
Glenn Beck Rally

October 30, 2010 by · Comments Off on Glenn Beck Rally 

Glenn Beck Rally, Political activism Glenn Beck’s – Project 9 / 12 at its 8 / 28 rally – has made him a leader in the movement tea. Beck has used this status to lead his followers in the Republican Party and strengthen its efforts to get out the vote-for the 2010 elections.

Analysis: Tea Party activists “deeply identify” with Beck. An analysis of the democracy movement in July by tea polling firm Democracy Corps found that supporters of the tea party “deeply identify with Glenn Beck.” The analysis further stated:

Glenn Beck is the person the highest esteem among the supporters of the People’s Party of tea, we have tested. It marks an exceptionally high rating of 75 percent in hot, very hot 57 per cent.

This affinity for Beck has very clearly in the focus groups. The source of new participants said they could trust was Fox. Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity and were cited as people who “do not be afraid to tell it like it is” and support their arguments on facts. Beck was probably the hero of these groups. Participants see as an “educator” (contrary to the popular Rush Limbaugh is an “entertainer”) who teaches the history of people and puts at risk because it exposes the truth. In the words of a woman in Ft. Lauderdale, “I would trust my life in his hands.”

Other comments were equally complimentary: I love how he tries to return to the basics of the Constitution of the United States because I think that is our government loses focus. They are trying to amend the Constitution or somehow turn it …

It provides facts … And it actually shows people say things. It’s not like all his bites. This is not really chopped and edited. And it is scary because every time I watch the show, which is almost every day, my heart feels … and I feel like I wanted to do something.

I fear for him … Because things, “he said. I think he is walking on the big toes.

It really does his research and it really sets you well, a good teacher.

Sam Waterston

October 30, 2010 by · Comments Off on Sam Waterston 

Sam Waterston, (AP) – Laughing “common sense” A blend of political activism and rally drew thousands to the National Mall on Saturday, with comedians Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert as little maestros of moderation and civility in time polarized.

Organizers insisted the “Restore Sanity Rally and / or fear,” a few days before the congressional elections Tuesday, has no policy. Yet, proponents and advocacy groups, left it hopes revive enthusiasm of voters for Democrats saw in 2008, particularly among young adults.

Stewart, host of Comedy Central’s “Daily Show” is especially popular with Democrats and independents, a survey by the Pew Research Center found. Colbert of The Colbert Report “poses as a hardliner, and Saturday stage was stacked with artists associated with Democratic causes or President Barack Obama 2008 campaign.

Although Stewart said the day was reducing the anger and partisan division. “Yelling is boring, cons-productive and terrible for the gorge,” he said on his website.

The list of musicians including Sheryl Crow and The Roots. Actor Sam Waterston and Don Novello, who played Father Guido Sarducci years on “Saturday Night Live”, were also expected to appear.

The broad rally generated buzz on the Internet, with over 226,000 people on a Facebook page created for the event, saying they would attend. The liberal Huffington Post has been sending a caravan of 10,000 people on the 200 buses from New York, while Oprah Winfrey has expressed its support by providing travel expenses to a public “Daily Show” studio of approximately 200 members so they can attend.

Permit Park Comedy Central puts the crowd estimate at 60,000. There were plans for rallies in satellite cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, Denver and Honolulu.

Stewart and Colbert urged participants to make signs with slogans such as “Real patriots can handle a difference of opinion”,”It could be worse, but do not do it that way, “and” Death to person. ”

Organizing for America, Obama’s political operation according to the Democratic National Committee headquarters, was establishing a “Phone Bank for Sanity” after the rally to urge people to vote on Tuesday.

Planning groups to enlist supporters at the event include Naral Pro-Choice America, DC Vote, which aims to give DC a voting representative in the House, and funders of Proposition 19 in California to legalize marijuana.

“The vitriol and hatred toward our president and the Democrats, it has become so extreme that it sort of scares me,” said Margaret Espaillat, 49, of Orlando, Florida, which hopes to improve the Rally the political tone and galvanize the Democrats. She had planned to attend with her three sons who are in college and her husband, a colonel in the Army.

Saturday’s event mirrors “Restore honor” rally in August by Glenn Beck, Fox News commentator popular among conservatives and supporters of the party tea. Beck, too, played at his event as a political demonstration, Stewart described her simply as an alternative format for humor new model seen by millions of viewers every night on Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” and “The Colbert postponement. ”

On his radio show this week, conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh mocked the event Saturday. He says he will give the tea party and other conservatives a chance to build the turnout for Tuesday, while Democrats come to Washington to smoke doobies “and listen to a” couple Comedians of half-baked. ”

The rally is to promote charitable causes. Stewart asks participants to help restore the National Mall, which has 400 million backlog of deferred maintenance. Colbert asks people to help in selecting donors, who raise money for school supplies; proceeds from the sale of goods will also be paid to rally the Yellow Ribbon Fund to assist wounded soldiers.

On the Net:

Father Guido Sarducci

October 30, 2010 by · Comments Off on Father Guido Sarducci 

Father Guido Sarducci, (AP) – In the shadow of the Capitol and close to the election, comedians Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert kept a huge crowd rallying on Saturday of “common sense”, mocking the diversity of the nation and its policy in a bad mood.

In a shtick, Stewart and his associates interviewed some crowd of spectators to identify themselves by class, elicit responses from participants as “half-Mexican, half-white, ”’one American woman” and “Asian-American in Taiwan. ”

“This is a perfect demographic sampling of the American people,” Stewart cracked. “As you know, if you have too many white people at a rally, your question is racist if you have too many people color, then you need to ask something -. Special rights, like eating in restaurants or piggy back rides. ”

The event was partly intended to be a counterpoint to the “Restoring honor” rally in August by Glenn Beck, Fox News commentator popular among conservatives and supporters of the party tea. Beck’s rally, which had a strong religious connotation, drew some protests from civil rights advocates.

Don Novello, who played Father Guido Sarducci years on “Saturday Night Live,” provided the benediction. He surveyed the crowd on their religious inclinations, and gave thanks to God for allowing everyone to allocate the various causes of it.

Driven by the hosts, Ozzy Osbourne and Yusuf Islam, formerly known as Cat Stevens, engaged in a sort of Battle of the Bands, heavy metal rocker and folk interrupt each other.

The crowd – easily tens of thousands strong – were festive, goofy, frustrated by the state of politics, if not the nation, and ready to play nice during a rally called as a counterweight to all the insults and cries Flight times polarized. But there were political overtones, too, pushing against the Conservatives before Tuesday’s election.

Slogans urged people to “relax.” But also “right-handed, do not stomp on my head,” a reference to a Republican rally in Kentucky where a liberal activist was shot down and trampled. And, “I would not, if the President was a Muslim.”

Shannon Escobar, 31, of Bangor, Pa., came with a group of 400 people on board chartered buses to New York. A supporter of President Barack Obama in 2008, she said she is tired of the nasty rhetoric from both sides and disillusioned by the lack of progress in Washington.

“I want to see real change – Obama will not change,” she said. “We need a clean slate and start over with people really work together.”

A regular viewer of Stewart “The Daily Show”, she said she had a dream he ran for political office, but got “corrupt and dirty.”

“I need him to stay pure,” she said, deadpan.

People have also carried signs in favor of United and the farm workers movement to give the District of Columbia a vote in Congress. Many were college students, but the crowd affects all age groups. “seniors pot” people cried half a dozen more.

The rally organizers urged restoring Sanity and / or fear is not political. Yet, the supporters and groups from left to revive hopes that the enthusiasm of voters for Democrats saw in 2008, particularly among young adults.

Stewart is especially popular with Democrats and independents, a survey by the Pew Research Center found. Colbert of The Colbert Report “poses as a hardliner, and Saturday stage was stacked with artists associated with Democratic causes and Obama 2008 campaign.

Although Stewart said the day was reducing the anger and partisan division. “Yelling is boring, cons-productive and terrible for the gorge,” he said on his website.

Comedy Central Park, allowed us to estimate the crowd at 60,000.

Colbert Rally

October 30, 2010 by · Comments Off on Colbert Rally 

Colbert Rally, Sheryl Crow has signed to perform with Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert Rally Restore Sanity and / or fear.

According to The Christian Science Monitor, The Roots will kick off the event with a show of 40 minutes, to be held on Saturday in Washington DC.

Jeff Tweedy of the band Wilco has agreed to play a total of ten minutes, and Crow will also be on stage in the afternoon.

Law & Order star Sam Waterston and Mavis Staples will appear again. More guests and artists should be announced.

The Roots

October 30, 2010 by · Comments Off on The Roots 

The Roots, Sheryl Crow will lend his voice to a rally in Washington DC this weekend to come.

Crow will likely become part of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert rally Restore Sanity and / or fear, states Digital Spy. The singer would have to take the stage to perform with others.

Roots and Jeff Tweedy of Wilco are both expected to perform at the event. Other unnamed guests and artists are expected to make appearances and perform.

About 150,000 people marched on Washington DC National Mall this afternoon for Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert Rally restore mental health and / or fear. As was reported, the show began with a series of The Roots. The twists come in a few songs

Band World’s Greatest House was honored at noon exactly, opening with frenzy “thought work” from the 2002 classic phrenology. After a quick overview of the title track from their new album How I Got Over, the band brought out John Legend, who led the group through songs from their album of covers of recent collaboration Wake Up! The roots and the legend began with “Dear God 2.0” with Legend Jim James covering parts, then Curtis Mayfield performed “Hard Times” and Donny Hathaway’s “Little Ghetto Boy” before moving to a more powerful version of Bill Withers’ classic anti-war “I can not write left handed.”

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