
Miners Rescue

October 13, 2010 by · Comments Off on Miners Rescue 

Miners Rescue, (AP) – Chile has done a remarkable job of preparing to rescue 33 miners trapped half a mile underground, but many risks remain simply because never has anyone tried to save the miners such depths, an American expert in mine safety, said Tuesday.

Davitt McAteer, who led the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration during the administration of President Bill Clinton laid out the risks in an interview with The Associated Press: A minor may get claustrophobic and do something that harms the capsule. Or a rock could fall and stuck in the well. Or cable might hang up. Or platform that pulls the cable could overheat.

Hour News Hound – Watch live video from Chile to the attempted rescue of 33 miners

“This is not an elevator shaft. It’s got twists and turn, and can cause problems with cable, “McAteer told the AP by telephone.” We are talking about 2,000 feet (610 meters) and it is uncharted territory. ”

By 9 pm, a third of the trapped miners in Chile are now in place and their cell half-mile deep.

No. 11, is mounted against the desert sun a little more than 10 hours after the rescue capsule dubbed “Phoenix” from the first minor.

He is 55 years, Jorge Galleguillos and worked the length of Chile in various mines.

Officials said before the rescue began around midnight Tuesday that the first four minors to be fit and the next 10 would include those who have health problems.
