
Own Network

December 30, 2010 by · Comments Off on Own Network 

Own Network, (AP) – The Oprah Winfrey Network launched Saturday is wary of promising too much of a good thing – Winfrey herself.

Further fueling the interest in the cable channel, the goal is to exploit the popularity Winfrey while stressing that OWN will not be all Oprah all the time.

“We really do not want to be a niche brand. We want to be a regular cable” network with appeal beyond core fans Winfrey said Darren Schillace, vice president of consumer marketing for OWN.

“The first phase” of the marketing effort aimed at “managing expectations that this is not 24 / 7 Oprah on the network,” said Schillace, with Winfrey agrees to appear in at least 70 hours of programming 2011.

Help viewers find OWN on systems of various cable and overpopulated nation is another key objective in spreading the word about the joint venture between Winfrey and Discovery Communications Inc. Harpo.

The effort of his own position as more Oprah-Winfrey does not ban or his friends celebrated the first threshing. And it has not led to sub-vouchers for $ 189 million would gamble by Discovery.

“Look at our superb video and heart-pounding new with so many stars and energy, so it will leave you speechless,” springs from the heart of the online world Oprah,, in a section to OWN.

The queen of media is itself the center of a clean ad that began in the cinemas, promising to bring his message of traditional talk show more autonomy canvas chain.

“What if I could take all the heroes that inspired me, motivated me every lesson, every opportunity that has been given to me and give it to you,” said Winfrey’s own president, radiating nicely on a sky unreal blue dotted with balloons and soaring clouds inflated.

The spot is supported by the song “Own It”, written by of The Black Eyed Peas for “Your own show: Search for the Next Oprah Winfrey TV Star” and a sloppy of synergy, including as a bonus track on the new album from Peas.

(Another pop star Seal, wrote the theme song “Weight of my mistakes,” a series about OWN held in Indiana.)

Barbara Walters helped by highlighting a special hourlong Winfrey that aired in early December, well before the final scheduled for the spring of Winfrey’s talk show syndicated days, but a useful addition to his debut OWN.

Then there is the magazine based O Winfrey, who devoted much of his impressive January issue of the canal and its future stars, including hosts of “The Gayle King Show” and “Our America with Lisa Ling.”

Advertisements were placed in other magazines, including Vanity Fair, and radio and cable (“If they watch television, we want them to watch more television,” said Schillace of its targets). Billboards image feature Winfrey, with rises in New York at Times Square in January and announcements are made on buses and taxis.

Other channels from Discovery (which include TLC and Animal Planet) is pitching its new sister station. There is a blitz of online assignments with Facebook for its own shows, and takeovers home page and splash own messages on websites, including Yahoo and MSN.

“In the world of Oprah, from their point of view, they may feel like this is modest and well controlled,” said Libby Gill, a former TV marketing executive who is now a brand strategist. Observers may see it as a marketing blitz overwhelming, Gill said, but most of the radiation is “strategically in the market for fans of Oprah Winfrey base.”

She terms the approach “very intelligent”, which gives the room to grow channel.

The other key component of the equation of marketing is the “where” of the pinewood nematode, which replaces the Discovery Health channel.

To direct people to OWN, available in about 85 million households, there is a “finder channel” with channel numbers specific region.

“The New Year’s Day, I want you to be in the right direction,” said Schillaci.

It is an arduous task. The forest is crowded TV with hundreds of cable channels, and launching ramp OWN is not among the toughest: Discovery Health averaging about 250,000 viewers in prime-time daily, compared with about 3 million for the leaders ESPN and USA. (Talk-show Oprah Winfrey is on average more than 6 million viewers this season.)

As OWN unfolds, expect stars like Shania Twain and Rosie O’Donnell for more honor than the channel of promotion is designed to direct the attention of his namesake to the rest of its 600 hours of original programming.

Winfrey’s name “is on the front door (of the OWN), but I need to keep the buzz and hype to show that there are other things on that network, as well,” said Schillaci.

Even a channel surmounted by great people Winfrey must respect the fundamental imperative of television, said the executive network and the veteran producer Garth Ancier.

“At the end of the day, I am very optimistic that Oprah and Peter (Peter Liguori, Discovery Communications’ COO) can build a stable of shows that will define the network – and networks are always defined by their watch, not their image brand, “said Ancier.

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