
Michelle Duggar

December 13, 2011 by · Comments Off on Michelle Duggar 

Michelle Duggar, Late last week we learned that Michelle Duggar suffered a miscarriage and lost what would have been her 20th child. Now the Duggar family plans to hold a memorial for the child they never had the opportunity to know. Keep reading to find out how this TLC reality family plans to cope with this loss.

In early November Michelle Duggar, and the entire Duggar clan, appeared on the Today show to announce she was pregnant again – with their 20th child. While some of the public was happy for the 19 Kids And Counting Family, some people were outraged that this 45 year old mother of 19 was going to be adding another baby to the family. The Duggars were thrilled with the news and Jim Bob said, “Michelle and I both feel like some of the most blessed parents in the world. Our children are so sweet… we are so grateful to God.”

Unfortunately for the Duggar family, they had to tell the public the sad news that Michelle had suffered a miscarriage. In a routine check-up Michelle and Jim Bob were told their baby no longer had a heartbeat. Jim and Michelle took to their website to thank their fans for the support they were shown, “On behalf of the whole Duggar family we would like to thank everyone for their prayers, emails and outpouring of love.”

Michelle Duggar

November 9, 2011 by · Comments Off on Michelle Duggar 

Michelle Duggar, With 18 kids still at home, one on the way and two grandchildren, how does Michelle Duggar get any rest?

“I am taking a power nap every day,” she tells PEOPLE. “And I’m eating a lot of protein and green vegetables and no caffeine, which is a new thing for me.”

Michelle, 45, and husband Jim Bob, 46, stars of TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting are expecting their 20th child after the premature birth of daughter Josie in Dec. 2009 following Michelle’s life-threatening preeclampsia.

“I read up a lot on preeclampsia [while pregnant with Josie],” says Michelle, “and it is a crazy, random thing. I have been getting counseled from a high-risk pregnancy doctor in Little Rock and taking good care of myself.”

The family’s frightening medical journey with Josie – born at only 25 weeks and weighing just over a pound – was documented on 19 Kids and Counting as the tiny micropremie was in and out of the hospital and Michelle’s own life was in danger.

Now, Josie has been released by Arkansas Children’s Hospital in Little Rock and is developing normally.

Michelle and Jim Bob watch her oxygen levels using a finger monitor. She accompanied her family on a recent trip to Europe (part of TLC’s Duggars World Tour: Scotland & Ireland, which airs Nov. 13 at 8 p.m.), and she also visited Israel with the whole family.

“The last day of the trip, Josie caught the cold that some of us had,” Jim Bob says. “She couldn’t fly back with a cold, so Michelle and Jill stayed longer in Israel with Josie.”

Michelle, who had just found out she was pregnant, says she had yet to experience any morning sickness.


December 11, 2009 by · Comments Off on Duggar 

DuggarDuggar,Michelle Duggar, star of the TLC show “18 Kids and Counting,” gave birth to her 19th child Thursday, according to a statement from TLC, which airs the program.

Josie Brooklyn arrived three months prematurely and weighed only 1 pound, 6 ounces. She was due March 18, according to the Duggar Family Web site.

Slideshow: The Duggar Family

Duggar, 42, was hospitalized last weekend for gallstones, and she was given an emergency Caesarean section Thursday evening.

“Michelle is resting comfortably, and baby is stable and in the NICU for extended care,” read a statement on TLC’s Web site. “The most important thing right now is for Mom and baby Josie to get as much rest as possible. The family is grateful for all the prayers and well wishes during their recovery.”

Dr. Manny Alvarez, chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Science at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey, told that a baby of Josie’s size could face many challenges.

“Some of these challenges could include cerebral palsy, deafness, blindness, chronic respiratory problems, chronic gastrointestinal problems and bleeding in the brain,” said Alvarez, who is also managing health editor of “Everything really depends on the first 30 days of life.”

Alvarez said Josie would most likely stay in the neonatal intensive-care unit for up to four months.

Babies typically can leave the NICU when they are able to breathe without support, maintain a stable body temperature, breast or bottle-feed and gain weight steadily.

Duggar, and her husband, Jim Bob, now have 19 kids whose names all begin with the letter “J.”

The Duggars’ eldest son, Josh, and his wife, Anna, recently gave birth to a baby girl too.

Click here to read more at Michelle Duggars’ blog.

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