

August 25, 2010 by · Comments Off on Aaliyah 

Aaliyah, Nine years ago today, the singer and actress Aaliyah died in a plane crash in the Bahamas.

I had the opportunity to interview her before she died, and not a year has passed since his death that I have wondered where his career would be if she had survived.

Aaliyah always seemed to run ahead of the trends. His music was a groundbreaking union of soul vocals and hip-hop rhythms, their clothing was always fashion forward, and even his final film role was a pioneer, played the title role in “The Queen of the Damned” years before vampire chic bomber. His career helped inspire innovative artists who would follow. Alicia Keys, once told me that “Aaliyah inspired me to pursue a music career.”

“The Queen of the Damned” was criticized by most critics, but I thought Aaliyah made a convincing vampire. We will never know what else could have done herself.

Here’s a video to mark the day.


July 23, 2010 by · Comments Off on Roblox 

Roblox, When you start playing this game may seem boring, but once you play it for that Relize awil this game is fun!

Gameplay: 9 / 10

This game has everything from ships attacting banks for the purchase of an RPG. If nwant be a great pirate this game you must spend some time in this great game. This was not a ten, because sometimes they can stay, but other than that it is a pirated game truly great.


This is so that creativity has to spend hours playing, if you want to find all the creative things in this game of great pirate.

EFFORT: 9.75/10

There are lots of scripts in this game. Change from season to buy things at a game store has a lot of scripts that would take considerable time to do. I can say it was a lot of land and above the requirements for this game!


You should visit this game.

Make sure you buy the VIP for this game!

My score for this game is 9.5/10. HAVE A GREAT GAME TIME Roblox! This review was brought to you by cjo COMMENTS!
