
Meteor Shower August 2010

August 12, 2010 by · Comments Off on Meteor Shower August 2010 

Meteor Shower August 2010, The August 2010 meteor shower is expected to happen later tonight August 12, 2010. The meteors or shooting stars have already happening across the sky this week, but the peak is for the final hours Thursday night and early Friday, according to reports.

The Perseids are so called as they arise come from the constellation Perseus. And humans have been able to see the Perseid meteor shower August each year about 2000 years, when Earth passes over the dust of the comet.

Notts Astronomer Phil Randall said “You can get 50 to 80 meteors an hour, so there is a fair chance you will see something.”

A small 1 inch (2.5 cm) thick meteor fireball caused when he met a burning August 3 disappearance while rays in Earth’s atmosphere, according to NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. The was pragmatic fireball in the sky to watch the cameras operated by the space center.

The fireball occurred at around 21:56 local time and was low in the sky when it entered Earth’s atmosphere about 70 miles (112.6 km) above the town of Paint Rock. Apparently, about 9.5 degrees above horizon. By contrast, the fist at arm’s length is equal to about 10 degrees in the night sky.

NASA spokeswoman Janet Anderson said: “It is a very good start this year’s Perseids meteor shower which will peak on the night of August 12-13 between midnight and dawn.” And NASA observations found the meteorite that travels through the atmosphere at a phenomenal 134.000 mph (215.652 kph).

Meteor Shower August 2010

August 12, 2010 by · Comments Off on Meteor Shower August 2010 

Meteor Shower August 2010, The August 2010 meteor shower is in the news today and people are very excited about the meteor shower will be this month. The meteor shower in August 2010 is under the observation of people and they are waiting to see it. Meteor activity will peak during this month and people are looking for their latest updates on the Internet. If you want to see the meteor shower of what to spend the night woke up and keep an eye on the sky. You should go as far as possible from any city or cities so that the sky is not polluted and you can also watch the sky. The skies of cities are polluted and the smoke and other pollution & contamination do not allow these people to see the stars clearly.

You must keep an eye on the sky for at least half an hour and watch the meteor shower August 2010. If you relax and sit in a chair and keep looking in the sky for meteors these activities then you can enjoy them. The activities of the meteors will be at its peak in the twelfth and thirteenth of August. If you go to see the meteor shower then the best time to do this is the beginning of the afternoon, this time is just before dawn. When the sky is darker it becomes easier to see the meteors. Scientists also observe the meteor shower with their telescopes.
