
Kati Marton

December 14, 2010 by · Comments Off on Kati Marton 

Kati Marton, Obama, the Government’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, Pakistan on Friday, and Hillary Clinton’s office received a heart attack, surgery or two could help him.

The critical condition Holbrooke had prayed for Barack Obama, the Afghan and Pakistani President desired a speedy recovery. Richard Holbrooke, who died on Monday, was named the giant of the American foreign policy president.

The veteran diplomat, who was hard because of the method in the industry, spoke of only buldózerként since 1962, John F. President Kennedy Democrat Barack Obama all the time were engaged in serious diplomatic task.

Kennedy served in the Vietnam years; Johnson has been entrusted with the evaluation of the Vietnam War. Jimmy Carter worked as a consultant to your campaign. From 1993 until 94-mission led by U.S. ambassador in Berlin. Bill Clinton was asked the leadership of the Bosnian peace. In 1995, the Dayton peace treaty officially ended the Bosnian war as well.

In 1998, Slobodan Milosevic has failed in its negotiation. The Serbs have not been accused of ethnic cleansing in Kosovo as their troops out, and then NATO began bombing Belgrade. Holbrooke has never regretted that “Milosevic or even worse than he is man” had good cause to conclude a deal.

1999-2001 operated by United Nations ambassador.

Hillary Clinton supported a 2008 campaign. If elected, Clinton would have been foreign minister.

In 2009, Barack Obama, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Special Rapporteur appointed by the veteran diplomat, was one of the most difficult tasks when the Kabul and Islamabad governments have had to be persuaded to take collective action against the al-Qaeda. “The conflict in Afghanistan will be much longer and more expensive than in America think. The longest war in American history before the watch “- written by Holbrooke, who was famously strained relationship with the corrupt Afghan president, Karzaival.

Richard Holbrooke’s wife, Kati Marton, author of several critically acclaimed book, Secret Power of the piece called The New York Times bestsellerlistájára was posted, but it was a great success of The Great Escape: Nine Jews Who Fled Hitler and Changed the World – our nine Hungarian, who is world went and changed the world was published in – and his parents on the recollections of the people’s enemies on instruction book as well. Kati Marton in 2006, awarded tisztikereszttel Hungary, in 2009, the New York-year connection with Hungary, the Hungarian culture and won the title of ambassador.
