
Nancy Pelosi Plastic Surgery

March 5, 2012 by · Comments Off on Nancy Pelosi Plastic Surgery 

Nancy Pelosi Plastic Surgery, 2011 – In recent weeks, there’s been a flurry of speculation about whether House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, 71, has had plastic surgery. But unless she has some previously undocumented condition in which one’s face gets tighter with age, the answer is obvious, plastic surgeons say.

“A woman her age shouldn’t look that good,” says Dr. Anthony Youn, a Detroit-based plastic surgeon. “It appears that she has had a good amount of surgery … probably an eyelid lift and even a facelift.”

That should surprise no one, says Samantha von Sperling, a New-York-based political image consultant: No one talks about it, but everyone does it.

“Almost everyone who is over the age of 30 who is on camera all the time … has had work done, even if it’s just a monthly chemical peel,” says Ms. Sperling. “If you want to stay competitive in the televised arena of politics, you are spending serious money on your dermatologist, aesthetician, dentist, makeup artist and maybe surgeon.”

But in their rush to look forever young, some politicians may be neglecting another, more important demand of the video age: the ability to express emotion convincingly.

After a hurricane, a president must immediately fly to the disaster area and frown with concern at flattened houses. Been accused of sexual misconduct? Look aghast (eyebrows raised in surprise, nose wrinkled with disgust) and, if that doesn’t work, try contrition (downcast gaze, inner eyebrows lifted).

Politicians, take heed: The face is integral to the expression of human emotion, and cosmetic modifications to the face – whether surgical or pharmaceutical – risk seriously limiting expressive range.

Among the leading threats is Botox, which is commonly used to erase forehead creases, says Paul Ekman, emeritus professor of psychology at the University of California Medical School.

“The problem with Botox is that it makes you less expressive,” says Mr. Ekman, the nation’s foremost authority on the facial expression of emotion. “It may get rid of some wrinkles and it may make you look a little younger, but you are going to be less attractive to voters. … We don’t like people whose faces don’t move.”

Voters may read immobility in the face as impassivity, explains Jack Glaser, a public policy professor at the University of California, Berkeley. “If someone’s face is so swollen with Botox that they can’t raise their eyebrows when someone says something surprising, or they don’t appear to be able to smile comfortably, that could make them appear unfeeling,” he says.

No less important than emotional expression is the ability to use our 43 facial muscles to punctuate speech – adding emphasis with widened eyes, for example. Without those tools “voters are not going to pay as much attention to you,” says Mr. Ekman. “They will tend to drift off into their own thoughts, if you have a less expressive face when talking.”

Few would accuse Vice President Joseph R. Biden of being inexpressive, but during his 2008 debate against Sarah Palin, he did appear to have a case of Botox brow, Dr. Youn says. His immobile inner eyebrow and tendency to raise his outer brow when excited created a devilish expression.

“That arched eyebrow almost made him look evil,” says Dr. Youn.

Luckily, Botox’s effects wear off within five months, and Mr. Biden’s forehead is back to its usual lively self, says Dr. Youn.

Blessed with beautiful bone structure, Mrs. Palin and Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota appear not to have gone under the knife – and have retained their ability to emote effectively as a result, Mr. Ekman says.

The two have, however, very likely had chemical peels or laser treatments to stay fresh-faced, says Dr. Youn. “Chemical peels and laser treatments are very non-invasive, and they can have them done at lunch hour and look just fine afterward,” he says.

While Botox mutes emotional expression, some cosmetic procedures can actually make certain feelings easier to read, says Mr. Ekman. For instance, the frown lines that seem to have recently disappeared from Mrs. Pelosi’s face “make you look down or sour when you really aren’t,” he says.

Harry Reid Election Results

November 3, 2010 by · Comments Off on Harry Reid Election Results 

Harry Reid Election Results, A few years ago, people said that the Republican Party was the party leader and was still on the brink of extinction. Things have changed, no?

First was the unexpected victory by Republican Scott Brown in Massachusetts and New Jersey Chris Christie outspoken, charismatic Everyman “who want to reign in out-of-control government spending.

And last night’s results continued the trend with the elected candidates of all backgrounds. For example, in addition to the choice of Nikki Haley as the new governor of South Carolina, Marco Rubio, the son of Cuban exiles-earned high-profile Florida’s open U.S. Senate seat, given the amount of press coverage and is a political superstar.

In New Mexico, Susana Martinez becomes the first Latina to be elected governor in U.S. He was also responsible for perhaps the best trade policy throughout the campaign season.

One of the most absurd things that Senator Harry Reid, said during the campaign was that he could not understand how Latinos would vote for the Republican Party. Well, the governor-elect of Reid’s home state of Nevada, Republican Brian Sandoval, is of Hispanic descent. In a further irony, Sandoval defeated Rory Reid son in the election for governor.

Although it fell a bit short in the Senate, the Republican Party made historic gains, unprecedented in capturing the majority in the House of Representatives. This includes the choice of black Republicans, Tim Scott and South Carolina Lt. Col. Allen West (R) in Florida.

We should also mention that Mark Kirk, a Republican, captured former Obama Senate seat in Illinois, and will take office immediately instead of waiting until January.

Read the full article: Election Results: New Generation of diverse Republican leaders – Indyposted

Barney Frank

November 3, 2010 by · Comments Off on Barney Frank 

Barney Frank, BOSTON – USA Rep. Barney Frank, a favorite target of conservatives, going back to Washington for a period of 16 after hitting one of the toughest reelection campaigns in his nearly three decades in office.

Massachusetts voters rejected a challenge from GOP political newcomer Sean Bielat (BEE’-LAT).

Frank, chairman of the Financial Services Committee, had become one of the most powerful Democrats on Capitol Hill, while grazing in the initiative to reform Wall Street and the financial broader nation through projects regulatory legislation in the House.

That role helped make 70 years of age, a lightning rod for conservatives. The Republicans gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to Bielat, a businessman of 35 years-old former U.S. Marine.

John Boehner

November 3, 2010 by · Comments Off on John Boehner 

John Boehner, The president called Barack Obama the next president of the House – Rep. John Boehner, of Ohio – on Tuesday night after results of the midterm elections gave control of the Republican majority in the chamber from the following year.

The White House said Obama also called on two senior House Democrats – outgoing, Nancy Pelosi of California and outgoing Majority Leader Steny Hoyer – and the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. While Republicans won a majority in the House, Democrats maintained their majority in the Senate, although it will be much closer than the current 59-41 advantage.

In his talks with Boehner and McConnell, Obama told the two that I wanted to work on them and the Republicans “to find common ground, move the country forward and do things for the American people,” the statement from the House White.

Team Boehner issued a statement on Obama’s call, saying the two had a “brief conversation, but nice.”

“They discussed working together to focus on the priorities of the American people that Boehner has been identified as creating jobs and reducing spending,” Boehner said the statement.

“That’s what they expect,” Boehner was quoted telling Obama in the call, the statement said.

Earlier, Boehner told a victory rally that “it is clear that the real winners tonight are, and the American people.”

“With their voices, the American people are demanding a new way forward in Washington,” Boehner said, calling the conservative policies favored by the tea party to reduce spending and reduce the size of government.

Before the election, Boehner criticized Obama for saying recently that “this is not the time for compromise” if the Republicans win control of the House.

Harry Reid Polls

November 3, 2010 by · Comments Off on Harry Reid Polls 

Harry Reid Polls, In the Senate race in Nevada, which could be decided by less than a thousand votes, there is an important factor working in favor of Senator Harry Reid (D).

Harry Reid has said, and it is true that due to his hard work and respect you have in the Senate, which has saved or created tens of thousands of Nevada jobs. These jobs involve real workers in companies, projects and people who know that Harry Reid was there for them, very personal, and they will be there for him on election day.

Harry Reid, also says, and it is also true, which has struggled for a number of veterans in Nevada, in their personal stories, and an important new veterans center that allows Nevada veterans to receive quality care Nevada, rather than having to travel to California. These veterans of Nevada, Harry Reid, knowing she was there for them, very personal, and they will be there for him on election day.

Harry Reid, has personally helped a large number of voters in Nevada during his career in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

This human factor, life has not scored in the statistical analysis of the number of likely voters, but his loyalty to Reid, in response to his loyalty to them, could be decisive in a tight election.

We live in a political black hole attacks and counterattacks. The experts tell voters what to think. Pollsters say voters if they vote. Experts tell voters the election result before the elections have opened.

The fact is, Harry Reid, helped many voters and their families for many years a very personal way. They know it. They remember. For them this is personal. Can score in the polls as Democrat, Republican or independent voters unhappy, but will vote for Reid because Reid struggled to know them.

This is true in other races closely. Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and dozens of members of the House and Senate have helped many constituents will remember on Election Day.

It is why many Republicans in Nevada, Harry Reid, supports and warn about his opponent, Sharron Angle.

They know that Angulo has launched attacks against their opponents dishonest Republicans and Democrats, and has had virtually no connection or influence in the Nevada Legislature at a time when Nevada needs the influence and the influence of Harry Reid.

Angle says he is not the role of the Nevada senator to fight for jobs for workers in Nevada, the fight against foreclosures owners of Nevada, the fight for lower interest rates for card holders Nevada credit, or to protect Social Security for seniors in Nevada, which eliminated Angle.

Today is the last redoubt, Harry Reid, in political life. This is almost certainly the last time his name appears on the ballot.

The vote in Nevada will have a very close result. My guess is that Harry Reid, will win narrowly. This is the final battle, Harry Reid, but the cavalry is coming for Reid, of the voters who know personally when I needed it, Harry Reid led the cavalry charge to them.

Tip O’Neill was right. All politics is local, and this will save Harry Reid.

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