
Obama Approval Rating

March 12, 2012 by · Comments Off on Obama Approval Rating 

Obama Approval Rating, U.S. President Barack Obama’s job approval rating, weighed down by soaring gas prices, has plunged below 50 percent, giving his political opponents what appears to be an opening in the November election, a new opinion poll showed.
The survey by ABC News and The Washington Post indicated that only 46 percent of Americans now approved of the way Obama is handling his job and 50 percent disapproved.

The situation was a reversal from early February when 50 percent approved of the president’s performance and 46 percent disapproved.

According to the survey, the drop was attributed to soaring gas prices threatening to crimp America’s slow recovery from a recession.

The American Automobile Association (AAA) predicts gasoline prices across the United States could average US$4.25 a gallon by May, up from over US$3.60 today.

Between 1998 and 2004, prices ranged from US$1 to US$2.

Obama Speech Tucson

January 13, 2011 by · Comments Off on Obama Speech Tucson 

Obama Speech Tucson, (CNN) – Obama was trying to console a grieving community as he spoke at the memorial service for victims of the weekend shooting in Arizona. He paid tribute to those who lost their lives and encouraged Americans to talk to each other in a manner “that heals, not in a way that hurts.”

The president spoke Wednesday night at the University of Arizona McKale Memorial, whose school was held just under 14,000 people, with a crowd of 13,000 in the stadium football school.

Obama in Tucson: the unit on the angry rhetoric

Obama’s remarks came four days after a gunman-opened fire during a political event outside a supermarket in Tucson. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords remains in critical condition after being shot in the head. The shooting left six dead, including a federal judge and 9 years, Christina Green.

Memorial to honor young victims of mass shootings in Arizona

The president’s speech praised, although some observers were surprised by the atmosphere and tone.

Here is an overview of some of the reaction. Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below.

David Gergen, CNN senior political analyst:

“Many of us in the TV room listening to Tucson expect a solemn service commemorating the dead and wounded. So it was jarring at first to find an atmosphere more like a rally, even a campaign rally. John King on the scene to CNN said that people in Tucson needs a catharsis.

. “Once we adjusted to the atmosphere, I thought the president had an important message – that in the wake of the massacre, we should talk to each other to heal, not wound Now the question becomes: Will we get what we? Leaders eventually become models? What should we do? ”

John King, CNN chief national correspondent:

“Some in the house could have been a little surprised at how exciting, all the encouragement, all the applause, and have been here for a few days as you travel through town, you go to coffeeshops, you are in the hospital where Giffords member is still hospitalized, and some of the other victims, the makeshift shrines in different locations throughout the city, there are many tears in Tucson in recent days.

“There are plenty of stunned, shocked silence in Tucson these days. And I think tonight, after five horrible days, this city should applaud.

Douglas Brinkley, presidential historian:

“I thought Obama did a great job tonight. I thought he really brought people together. I mean, when he, in the middle of the floor, said: “Gabby has opened my eyes, Gabby opened her eyes, and you could almost hear an inflection Martin Luther King-like – and that he wore throughout much of speech.

“I was, as David Gergen earlier, a bit put off by the weather, 14,000 people mad. But the president, I think, made its way into the atmosphere. Thus, by the end of it, one could almost feel the excitement people embrace in the warmth and love in the arena. ”


Obama Speech

September 1, 2010 by · Comments Off on Obama Speech 

Obama Speech, President Obama’s Oval Office speech was good, but the imagery was great.

In his speech marking the effective end of the war in Iraq, Obama used the tight fit. The flags behind him, the family pictures on both sides, the flag pin in his lapel, the red tie, white shirt and blue suit … that all projects of patriotism and authority.

One thing that worked on the speech was his drawing a straight line between the huge monetary cost of war and economic despair swamp in which we are sunk. One thing that did not work was its assertion that the purpose of fighting in Iraq, which they turned a page. We’re still at war, and Obama said that now more resources are available for Afghanistan.

Political will be universally satisfied. The Liberals say they gave George W. Bush too much credit, the Conservatives, is not enough. But I think he did it himself and his party some good tonight. He had the generosity of George W. Bush, firm in their intentions and obviously sincere in his praise of the troops. He had the presidency with a specific gravity of accessories that Americans expect and appreciate:

Cop Punches Woman

June 16, 2010 by · Comments Off on Cop Punches Woman 

Cop Punches Woman:Both women are exaggerating here. Obviously, the police is too. Make your own decision about whether the coup was justified. I think you could make a case that by the time the coup was launched, the police rightly felt he was losing control of the situation. (And hey, at least not used his Taser.) I think that the error occurred before: This started as a jaywalking citation. Was it really so important that women receive a fine for jaywalking that had to be persecuted and thrown into the patrol car? Even if she was trying to avoid the fine, it seems that at some point you realize what is at stake here (a single incident of someone undermining his authority to get away with a petty crime), and just let it go.

Cop Punches Woman Video:
