
Nicolas Sarkozy Carla Bruni Engaged 2007

February 4, 2012 by · Comments Off on Nicolas Sarkozy Carla Bruni Engaged 2007 

Nicolas Sarkozy Carla Bruni Engaged 2007, French president Nicolas Sarkozy has married ex-supermodel Carla Bruni in a “secret” ceremony at the Elysée Palace in Paris.
The wedding took place just two and a half months after they met, and three and a half months after he divorced his second wife.

They were married at 11am with François Lebel, mayor of Paris’s fashionable 8th arrondissement – in which the palace is situated – officiating.

Mr Sarkozy, 53, and Miss Bruni, 40, exchanged vows in a state room on the first floor of the presidential palace after a highly-publicised whirlwind romance.

Mr Lebel said: “I married two voters from the 8th arrondissement, who live at 55 rue du Faubourg St Honoré,” referring to the address of the palace, which is next door to the British Embassy.

“Historically, this is the first time in the history of the Republic that a president has married in the course of his term. It’s the first time a president has married at the Elysée,” he said.

“Carla married in white and looked ravishing,” Mr Lebel added.

Now the controversial model, whose past loves include Mick Jagger and Eric Clapton, will be France’s First Lady.

Suggesting that the wedding was a last minute, spontaneous affair, Mr Sarkozy announced the cancellation of a visit to the military base at Creil, north of Paris, due for Saturday afternoon.

One of the reasons for the sudden marriage was apparently next month’s planned state visit to Britain, with Mr Sarkozy concerned about being a guest of the Queen at Windsor Castle with only a “live-in lover” to accompany him.

Witnesses were Prada executive Mathilde Agostinelli – a close friend of the previous Madame Sarkozy – and Nicolas Bazire, managing director of Groupe Arnault and one of the richest men in France.

Also present was pop music guru Julien Civange and Farida Kelfa, a friend of Miss Bruni’s who works for Jean-Paul Gaultier.

Bernadette Chirac, the last First Lady of France before the retirement of her husband Jacques Chirac last year, said: “It’s great news. I send my very best wishes.”

Mrs Chirac added that “having a companion was useful for anyone, including a president of the Republic”, because she could be used “as a punch bag”.

“Speedy Sarko”, as the president is nicknamed, said last month: “There are strong chances that you will hear about it the wedding when it has already happened.”

Mr Sarkozy’s third marriage comes just three months after his divorce from Cécilia Ciganer-Albaniz, a former model and PR executive.

Three books have since been released on his former wife of 11 years, in which she paints her ex-husband in a highly unflattering light.

In one, she describes him as a “stingy philander” who loves “no-one, not even his own children”.

In late November, Mr Sarkozy met Miss Bruni at a Paris dinner party, where she sang a song for him. They have been inseparable ever since.

The pair appeared before photographers at Disneyland Paris three weeks later, and have since been on sunshine breaks to Egypt and Jordan, where they were pictured gallivanting on beaches in their swimsuits.

Miss Bruni, now a successful singer who recently admitted to finding monogamy “boring”, already has a room in the Elysée for herself where she can compose songs for her new album.

She has been seen sporting two large heart-shaped diamond rings bought by Mr Sarkozy as engagement gifts. One was almost identical to a ring he had bought for his former wife.

Marisa Tedeschi Bruni, Miss Bruni’s mother, confirmed that the president had asked for her daughter’s hand saying: “I said to him, ‘Monsieur le Président, I have no reason to refuse.'”

She said: “Carla is living an authentic love story. I think that they make a good couple.”

Mr Sarkozy’s fast-track romance and trips in private jets to exotic locations with his new love have, according to several polls, been viewed with anger at a time of economic turmoil in France.

He has two grown up sons, Pierre and Jean, from a first marriage, and Louis, a 10-year-old son from his marriage to Cécilia.

The new Madame Sarkozy has a seven year old son, Aurélien, from a previous relationship.

Nicolas Sarkozy Carla Bruni Met At Dinner Party

February 4, 2012 by · Comments Off on Nicolas Sarkozy Carla Bruni Met At Dinner Party 

Nicolas Sarkozy Carla Bruni Met At Dinner Party, Carla Bruni, the First Lady of France and wife of President Nicolas Sarkozy, has fuelled speculation that she is pregnant with her second child. Carla Bruni, who makes her acting debut in Woody Allen’s ‘Midnight In Paris’, failed to deny rumours that she is expecting when quizzed by reporters yesterday.

In an interview with French magazine ‘Le Parisien’, Bruni fended off inquiries by clutching a shawl to her stomach and saying, “My lips are sealed to protect something”. Asked by the reporter if the answer would be revealed in six months’ time, the First Lady giggled and said “Yes”. Answering questions from readers of the magazine, the 43-year-old said she regretted not being able to fully discuss the pregnancy rumours that surfaced last week, saying, “I would love to speak woman-to-woman of my family life, my personal dreams, of the details of certain things. Moreover I am very talkative. But here, in a way, I have my mouth sewn shut”. Bruni is currently in Cannes promoting ‘Midnight In Paris’, which opened the Film Festival today (11th April 2011). She plays a museum guide in Woody Allen’s romantic-comedy about a young family travelling to the French capital for business. The movie also stars Owen Wilson, Marion Cotillard and Rachel Mcadams.

Carla Bruni met the recently divorced French president Nicolas Sarkozy at a dinner party in November 2007. They married at the Elysee Palace in Paris on 2nd February 2008.

Carla Bruni Nicolas Sarkozy Secret Wedding

February 4, 2012 by · Comments Off on Carla Bruni Nicolas Sarkozy Secret Wedding 

Carla Bruni Nicolas Sarkozy Secret Wedding, French President Nicolas Sarkozy secretly wed singer and ex-model Carla Bruni in a ceremony at the Elysee Palace last week, sources reported Monday.

A source close to a witness at the wedding reportedly told the French newspaper L’Est Republicain that the pair married in on Thursday at the palace. Sarkozy’s communications director Franck Louvrier gave the paper an official no comment when asked about the reported nuptials.

English and Italian media were quick to pick up on the story with both the Daily Mail and La Stampa in Bruni’s hometown of Turin reporting on the marriage.
“It was a low-key ceremony,” the source said according to the Daily Mail. “Both the President and his new wife looked extremely happy.”

Bruni and Sarkozy have dominated front pages in recent weeks. The president, divorced less than three months ago from his second wife Cecilia, hinted last week that he planned to marry Bruni after delivering his New Year’s speech on Jan. 8.

“There’s a good chance you’ll find out about it when it’s already happened,” he said, according to reports.

Sarkozy, nicknamed the “bling-bling president” by the media, reportedly gave Bruni a pink heart-shaped diamond Dior engagement ring, while she offered him a Swiss-made Patek Philippe watch.

But when asked by Reuters about the secret marriage, Bruni’s mother didn’t have much to say.

“I don’t know, I am not aware of anything,” Marisa Bruni, Carla’s mother, told Reuters Monday. “I have just seen Carla and she didn’t mention anything.”

But, she added, “it could be, anything is possible. Maybe they got married without inviting anyone, but I think that if that was the case the Elysee would have made an announcement.”

Star-watchers said last week that anything would be possible for a Sarkozy-Bruni nuptial.

“Initially we imagined a royal celebration like Prince Rainier (of Monaco) and Grace Kelly had” in 1956, said Loic Sellin, editor of the popular magazine Voici. “Now we’re imagining something discreet. Although, actually, who knows? … He’s capable of throwing a wedding at Versailles and inviting his friends.”

The wedding would be the first for Bruni, an Italian-born heiress to a tire company who had a major modeling career and the love life to go with it. Bruni, now a singer, dated rockers Mick Jagger and Eric Clapton, tycoon Donald Trump and actor Vincent Perez. She has a young son, Aurelien, from a relationship with philosophy professor Raphael Enthoven.

With Bruni marrying for the first time, “I think she might need a white dress,” said Colombe Pringle, editor of Point de Vue magazine, who said she has called Bruni to congratulate her.

Ordinary French couples must tie the knot at the local mayor’s office — regardless of whether they also have a religious ceremony — with an official marriage notice published 10 days beforehand. Celebrities are not required to publish the notice in advance, and it’s possible that Sarkozy, as president, could get special treatment to ensure his privacy.

A wedding would mark the end of headaches for protocol planners in foreign countries Sarkozy plans to visit — including India later this month.

The sooner they marry, the sooner the presidency’s dignity will be restored, said Dominique Moisi of the French Institute of International Relations.

“As long as the possibility of the wedding is in front of him, there will be rumors, there will be media attention,” Moisi said. “The moment he marries her she becomes the first lady of France, and that’s it.”

President Nicolas Sarkozy And Carla Bruni

February 4, 2012 by · Comments Off on President Nicolas Sarkozy And Carla Bruni 

President Nicolas Sarkozy And Carla Bruni, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy gave the strongest indication yet that her husband will run for re-election in the spring, as new polls placed Nicolas Sarkozy just two percentage points ahead of Marine Le Pen, the National Front leader.

Mr Sarkozy is yet to officially launch his campaign to become the nation’s leader for a second five-year term, and he is expected to leave the announcement until the last minute.

But his 44-year old former supermodel wife gave a strong signal that he would run, saying she would “stand by him” if he chose to.

“If he needs me, I’ll be there,” said the first lady on her first official engagement since giving birth to their daughter Guilia in October.

“If my husband announces his candidacy, I will participate as much as possible.”

Praising Mr Sarkozy’s “superhuman abilities” in his “very difficult job”, she said: “He’s changed a lot over the past four years, because it’s the kind of job that would change anyone. It would change a tree or a stone.
