
Mitt Romney

December 8, 2011 by · Comments Off on Mitt Romney 

Mitt Romney, It’s no secret that Newt Gingrich has been married three times. But Mitt Romney wants to remind conservative voters that he, on the other hand, has been with the same woman for 42 years — and has five camera-friendly sons.

The Republican presidential candidate has come out swinging with a new ad casting himself as a devout, family man — drawing distinctions between himself and his chief rival who has admitted to extra-marital affairs and is a religious convert.

“I’m a man of steadiness and constancy,” Romney says in the TV spot as grainy home videos of his wife and five sons flashes on the screen.

“I don’t think you’re going to find somebody who has more of those attributes than I do,” the former Massachusetts governor added.

Clips from Romney’s speech in the ad come from a recent debate, in which he was accused of being a flip-flopper on several issues, including healthcare, abortion, climate change and immigration.

Romney does not call out Gingrich by name in the spot that’s set to air in Iowa and New Hampshire this week, but it’s being largely interpreted as a not-so-subtle attack on the ex-House Speaker who has recently emerged as a top-tier candidate.

As pictures of his wife Ann are shown, Romney says, “I’ve been married to the same woman for 25 – excuse me, I’ll get in trouble – for 42 years. I’ve been in the same church my entire life. I worked at one company, Bain, for 25 years.”

The religious swipe also seems to be aimed at Gingrich, who has been criticized by some conservatives for being raised Lutheran, but became a southern Baptist and then recently converted to Catholicism.

Gingrich’s team did not immediately return a request for comment.

But when asked if moral behavior was a legitimate issue on the campaign trail, he told CNN on Wednesday, “I think everything about a candidate has to be held into account.”
