
Playstation Network Down Today

March 5, 2012 by · Comments Off on Playstation Network Down Today 

Playstation Network Down Today, Just a quick reminder for all you PlayStation Network users: The PSN will go down today for what sounds like a piece of heavy-duty maintenance. While previous maintenance outages have been limited in scope, today’s will be different. According to Sony, users logged into the network prior to the outage will be signed out and no user will be able to login once the outage begins. And it will go on for quite a while.

According to Engadget, the maintenance will begin at 3 P.M. EST today and end some 14 hours later at 5 A.M. EST tomorrow. Sony is encouraging users to follow their Twitter account for the latest news about the outage, which has already been delayed once.

From the PSN blog:

This significant PSN maintenance period is expected to start at just after noon Pacific and will last for several hours, until approximately 2am Pacific on Monday, March 5. Unlike typical maintenance events, consumers who are already signed-in to PSN will be signed-out, and consumers will be unable to sign in for the duration of the maintenance window. During this time, users won’t be able to access the PlayStation Store, PlayStation Home, Account Management or play online.

Playstation Network Down

June 9, 2010 by · Comments Off on Playstation Network Down 

Playstation Network DownPlaystation Network Down:The PlayStation Network is taking the day off for maintenance (and sometimes, even the paid services, so insert PSN rumors + here) from 8 am (PST) at 8:30 pm As for your PS3 Dead Red Redemption or some other games of chance in the interim to the above message displays so for now, all his friends at home will have to wait. Meanwhile, Netflix streaming is still a go as cola 3:10 to Yuma (original version, of course) and give a tired horse a rest.

Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package PS3

May 4, 2010 by · Comments Off on Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package PS3 

Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package PS3Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package PS3:Last week announced the news of the upcoming expansion of Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package for the PS3, and now Creative Infinity Ward, Robert Bowling has confirmed strategist arrive tomorrow to PlayStation ® Network and share information, as follows:

Tomorrow, May 04, will be a flood of goodness Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer on the PlayStation Network!

First, the first downloadable content for Modern Warfare 2 – The stimulus package – will hit the PSN Store for $ 14.99 and will bring five new multiplayer maps for MW2.

Included in the five new maps are two classic Call of Duty 4 maps that we all know and love, and three completely new places that offer a variety of unique locations for your favorite game modes. The stimulus package includes:

• Rescue – An apartment complex that surprised American objective game modes, especially Capture the Flag, but one of those maps that work well no matter what type of game we’re playing. His long sight lines – as soldiers of a wall-blowing of an apartment suite on the second floor – give pleasant spots for long-range sniping, but also has lots of routes through the gym accompanying shot dead , corridors, hallways, and interconnection units.

• Rescue – A snow junkyard covered in rubble, crushed cars, and my favorite aspect – no place to hide (well, maybe, but hidden in the dog house will not win the game.) This aspect of beautiful design, but makes simplistic Salvage my new favorite map Hardcore Team Deathmatch, which forces you to rely on their speed, precision and skill. It is offensive, campers sorry! This map is to enter and stay in the fight.

• Storm – A rain warehouse district on the outskirts of a storm is approaching with lightning and booming thunder. A massive reservoir interconnected with aerial walkways and a lot of machines to cover it perfect for large team games. With plenty of surrounding areas outdoors to follow or cut through the buildings connected, it is a map that takes advantage of two teams working together to control their area and locking points of domination. This map has a great atmosphere and always results in some crazy games HQ.

• Crash – An environmental war-torn city with a helicopter crashed and surrounded by several large balconies. Whether you’re taking pictures pop from the three-story building overlooking the map, or objectively covering the center from the second floor of the aptly named “Blue Room” windows, Crash is the first map of the fan-favorite to make a turn Call of Duty 4, and is one the places it’s perfectly balanced multiplayer, regardless of the type of game they shed on it. Team Deathmatch is the king of shock to me personally and we had all the covers, sniper view, and perfect “in situ swim you’ve come to love, but have also filled the map with more detail.

• Covered – A people divided by massive and open the center by a dry creekbed. Cloudy is a snipers paradise with its tall grass, super-long sight lines, and earns its credibility as one of our greatest multiplayer maps. He is back by popular demand of the community, and was one of my personal favorite maps of all time Call of Duty 4. It has been updated with some new rays and atmospheric changes, however, retains his trademark flow and the attraction of big team games.

When you jump online to enjoy the new maps, you will also be received with some new additions to the playlist structure in multiplayer. You’ll notice two new playlists added to the bottom of the list: Hardcore stimulation and encouragement. These two lists allow you to play your favorite game modes ONLY the new maps. That way they get to experience as much as you want.

• Encouragement – This list will include all types of game for 8-12 players and rotating through the new maps only stimulus.

• Encouraging Hardcore – Hardcore Ricochet list will include Team Deathmatch, Hardcore HQ Pro Ricochet, Ricochet Hardcore Search and Destroy for 8-12 players and rotating through the new maps only stimulus.

While these two playlists are reserved for those who download the stimulus package, the same day also will be introducing a playlist all new for ALL Modern Warfare 2 players.

• Tactical Equipment – 6-8 players playing small team based games with Team Deathmatch, Domination, Capture the Flag, and Demolition. (First point of view of the person)

This list is added by the enormous demand of the community in our forums, Twitter, and other messages you have sent to us, plus another change order to add maps Ranger (Terminal, SKIDROW, Highrise, Invasion) to the HQ Pro HC Playlist.

When I attack, attack I meant!

That’s not even everything. When all these changes tomorrow hit on May 4, will also press the double switch XP for the first time, LISTS OF ALL, FOR ALL PLAYERS! So when you jump online you earn double XP for kills and objectives to help end your life that Prestige has been working in or for all 70 levels, the decisive factor in making the leap to next Prestige.

Tomorrow is all about adding even more mileage with your Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer, giving all the new places to play, new ready to play, and double XP to do all that much sweeter. I hope to see you all online!

Playstation Network Down |

March 1, 2010 by · Comments Off on Playstation Network Down | 

Playstation Network DownPlaystation Network Down | hoping to enjoy playing their PlayStation 3 games online on Sunday were sorely disappointed, as the PlayStation Network has experienced connection problems for many PS3 models over the day.

At around 4PM PST on Sunday, PlayStation Network users on Twitter began began to report that they were unable to connect to the online gaming service. Hours later, the problem seems to continue, to the point where Sony has begun to acknowledge the issue on its official PlayStation Blog.

According to the blog, the problem seems to only affect pre-Slim PlayStation 3 models, with PlayStation social media manager Jeff Rubenstein claiming they “have narrowed down the issue and have engineers working to restore service.”

Despite the fact that the game doesn’t have any online gameplay, many owners have reported that PSN issues have kept players from enjoying Sony’s most recent release, Heavy Rain. Any PlayStation 3 owners experiencing PSN problems today? Share your horror stories in the comment section below.

Source: PlayStation Network Status Update [PlayStation Blog]
