
Rush Limbaugh First Job Shining Shoes

March 26, 2012 by · Comments Off on Rush Limbaugh First Job Shining Shoes 

Rush Limbaugh First Job Shining Shoes, Limbaugh also displayed his incredible ignorance of how elections work (“if Mickey Mouse and Adolf Hitler can sign a recall petition, there’s no doubt in my mind they can also vote”). Of course, anybody can sign a recall petition with any name, and organizers are obligated to turn in all of the names. But fake names aren’t counted, nor can they vote.

Still, the strangest and most disturbing comment by Limbaugh today had nothing to do smearing unions, but instead was about smearing shoe polish. Fondly recalled his days shining shoes in a barbershop, Limbaugh declared: “I loved making shoes shine….it was a f***sh.”
Rush Limbaugh’s racism is becoming more and more obvious as he lets his hatred of Obama shine through in openly bigoted ways. And to push that racism, he’s even turned to fabricating quotes that have never been uttered. On Friday, Rush declared on his show,

Obama has not built ’em the new kitchen that he promised or led them to believe that were gonna get in Tampa. And there are no new cars for everybody. And white people are not shining the shoes of black people. Well, I remember that Tampa fundraiser, that Tampa town hall, we had audiotape of some black people who said, “From now on you all are gonna be waiting on us.” Remember that? That’s what the election meant to some people.

Obviously, the idea of “white people” shining the shoes of black people was what the 2008 election meant to Rush Limbaugh, and he hates it. But for most Americans, the 2008 election was not seen through the prism of racial paranoia that Rush Limbaugh uses.

Limbaugh’s racist fear of “white people” subservient to black people drew surprisingly little criticism, except from Media Matters and a few bloggers on the left.

On his April 25, 2011 show, Limbaugh said nothing about his lies about Henrietta Hughes or Obama and his supporters, nor did he over any evidence to support his fictional claims. But Rush did express outrage that Dr. Wallace Charles Smith, pastor of a church Obama has attended, in a sermon earlier last year “saw fit to compare me to the modern-day KKK.” It is indeed an outrageous comparison. The KKK is widely denounced for its racism by nearly everyone today; Rush Limbaugh’s racism, on the other hand, is rarely criticized in any mainstream media outlet.

In fact, I can’t find anyone in the mainstream media who bothered to report on the astonishing fact that the leading conservative talk show host in the country declared that Obama was elected to make white people serve blacks.

But Limbaugh’s shining example of racism was only the beginning of his bigotry. I investigated his claim that black people said, “From now on you all are gonna be waiting on us.” It appears to be completely fabricated.

Rush Limbaugh Sl*t

March 2, 2012 by · Comments Off on Rush Limbaugh Sl*t 

Rush Limbaugh Sl*t, The Republican party has a ‘Suitable Boy’ kind of problem: In love with one guy but being forced to settle for the other. “I feel like the bride in an arranged marriage I can’t get out of,” wails one loyal voter in despair at the prospect of a Mitt Romney nomination. Too-dull-to-lose Mitt just doesn’t get that conservative blood thumping quite like, say, a Rick Santorum with his steamy speeches about Satan.

Sure, the liberal media thinks he’s a little craaazy, but Santorum is indeed – as that rightwing Yoda Rush Limbaugh would tell you – “the last real conservative still standing.” But sadly, the man who has won the Republican heart – or rather base – is having a tough time wooing the rest of America. As naysayers point out, all that ‘barefoot and pregnant’ talk opposing contraception and working women is not going to win him the ring come November. Nor will frothing at the mouth about satanic liberal universities, Hitler-like Democrats, or the secret plan to execute Christians:

They are taking faith and crushing it. Why? When you marginalize faith in America, when you remove the pillar of God-given rights then what’s left is the French Revolution. What’s left is a government that gives you rights. What’s left are no unalienable rights. What’s left is a government that will tell you who you are, what you’ll do and when you’ll do it. What’s left in France became the the guillotine.

Beelzebub and guillotines. How did it come to this sad pass?

Sure, the liberal media thinks he’s a little craaazy, but Santorum is, indeed, “the last real conservative still standing.” Reuters
Since the rise of Ronald Reagan, and America’s famous right turn, loving the unelectable has been a Democratic pastime. The base falls in love with some wild-eyed liberal, but the party settles for a more “moderate” guy who will be more palatable to the parents, i.e. the rest of America. Republicans, on the other hand, were glad to hitch their fortunes to any guy who checked all the right boxes: anti-abortion, anti-gay; tax cuts; law and order; foreign policy hawk. Bob Dole was fine as was George Bush Sr. and his son. As long they were meat-and-potatoes Republicans no one expected their guy to wear his ideology on his sleeve. Hence, the triumph of the “kinder and gentler” conservatism, best served with an affable ‘gee shucks!’ smile. The ideologue-in-sheep’s clothing GOP strategy was first perfected by Reagan and imitated by countless others – most successfully Dubya. And it’s worked pretty well for the most part.

So what went wrong this time around? Answer: The Tea Party. The combination of Obama’s election and the never-ending recession has unleashed a fire and brimstone breathing genie. Gentle conservatism no longer appeases a base baying for blood. They want a “conservative with conviction” who wears his hard-core ideology on his sleeve. Hence, the rising fortunes of a Santorum who in previous elections would have been the typical hard right candidate who would gain attention but never sufficient traction.

In 2012, however, he is the bona fide rival who will never win – a spoiler who will weaken Romney by a) making him look like RINO (Republican In Name Only); and b) pushing him to take ever more extremist positions.

The ‘Suitable Boy’ conundrum is, therefore, a symptom of a party whose base is increasingly out of step with the mainstream. Democrats faced this problem in the past because they had to win power in a society that had moved to the right after the Reagan realignment. “The ruling ideas of our time are conservative, just as in the ’60s, when politics was marching in the liberal direction… So the context, the zeitgeist, if you want to put it so pretentiously, is conservative, just as the zeitgeist in the 1960?s was liberal,” says Adrian Wooldridge, co-author of The Right Nation: Conservative Power in America. Therefore, any candidate who made the true-blue liberals happy was bound to be unelectable in a national election.

Rush Limbaugh & Kathryn Rogers

February 4, 2012 by · Comments Off on Rush Limbaugh & Kathryn Rogers 

Rush Limbaugh & Kathryn Rogers, It’s wedding bells for Rush Limbaugh – for the fourth time. The conservative firebrand, 59, exchanged vows with Kathryn Rogers – a blond bombshell half his age – in a lavish Hawaiian-themed wedding bash headlined by none-other-than Sir Elton John Saturday in Florida.

It’s an odd pairing considering El Rushbo’s history of anti-gay commentary on his conservative radio show and the openly gay “Tiny Dancer” singer’s longtime commitment to gay rights.

The Palm Beach Post reported the British superstar will pocket $1 million for playing the wedding reception at the posh Breakers Hotel.

The hotel has reportedly staffed about 50 additional security guards for the event.

Limbaugh and Rogers, 33, hosted a rehearsal dinner luau for 400 close friends and family at the hotel Friday night and the wedding will take place at Limbaugh’s beachfront mansion at an undisclosed time.

Rogers told the Post in 2008 that the couple’s age gap is part of what makes the romance work.

“I grew up so differently, traveling around the world, that I’m sometimes not able to relate to the average person my age,” Rogers said. “Rush has such amazing experience.”

The always outspoken radio talk show host has been uncharacteristically tight-lipped about his wedding plans – posting only a vague note on his website that he would be “out until Tuesday, June 15.”

He made a plea for privacy in an e-mail statement to the Post.

“We try to live our lives as normal people. We do not seek media attention.We do not want it, especially for this,” he wrote.

Limbaugh met Rogers in 2004 at a celebrity golf tournament.

He was divorcing his third wife at the time and the pair has dated for three years.

Code Red Rally

December 9, 2009 by · Comments Off on Code Red Rally 


Code Red Rally,Get up, stand up – “Code Red” rally Dec. 15, 1:00PM ET

United we stand … for the Constitution. The 2,000 plus page Healthcare reform bill is about to become law which will create an entitlement program that will effectively turn our country into a Totalitarian regime.

This Government and its leadership would want every citizen who voted for TRANSPARENCY, equity, low unemployment, mortgage stabilization, and spending control to believe that what they are proposing in the Senate on behalf of healthcare reform is inevitable.

It is time for every Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, and Undeclared voting citizen to show this country’s leadership that their vote is not inevitable and the direction they are headed with the potential approval of a 2,000 plus page monstrosity of a public takeover in the decisions that are critical to our lives is the wrong direction. It is time for every voting citizen that wishes to stop the erosion of our country’s Constitution to converge on the mall in Washington DC.
code red master logo
CODE RED RALLY – stop congress now! – The Capitol Building and Mall in Washington DC – December 15, 2009 – 1:00PM ET (speakers to address rally at 1:30PM ET – many Senators, Congressmen, and freedom fighters are scheduled to talk)

This excerpted and edited from Laura Ingraham’s website, “Laura Unleashed” –

Code Red Rally Tuesday 1pm Dec 15th US Capitol
By Laura Ingraham – December 8, 2009, Posted 11:00PM ET

It’s time we all stop pretending that what is happening with this Obamacare debate is about “helping the uninsured” or “fixing the healthcare system” or “giving the people what they want.” It’s about none of those things. Its about amassing as much power in a central government as humanly possible. Its about wealth redistribution. It’s social engineering at its absolute worst.

The American people must take this political system back from those who have hijacked it in one of the most abhorrent power grabs that we the voters have ever seen. It’s the holiday season so the Democrats are counting on you to be otherwise occupied and too busy to stand against their massive expansion of government.

Let them underestimate us again just as they did last summer. Let these unrepresentative politicians proceed with their legislative chicanery and self-righteous grandstanding. We can expose them and confront them in the classic American spirit–a public gathering on their doorstep.

On December 15th at 1 pm, we will remind Pelosi, Reid, Schumer et al. that they work for us and not the other way around. We will demand that they follow the will of the people, not dismiss and degrade it by putting future generations into a deficit dungeon. We will put every politician who supports this travesty on notice: enjoy your remaining time in the U.S. Capitol because we’re coming for your seat.

The American people will not forget those who turned their backs on us and voted for a bill that they hadn’t read and which will do nothing but ensure that one of the best healthcare systems in the world is compromised.
Reference Here>>

Many voters in the last election cycle stuffed their brains into a “hate” bucket and voted with their minds and freedoms closed putting both at risk of being totally controlled by a Government that has an Us against Them agenda based on an end result of totalitarian country … stripped of its freedoms and sovereignty (Copenhagen).

It is time to stop this run-away spending spree, TARP slush-fund using Government and show these leaders why they are wrong when they suggest that what this leadership attempts to do is inevitable … there is NO CONSENSUS – show up at the Capitol December 15, 2009 at 1:00PM ET and show these folks who’s the boss! Affirm American exceptional-ism.

Be sure to wear the color RED!
