,” said Washington. “When a decision is, it will be yes or no. There’s nothing more you can do subject. I have no idea when he will make a decision. I do not think he should do one until the opening day of spring training. ”

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