
Million Dollar Money Drop

August 10, 2011 by · Comments Off on Million Dollar Money Drop 

Million Dollar Money DropMillion Dollar Money Drop, How to keep S $ 25,000 cash in hand? How does it feel to feel the weight of money as the fingers grasp the thick wad of cash? “It’s very empowering.” But then you know that is not yours and the feeling of power is gone, “said lawyer born in the UK turned-actor George Young with a smile.

Youth had the opportunity to handle packets of S $ 25,000 in real money when he was host of the upcoming Channel 5 game show “Million Dollar Money Drop”, where pairs of contestants are given S and 1 million in upfront cash.

Its aim is not to lose money as they go in responding eight multiple-choice questions. Response options for each question are represented by a trap door. Contestants put their money into the trap doors in any proportion they like, but the money trap doors that represent the wrong answers will be lost.

This continues until the last question where contestants must choose one of two answers and put all your money in that election.

Arrive to take home all the money that remains after the last question, that is, the profits can vary from S $ 1 million, if you put all the right questions, to zero if a fumble on the final question.

Security is tight – money is transported to the study of an escort convoy of seven vehicles and guarded by no less than twenty security guards throughout the recording of each episode.

Young was not even allowed to touch the real money packages to the contestants play, but still did what he could feel the cash every time you need a bit of “tidying up” on set.

“I’ve never been so close to a million dollars in my life. When we ever?”

“In cash, S $ 25,000 packages each, 40 of them.”

“When was never so close to [this much] money?”

“Never. Unless you worked in a bank vault, never ever seen that amount of cash,” Young said with a hint of excitement in his voice. ”

Getting all sentimental gentle with the money can be fun, but 31 years old, said to be the range of human behaviors exhibited by pairs of contestants that really attracts the series.

“We’ve seen couples in a relationship of struggle, to see the best of friends, how they react to each other, who is blaming who, who is taking the lead, it’s all psychology.”

“When you stick two people in front of a million dollars in real cash, this wild and crazy people can become very serious or serious people can turn only.”

“There can be a dominant person and a person who is more introverted, and then changing. Calm. Knowing what to do, they become suddenly in control,” said Young.

“You never know what to do until you see that kind of money and that’s what I like about the series.”

“I love to be a competitor, just to get to play with that money, knowing it’s yours from the beginning, knowing” If I understand correctly, this is home, ‘”said Young.

“Even if you went home with a single package, S $ 25000, which is a lot of money!”

“Million Dollar Money Drop” premieres after the National Day Parade on August 9 on Channel 5. Subsequent episodes will air every Wednesday August 17 at 8pm on the same channel.
