
Astrological Signs

January 14, 2011 by · Comments Off on Astrological Signs 

Astrological Signs, Ophiuchus (the serpent holder) in the astrological picture, you’re probably wondering if your sign suddenly new means that you are supposed to possess special features. The real answer is that, as Ophiuchus (Ophiuchan?) Your personality traits are online, so your existing personality traits.
Astrologers, however, need something concrete, but may be general enough to apply to a person born during a period of 20 days. It has even reached the point where people are consulting Yahoo Answers. A 2009 Harris Poll (PDF link) shows that 26% of Americans believe in astrology, this number could be higher if we take into account those who are not comfortable accepting such a belief.

Ophiuchus is the only astrological sign, which is based on a real person (but maybe Scorpio was based on a real scorpion, we will never know). You may know the name of Imhotep Mummy movies, but it was a real man. The Greeks called Asclepius, and was known for his knowledge of medicine back in 27 BC. Indeed, the caduceus (the rod with the snake coiling around her) is still a widely recognized symbol for medicine.

Astrological traits must be sufficiently precise to distinguish the signs, but general enough that someone could look at the list of features and say, “Yes, it could be me.”

On this basis, astrologers have compiled a series of traits that correspond to such a person, including:

Peace researcher and wisdom

Attractor luck and jealousy

Interpreter of dreams
Whoever reaches the stars?
Plaid carrier (it is oddly specific)

Ophiuchus Personality

January 14, 2011 by · Comments Off on Ophiuchus Personality 

Ophiuchus Personality, Characteristic features of an Ophiuchus is something everyone who has a birth date between November 29 and December 17, seeking to learn more about. It seems that 31% of Americans believe that their astrological sign has an influence on their personality.

Ophiuchus is an astrological sign rarely used, not included in most versions of the zodiac. It is also known as the Serpent. The sun passes through the constellation eponymous between November 29 and December 17.

In mythology Ophiuchus is identified with the healer Asclepius son of Apollo, who became so skilled that he has brought death to life. Hades later convinced Zeus to kill Asclepius with a lightning bolt. After his death, he was then placed in the stars as a constellation.

On traits that are unique to an Ophiuchus;

An interpreter of dreams, which attracts good luck and fruitful blessings. Said the noble ideals and is a seeker of peace and harmony. Inventive in nature, with qualities booming. Often require higher education and wisdom and can end up as a supervisor or the supervisor of the work. Then rise to fame – big or totally misunderstood. Tends to enjoy longevity and aspirations of healing the ills of man.

Will reach for the stars, literally and metaphorically. For much large family indicated, but likely to be separated from them when young. The number twelve holds great significance. A foresight and good fortune to benefit from tough times. Secret enemies in the family or close associations with many jealous of this.

Often regarded as the apple of the eye when young father. High position in life should [depending on aspects]. Highest fame and legend does not often come only after death. As a rule may be wise, even a genius mind. Likes to wear clothes with bright colors and plaids in particular, and often receives the benefit of persons in authority.

Horoscope Change

January 14, 2011 by · Comments Off on Horoscope Change 

Horoscope Change, Many people are now asking, “Hey, baby. What’s my sign?” According to astronomers, it is necessary to add a new sign of the zodiac to the mixture, which shifts the full alignment.

Astronomer Park Kunkle said: “This is not something that happened today. This lasts for thousands of years. ”

Those who study stars say now, the earth are in a very different place from the sun and its alignment with the equator until the study of astrology began 3,000 years ago.

Signs of the zodiac were assigned to 12 different items times of the year. However, these signs that we were told that we were born into are apparently not the same. Oscillation of the earth on its axis, a bump a month in the alignment of the stars. Thus, a Virgin may now be a Leo, Aquarius a Capricorn, Taurus and an Aries so on.

But we should not expect our horoscope readings to change. Scientists say that this rotation has been known since 500 BC, and horoscope calendar has not moved.


13th Zodiac Sign Ophiuchus

January 14, 2011 by · Comments Off on 13th Zodiac Sign Ophiuchus 

13th Zodiac Sign Ophiuchus, People are just buzzing about the new 13th zodiac sign, Media reports on the 13 zodiac signs and the change in the zodiac calendar has sent thousands in an identity crisis birth. However, the true meaning seems to have been lost in translation.

Amid the turmoil snowball on the proposal’s perceived astrological sign 13, several astrologers try to calm the panic astrology-believers with the assurance that nothing has really changed in their stars. Meanwhile, the astronomer who started the whole ordeal also spoke to clarify that he never claimed that Ophiuchus should be added to the existing list of 12 signs.
It all started with an interview Parke Kunkle astronomer at the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, in which the board member of the Minnesota Planetarium Society said the publication of how the Babylonians made the sign of the zodiac.

Kunkle said that the Babylonians based on the Zodiac constellation the sun was in “the day a person was born. As millennia passed, the gravitational pull of the moon has made the Earth wobble” around its axis, creating a bump about a month in the alignment of the stars, Kunkle was quoted as saying in the report of January 9.

“When they [the astrologers] say that the sun is in Pisces, this is not really in Pisces,” said Kunkle, indicating that most readers of horoscopes may be reading the wrong predictions and perhaps rationalize their behavior on the bad traits.

Kunkle, who teaches astronomy at Minneapolis Community and Technical College, also said there is no physical connection between the constellations and personality traits.

“Sure, we can connect the harvest to the stars. But personality? No.”

With the Kunkle’s remark that people are no longer looking at the sky to understand astrology, the report concludes on a note indicating that this reflection might be the reason why sometimes one day may not be exactly as shot expected. “

New Zodiac Signs 2011

January 14, 2011 by · Comments Off on New Zodiac Signs 2011 

New Zodiac Signs 2011, Do the solar eclipse and floods and snowstorms announce the rediscovery of the new sign of the zodiac: Ophiuchus, the serpent-holder? His usurpation of the 19 days between Scorpio and Sagittarius Horoscope has changed for everyone – and perhaps change our personality too. I used to be cancer (and unpleasant) and now I’m Gemini – and both sides? Confused, yes.

But who exactly is Ophiuchus?

All signs of the zodiac previous dozen have roots in classical mythology – especially in the legend of how the 12 gods of Olympus has taken the form of various animals and creatures to flee the sulfur monster Typhon several armies that caused havoc and extraction of the mountains and others. (Only Zeus stood his ground and, gathering her courage and lightning, and even fly with these weapons of mass destruction and Typhon buried under a pile of rock, which burn up to date like a volcano, Etna.) The myth doesn ‘t bear a lot of verification – or math. Gemini is, for example, account for one or two? And if Zeus was good, so … something is missing…. And this god or goddess would have sought shelter in the form of Libra, a ladder?
(Learn more about the Earth’s rotation has changed our signs of the zodiac.)

Otherwise, the symbols have meaning only in terms of mnemonics – giving earthly form to the constellations that occupy the treadmill of stars that define the earth year. Allusions to myth help explain the meaning of each. Cancer, for instance, being perhaps a crustacean giant defeated by Heracles (Hercules, for those who prefer Latin), but also be a hard-shelled creature, offers a metaphor for the nature of every human being born under the sign of (is hiding in its shell, by extension, homebody, like I was comfortable going up now when I have to learn to be a Gemini.)

So what kind of creature is Ophiuchus? The pictures that emerged (from old engravings shortly after the time of Gutenberg, it seems) show a very muscular sort of person who has difficulty with a real anaconda in the sky. There are various myths attached to the constellation, most of them obscure, both are very revealing – if ominous. A third point that I came up with myself.

The first is that of Asklepios (Latin, Aesculapius, who has somehow become acceptable in English as Asclepius), which was, as the old Greek stories are often the offspring of a tragic game. His mother, impregnated by the god Apollo, has launched a flirtation with someone else. It is not good to cheat on any god – and certainly not one associated with the sun. The poor woman was burned and her baby ripped from her womb (Asklepios etymologically meaning to cut). The infant was given over to be raised by the centaur Chiron good and wise. He grew to be very wise himself can cure the sick and raise the dead. The serpent, already a symbol of wisdom and its goddess Athena, was combined with the skills of rejuvenation Asklepios “because it could be repeated, becoming” young “again, throwing his old skin. But fate and the gods did not like the idea of a human being with the ability to grant other people the gift of eternal life. Zeus then struck him dead with a thunderbolt. His father Apollo, however, has risen from the dead – and, possibly, Asklepios became the god of healing and medicine. Some early Christian writers went on to say that it was a foreshadowing of their own savior – perphaps propaganda against the cult of Asclepius, who was a powerful rival to the faith of the disciples of Jesus.
The other story is a magnificent piece of art associated with it: the n Laoco an ancient sculpture found in Rome and rebuilt by Michelangelo. It is in the Vatican Museum and shows the Trojan priest Laoco? N and his son attacked by two snakes. Why was Laoco? N then punished? Because he warned his countrymen not to leave Troy in their fortified citadel of giant wooden horse left by the Greeks. The goddess (it snakes) serpents Athena sent huge cover and kill the priest and his son. The Trojans have interpreted as a sign that it was good to let the gift horse without looking into its contents. The rest is, again, the tragedy.
Zeus asked, after being both male and female, who takes more pleasure in sex? Tiresias did not hesitate and said, “woman”. Hera was angry and struck the blind. Transgender, curious, brave enough to risk the wrath of Hera (Zeus which even feared) Tiresias, blind as he may have, is the embodiment of the most modern of Ophiuchus.

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